How is home cleansing of the face from black dots: what tools are effective? Methods for cleaning your face from blackheads at home


Black dots are a serious problem, and not only aesthetic.

Not only do they spoil even the most beautiful face. When the clogged time is inflamed, acne or blackheads appear in the place of comedones. If there are a lot of black dots, the face suffers very much and constantly.

The way out is timely home cleansing of the face from black dots.

How to prepare for cleansing your face from black dots

Cleaning is recommended in the salons, and it is possible to regularly contact a professional cosmetologist, you need to use it. If this is not possible, you will have to master the skill of cleansing your face. The main thing is to prevent infection at the time of infection.

The first stage of deep pore cleansing is steaming. Without preliminary preparation, the cleaning procedure is either completely impossible or it will not give the desired effect. Steaming is carried out according to a certain scheme:

1. wash with a suitable product - gel, milk, cosmetic soap, foam;

2. wipe the skin with an alcohol-containing lotion;

3. Steam your face by holding it over hot water vapor, a decoction of herbs, or simply applying a hot compress.

Steaming helps soften the greasy secret mixed with particles of dirt and dust. It is this dense mass that clogs the pore, forming a comedone, or black point. Thanks to softening, the contents of the clogged pores are removed more easily, and the pore itself is really cleaned. Dry, “cold” skin does not cleanse well, and literally in 2-3 days a black dot forms again.

Contraindications to home cleaning

Before you begin deep cleansing, make sure that the procedure is not contraindicated for you. Otherwise, you can not only harm your face, but cause dangerous inflammation, which will have to be treated in a hospital. The greatest danger of home cleansing is the spread of infection through the skin.

Contraindications to face cleaning at home from black dots are:

• rosacea, or vascular mesh on the face;

• acne;

• boils, abscesses;

• damage to the skin, including burns, cuts, scratches, bruises;

• tendency to allergic reactions;

• inflammation, irritation.

If the skin is injured, the reading is carried out after full recovery. In the presence of purulent formations, deep cleansing can be carried out only in the salon or dermatological office.

Methods for cleaning the face at home from blackheads

At home, you can use three cleaning methods:

mechanical cleaning;

deep scrubbing;

cleansing masks.

Quickly part with black dots helps mechanical cleaning. However, this is the most dangerous, traumatic and painful way to clean. It should be carried out extremely carefully. The pluses are that when cleaning, the contents of the pore are completely removed, that is, the sebaceous plug itself.

Scrubbing allows you to clean the top layer of dead cells - the so-called stratum corneum. The procedure affects only the upper part of the sebaceous plug, the scrub does not penetrate deep into the pores.

A cleansing mask dissolves the contents of the pore and then narrows it, helping the skin push dirt out. A mask is the least traumatic way to get rid of black dots.

The greatest effect is achieved by combining all three cleaning methods, or at least two. If you first use a scrub and then apply a mask, the effect of home cleansing your face from black dots will increase significantly. If the cleaning is done combined, that is, the individual elements are removed mechanically, then after the procedure the face will become perfectly clean.

Mechanical cleaning

This method of pore removal is based on mechanical extrusion of the contents of the steamed pore with your fingers or with a special tool - Uno spoon. It is sold in specialized stores, on some sites.

The sequence of the procedure:

1. the face is well cleaned of cosmetics;

2. steam the face;

3. wipe the entire face with an alcoholic tonic, lotion;

4. treat the area with which you intend to work, or the time itself with hydrogen peroxide 3%;

5. wrap clean, antiseptic treated hands with a sterile napkin or gauze;

6. pressing on the skin near the base of the pore, remove the sebaceous plug;

7. immediately burn a place with an alcohol solution (you can buy calendula tincture and process the wound precisely) or with hydrogen peroxide.

If cleaning is carried out with a Uno spoon, a sterile instrument should be applied to the pore and pressed along the edges. Treat skin with alcohol or peroxide.

Scrubs for home cleaning face from black dots

An effective scrub for deep cleansing of the skin can either be bought or prepared independently. Self-made product is no less effective than purchased. Moreover, sea salt, soda, coffee beans are ideal components of home scrub.

