Grilled champignons - an original snack! How to cook grilled champignons tasty: recipes and subtleties


In summer, unlike other seasons, everyone tries to get out more often to nature, breathe in fresh air, and take a break from the bustle of the city. And of course, such “sorties” cannot do without cooking various dishes on the grill: barbecue, baked potatoes, eggplant, grilled peppers, fish on the grill, you can’t list everything.

One of the dishes of summer cuisine - grilled mushrooms - is also popular. And there is an explanation for this: champignons are nutritious, tasty, affordable, due to the protein content they become an excellent substitute for meat, and they are cooked quickly and simply. Will we try?

Grilled champignons - general principles of preparation

To make the mushrooms on the grill tasty, choose fresh mushrooms without any signs of spoilage. Ideal young champignons of medium size.

Selected mushrooms are washed, if necessary, cleaned and thoroughly dried. After spread in a suitable size container and pour pre-prepared marinade.

Marinade is the basis of delicious grilled champignons. It is on the fill that the aroma, taste and juiciness of the finished dish depend. Without marinade, champignons often dry out and turn out to be tasteless, fresh.

Marinade is prepared on the basis of lemon juice, mayonnaise or sour cream, soy sauce. Be sure to add butter or vegetable oil, thanks to which a film forms on the surface of the mushrooms, which protects the mushrooms from drying out. All kinds of spices, herbs, salt are added to emphasize and enrich the taste of champignons. Do not put too many spices so that they do not interrupt the delicate taste of mushrooms. Mushrooms are marinated quickly: from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the mushrooms and their number.

Pickled champignons are laid out on a wire rack or strung on thin skewers, skewers.

1. Grilled champignons with spices in butter


• fresh champignons - half a kilogram;

• salt, allspice in powder - 20 g each;

• butter - the floor of the package;

• some sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Mushrooms are cleaned of excess dirt, washed and dried with paper napkins or towels.

2. Dried mushrooms are slightly salted and sprinkled with black pepper.

3. In the spaces between the leg and the cap of mushrooms, lay a piece of soft butter.

4. Transfer the mushrooms into a large cup, sprinkle with sunflower oil and mix thoroughly.

5. After 20 minutes of pickling, put the mushrooms on the grill in a row at a distance from each other of about one centimeter, bake for 30 minutes.

6. We serve the baked champignons on a flat plate, covering it with a leaf of lettuce, and next we set the plates with fried meat, fresh vegetables and favorite sauce.

2. Grilled champignons marinated in lemon juice


• 10 medium fresh champignon;

• ground allspice, salt - 30 g each;

• juice of one lemon;

• fresh basil leaves - 3 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Put the peeled, washed champignons in a deep cup, salt and pepper a little, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and basil leaves torn by hand.

2. Leave the mushrooms for an hour or two to marinate, covering the bowl with a lid.

3. After 2 hours, transfer the mushrooms to the grill and bake at a moderate temperature for half an hour.

4. Put the prepared mushrooms on portioned plates, 3 pieces each, put pieces of fried meat next to it, sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves.

3 Grilled champignons on skewers with vegetables


• fresh small champignons - 8 pieces;

• 4 small heads of onions;

• bell pepper pod;

• sunflower oil - half a glass;

• soy sauce - 30 ml;

• spice for meat dishes - one teaspoon;

• salt - 10 g.

Cooking method:

1. Small onions are cleaned, washed, cut into two halves.

2. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper, rinse, cut into large squares.

3. Put all the vegetables in a deep cup along with washed and dried mushrooms.

4. Add to the vegetables and mushrooms a little sunflower oil, soy sauce, add salt, season with spices and leave to marinate with the lid closed for a couple of hours.

5. We use marinade for such a grilled champignon recipe if desired, for example, you can make spicy: mix lemon juice with two tablespoons of olive oil, add salt with sea salt, season with thyme or some other Italian dry spicy herb. It can also be prepared on the basis of sour cream, which we mix with olive oil (two tablespoons) and mustard, ground coriander, allspice in powder and chopped basil leaves.

