The most useful liver: which one to choose and how to cook. The most high-calorie liver - the most useful, or vice versa?


The liver is a product that replaces several. If you regularly eat it, you can forget about the problems with anemia, and if properly and tasty cooked, diversify the table. Or is the calorie content of the liver an obstacle to choosing an offal?

Without a doubt, this is a fairly high-calorie product, regardless of what kind of liver it is. Yes, among several varieties, dietary can be distinguished, but, nevertheless, it is relative to each other.

Beef: the most optimal composition for a healthy liver?

Content per 100g.:

• Calorie content 120 - 130 Kcal .;

• Protein 18g .;

• Carbohydrates 5.5g .;

• Fats 4g.

In addition, beef liver contains such a quantity of microelements and vitamins necessary for the qualitative functioning of the body, which can replace several products:

• All B and Choline vitamins that help strengthen bone and muscle tissue;

• Vitamins A, C, D, PP in a complex that improve vision, speed up metabolism, are responsible for the quality of skin, hair, nails;

• Magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, contained in large quantities, fully provide the body with the necessary volume, which regulates the level of hemoglobin. These trace elements are necessary for smokers, since nicotine removes these chemical elements from the body;

• Phosphorus, zinc, selenium and copper - the elements necessary for the structure of the cell help fight aging, compensate for the deficiency in dietary nutrition.

Beef liver can be called a useful product. This is a common option. Most prefer it. It has a non-obsessive taste, and this is attractive when choosing. But is it the most healthy liver?

If you want to lose weight, 200 - 300g. a week will only benefit. The amount of carbohydrates in the product is minimal. If weight loss is not the goal, and its support is important, dishes from this product will be an excellent prevention of vitaminosis and building material for muscles.

Pork: low-calorie, then healthy?

Content per 100g.:

• Calorie content 110Kcal;

• Proteins 19g .;

• Fats 4gr;

• Carbohydrates 5g.

Vitamins and minerals, unlike beef liver, are not significantly, but differ, and which one can be called the most useful liver, depends only on what goals you have in your diet:

• Vitamins of group B;

• Vitamins A, C, E, PP;

• Potassium, fluorine, calcium and magnesium;

• Zinc, selenium phosphorus, copper;

Despite the fact that pork is one of the fattest foods, pork liver is a low-calorie product. When cooking, sufficient processing is necessary - the dish should not be raw.

In combination, microelements favorably affect the cardiovascular, reproductive system, if they are present in the body, the blood composition improves, the protective function of the body is sent.

Duck: the fattest, so not the most healthy liver?

Content per 100g.:

• Calorie content 400 - 405 Kcal .;

• Proteins 16g .;

• Fats 36 - 40g .;

• Carbohydrates 0g.

The vitamins and minerals of this product differ in some features:

• Duck liver does not contain vitamins such as C, D, E, and B12. These are the elements that are vital to the human body;

• The amount of Choline is quite high, which means that lipid metabolism in the body will always be normal, and despite the high fat content of the product;

• The high content of iron, zinc, iodine and chromium provides resistance to anemia, thyroid diseases, and eliminates problems with memory and brain activity.

The high calorie content of the product scares people who do not take into account that it is composed of fats and proteins, in the complete absence of carbohydrates. 100 grams of foie gras will certainly not harm you once a week, but daily use is unlikely to be beneficial.

Chicken: is the most healthy liver for children?

Composition per 100g.:

• Calorie content 137 - 138 Kcal .;

• Proteins 20 - 21 gr.;

• Fats 6 gr.;

• Carbohydrates up to 1g.

Vitamins and minerals:

• Vitamins of group B, PP .;

• Vitamin A, C;

• Potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese;

• Copper, zinc, chrome.

Chicken liver is always favored by its gentle and unobtrusive taste. Low calorie content and easy assimilation by the body made this product not only dietary, but also applicable to baby food. The main thing is not to fry the chicken liver, and to complete the meal with vegetables.

Cod liver

Composition per 100g.:

• Calories 600 - 615 Kcal .;

• Proteins 4g .;

• Fats 65 - 67g .;

• Carbohydrates up to 2g.

Vitamins and minerals:

• Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9. The absence of Choline (B4) in the composition does not favor a product so rich in fats;

• Vitamin A, C, D. High content and quality compound for the assimilation of each other and calcium;

• Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron in sufficient quantities, when consumed 100 gr. in Week.

• Omega 3 acids in combination with vitamin D make the product indispensable for people who refuse meat food.

The benefits of cod liver are so great that many athletes turn a blind eye to the calorie content of the product. 30 - 40 gr. for breakfast they will not spoil the figure, but only improve the metabolism, thanks to amino acids, the combination of which works in favor of splitting the accumulated reserves. This is by far the most beneficial fish liver.

The most healthy liver

Minimal heat treatment makes liver dishes the most healthy. Do not fry or bake the liver with oils, so you add calories to the dish, and complicate the task for your stomach.

Stew the product from the moment of boiling for no more than 20 minutes, if the pieces are about 5 by 3 cm.

Soaking the liver in milk before cooking, or using milk instead of water for boiling or stewing, will make the product tender and easier to digest due to milk protein.

Fans of ready-made liver pastes should know that the liver occupies up to 60%, which means that the benefits of the finished product are far from ideal.

Self cooked:

• beef liver stew with vegetables and cream;

• stewed pork liver with tomatoes;

• chicken or goose liver paste with carrots,

will be the perfect complement to a healthy and delicious home table.

For whom it is important to limit the diet of even the most healthy liver

Despite all the benefits, a rich list of vitamins and minerals in the composition, some should limit the amount of liver, or even refuse completely.

If a:

• You have an allergy, you need to completely abandon the liver, and monitor the composition of meat products;

• You are in old age, and the amount of cholesterol in the body is high, liver dishes can trigger the formation of cholesterol plaques;

• You have a suspected or suspected cardiovascular disease;

• You feel nauseous, heartburn after dinner with this product, it is possible that the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract begins, and you should consult a doctor before you eat high-calorie meals.

The most useful liver, in fact, is each, only you need to consider its content and calorie content. By choosing one product, you are depriving yourself of those trace elements and amino acids that another species is rich in. Proper preparation and dosage will benefit the body without the extra pounds, and the skin is fresh and youthful.


Watch the video: 15 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight (July 2024).