Salt and Soda Scrub

It is advisable to use sea salt for cleaning. It has many minerals that are beneficial to the skin. Along with deep cleansing, the procedure will heal the skin, relieve inflammation, give softness, even beautiful color, incredible tenderness. If the salt is too coarse, you must grind it in a coffee grinder or grind it with a mortar. Instead of sea salt, you can take the usual table - the effect of purification will be no worse.

Salt and soda should be mixed in equal amounts, add a binding component, for example, any face cream, and rub the area of ​​the black spots. Rub the scrub intensively enough so that the composition penetrates deeper, but not injure the skin. Leave the mass on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse. Wipe the face with tonic, apply a light cream.

Coffee scrub

A popular home cleanser works well with black dots. You can rub steamed skin with ground coffee beans. But it’s best to mix coffee with face wash. The composition will be better to glide on the skin, which means less damage to it. After processing, the scrub should be washed off immediately.

Oatmeal scrub

Grind flakes of ordinary Hercules in a coffee grinder, mix with olive or linseed oil and massage the places of accumulation of comedones. Treat the skin vigorously, leave the composition for 15 minutes, then rinse. The beauty of this remedy is the combination of deep cleansing and nutrition, moisturizing. For the sensitive dermis, this is one of the few methods of deep cleansing and intensive care.

Rice flour scrub

If you grind rice grains in a coffee grinder, you will get a wonderful base for making homemade scrub. It remains to be mixed with cream or sour cream - and the cleanser is ready. After rubbing, the composition is left on the face for about 15 minutes, then it is washed off and rubbed on the face with tonic. If the skin is oily, add ½ tsp to the scrub. Fresh Lemon Juice.

Masks for cleaning the face of black dots at home

Cleansing masks are in almost any line of makeup products. Their disadvantages are high price, aggressive effect, unnatural composition. Constantly using such funds is undesirable.

Make a deep cleansing mask yourself. It is cheap, safe and fairly effective provided it is used regularly. It is advisable to apply homemade masks immediately after scrub: from this, the cleansing procedure will become most effective.

Famous protein foam

This mask is actually the most popular. All that is needed is to separate with raw white, beat it with a fork or a mixer in foam and apply on the face with a brush or cotton pad. The first layer dries instantly. Then apply a second coat. Layered in this way 6 layers. After the latter has dried, rinse the protein. An important point: the mask is suitable for oily skin. Dry it will dry even more.

Charcoal gelatin mask

Gelatin and activated carbon are an excellent base for cleansing your face at home. This composition frees from black dots instantly. You need to dissolve the gelatin powder according to the instructions (take 1 tbsp. L., Pour 2 tbsp. L. Boiling water, warm after swelling in a water bath) and mix the liquid with two tablets of powdered activated carbon. Apply the mixture to comedones, after drying, pull the film and remove it. Together with gelatin, a sebaceous plug will come out.

Mask with protein and aloe juice

This composition is suitable for owners of dry skin. Thanks to aloe juice, you will not only clean the pores, but also relieve inflammation and regulate the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Whipped protein mix with 1 tbsp. l aloe juice (you can buy extract at the pharmacy) and apply to comedones for 15 minutes. If the skin is oily, add ½ tsp. lemon juice, if oily - the same amount of linseed or olive oil.

Mask with hercules and boric acid

An effective mask with a fairly aggressive effect, so owners of skin with hypersensitivity are not suitable. Grind a tablespoon of Hercules in a coffee grinder, drip 4 drops of boric acid, dilute with kefir until a creamy mass is obtained. Massage the area to be cleaned, leave for 15 minutes.

Mask with hercules and soda on kefir

Less aggressive, but very effective composition. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and dilute kefir on a tablespoon of hercules ground in flour. Scrap your face, leave the mass for 15 minutes.

Home skin cleansing is effective if you do it not from time to time, but regularly. Use a home scrub and masks at least 2 times a week. In this case, the skin will delight in health and cleanliness.


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