6. Soak wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes.

7. We put marinated mushrooms with vegetables on skewers, alternating: one champignon, half an onion, a square of pepper.

8. Put the skewers with mushrooms on the grill and bake a little less than half an hour, turning the mushrooms every 3-4 minutes.

9. We serve vegetables with champignons directly on skewers as a side dish for meat, next to it we spread beautifully leaves of dill and parsley.

4. Grilled champignons, baked with bacon


• half a kilogram of fresh champignons;

• salted pork fat - 150 g;

• 4 medium tomatoes;

• three onions.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into circles half a centimeter thick, cut the onions into large rings.

2. Cut fat into thin slices.

3. We string vegetables, mushrooms and lard on special wooden sticks, previously soaked in water, in the following sequence: champignon, a circle of tomato, a piece of salted lard, an onion ring.

4. Put the skewers on the grill and bake a little less than half an hour, not forgetting to turn over from time to time.

5. When serving, put skewers with mushrooms, vegetables and lard on a portioned dish, put a salad bowl with fresh vegetable salad next to it. Salad can be made from chopped thin strips of white cabbage, chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and green radish.

5. Grilled champignons, baked with cheese


• 10 medium freshly picked champignons;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• butter - 150 g;

• Dutch cheese - 150 g;

• allspice, salt - 10 g each;

• parsley leaves - 5 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic, mix them with pre-softened butter.

2. The resulting mixture is lubricated washed, peeled and dried mushrooms.

3. Put the mushrooms on the grill and fry for five minutes at moderate temperature.

4. After the allotted time, sprinkle the champignons with finely grated cheese and fry for another three to four minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

5. Serve on a plate with fried meat, lettuce, decorate with parsley stalks.

6. Grilled stuffed mushrooms


• 7 large fresh champignons.

For filling:

• a small piece of ham;

• 1 onion;

• some olive oil;

• processed cheese - 150 g;

• half a bunch of parsley and dill;

• nutmeg in dry form - 30 g;

• allspice, salt - 1 teaspoon each.

Cooking method:

1. We wash fresh, peeled mushrooms under running water, dry them a bit using a dry towel or paper towels.

2. Carefully cut the legs of the mushrooms so that they get something like a cup. It is better to use a teaspoon, rather than a sharp knife, so as not to pierce and damage the hat.

3. Prepare the filling: finely chopped peeled mushroom legs with a knife, combine with finely chopped ham and onions, also chopped with small crumbs, fry everything in a pan with olive oil for about five minutes.

4. We grate the processed cheese on a grater with small teeth, mix it with chopped parsley and dill, add nutmeg in powder, salt, pepper, mix with fried ham and mushroom legs, mix everything thoroughly.

5. Cooked cheese-mushroom mass begin prepared hats.

6. Put everything in a barbecue, put on a barbecue with hot coals and fry with frequent turning of the barbecue to a light brown crust.

7. When serving, we spread the stuffed champignons on a portioned plate covered with lettuce, as an independent dish. Next to it we put a plate with sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as a plate with brown bread.

Grilled champignons - tips

• Frozen, marinated mushrooms from a can are not cooked on the grill, only fresh mushrooms are suitable.

• It is better not to use small champignons, they are easy to dry and quickly burn out.

• Too large mushrooms can be cut into two or even four parts. Do this before pouring the marinade.

• Champignons go well with any vegetables, so you can safely alternate mushrooms with sweet pepper, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, onions. The cooking time for all these products is the same. But adding potatoes is not recommended, because the mushrooms will be ready, and the potatoes will remain damp.

• Grill mushrooms can be cooked either on the wire rack or stringing on skewers. In any case, do not forget to turn over the mushrooms during cooking.

• Sauce can be served with champignons: sour cream or garlic.

• Grilled champignons are delicious with a side dish of fried or boiled potatoes, baked or fresh vegetables, cereals, greens.
