Mayonnaise muffin - this is a twist! Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes with Raisins, Jam, Cocoa, Starch, Butter and Kefir


It turns out that mayonnaise can be not only an ingredient for salads, but also an indispensable component of the dough. On its basis, you can cook amazing homemade muffins with a variety of tastes and let the strange composition not be afraid. Everything will turn out in the best possible way!

Mayonnaise cupcake - general principles of preparation

You can use homemade mayonnaise for the dough, but any purchased sauce is also quite suitable. It is usually based on eggs and butter, which is why it is great for making dough. Sometimes the ingredients of the mayonnaise exfoliate, the liquid leaves. In these cases, the sauce must be well mixed in a separate bowl before adding to the main dough. Sometimes it is first combined with some other products and only then transferred to the total mass.

What else is put in the cupcake dough:



milk products;

other fats (butter, margarine);


For taste, nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits are often added, for aroma they put zest, vanilla, cinnamon. But there should not be too many of them so that the cupcake does not turn out to be too heavy and dense. For splendor, soda or a ready-made baking cultivator is placed in it. He does not need additional cancellation.

For baking, you will need molds and an oven. You can cook small cupcakes or one large. Sometimes use a slow cooker. In this case, additional forms are not needed, a cake is baked in the main bowl.

Raisin Mayonnaise Cupcake

The recipe for the simplest, but delicious and sweet mayonnaise cake. Raisins are used as an additive. Here it is steeped, but if the grapes are not dry, then just rinse well enough. By the way, this dough can be used to bake fake Easter cakes, they turn out soft, do not stale for a long time.


three eggs;

1.25 cups of granulated sugar;

250 grams of mayonnaise;

2.5 cups flour (standard);

100 grams of raisins;

0.7 tsp ordinary soda.


Immediately sort out the raisins, fill it with warm water. So the grapes will swell, become juicy, there will be a lot of them in the test.

Send fresh chicken eggs to a large bowl. If small specimens of the second category are used, then we take one more. Beat a couple of minutes without granulated sugar, then pour it and beat until all the grains are completely dissolved.

It's time to gently mix the mayonnaise.

Sift the flour. Squeeze the raisins. We put it on a napkin, press it with the dry side and wipe it as if. Pour into flour, stir.

We send the flour with raisins to the dough.

We begin to stir and enter the quenched soda. To neutralize the taste, you can use vinegar, lemon juice or diluted acid.

Stir the dough and pour immediately. The form should be ready by this moment. Distribute in an even layer.

We send to the preheated oven (approximately 180-190). Cooking a cupcake until rosy color. Do not forget to check the crumb with a stick. After cooling, we decorate the mayonnaise cake with powder.

Chocolate mayonnaise muffins

According to this recipe, you can cook not only small muffins on mayonnaise, but also one large one. In this case, lower the temperature and increase the baking time. The taste will depend heavily on cocoa powder, take a quality, sugar-free chocolate product.


two glasses of flour;

three eggs;

10 grams of cultivator;

three tablespoons of cocoa;

a glass of mayonnaise;

a glass of sand;



Turn on the oven. Let the stove warm up to 200 degrees, or 180 if one large cupcake on mayonnaise is baked.

Mix cocoa powder, baking powder and wheat flour in a sieve. Sift it all together.

Break the eggs into another bowl, immediately add the prescription sand to them. Beat until dissolved for about five minutes. If there is no lush foam. That's okay, the ripper will fix everything.

We mix a glass of mayonnaise, then we pour the chocolate flour with cocoa powder, which was prepared earlier.

Put the mixed dough into molds. You can use small silicone cups or paper capsules with coasters or one large container. Lubricate metal molds. We fill it by 2/3, we don’t impose more dough, since it will still rise during baking.

Cook the mayonnaise muffins in the oven until dry.

We take out, cool, sprinkle with powder. Can be coated with chocolate.

Egg-free mayonnaise cupcake

A very convenient recipe that can become a real lifesaver. Baking is excellent even without eggs.


a glass of sugar;

a glass of milk;

125 grams of mayonnaise;

1.7 cups flour;

10 g of ripper;

1 tsp zest;

1 tsp oils.


You can make this cupcake with lemon or orange zest. If necessary, they can be replaced with vanilla or cinnamon, the aroma will be different, but also pleasant.

Mix mayonnaise and milk. Whisk with a whisk until smooth.

Add sugar, continue to stir and after a couple of minutes, throw flour with zest and ripper. Bring the dough to homogeneity.

Lubricate any existing form, pour the dough with mayonnaise, send it to bake.

Cook the mayonnaise cupcake for about 45 minutes, temperature 180, check with a toothpick.

After baking, let stand a little, then remove. Decorate with powder or grease with jam.

Starch Mayonnaise Cupcake

Flour is also added to this dough, but it is distinguished by the presence of starch. Optionally, along with the zest, you can throw a handful of dried fruits or nuts. But only washed and cut.


two glasses of flour;

a glass of starch;

two eggs;

a glass of mayonnaise;

250 grams of softened margarine;

a glass of sugar;

15 grams of bag ripper;

zest with one lemon.


Margarine should be softened well, then beat it until splendid for several minutes. We introduce granulated sugar, continue to wield the mixer until completely dissolved.

Gradually add mayonnaise, then eggs. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass resembling a cream.

Flour should be poured into a dry bowl or sifted into it, add starch, followed by a cultivator and chopped lemon peel. But you can also take an orange or plain vanillin. Stir.

Pour the starchy mass with flour into the dough, stir. At this point, you can add dried fruits or nuts.

Transfer to smeared. A mold sprinkled with a thin layer of flour.

This cake is baked on mayonnaise also at 180 degrees. On average, about 40-45 minutes, but it is better to check the readiness with a match or a toothpick. The stick should remain dry.

Butter Mayonnaise Cupcake

The recipe for the most tender cake with butter, mayonnaise. For the filling, you can choose to use jam, jam, boiled condensed milk.


150 grams of oil;

a glass of sugar;

five tablespoons of mayonnaise;

a pair of eggs;

10 g vanilla sugar;

10 g of baking powder;

a glass of filling.


Cut the butter into slices, melt on a stove or just in the microwave. Leave on for about fifteen minutes to let it cool completely.

Mix eggs and sugar, beat at high speed with a mixer, a good froth should appear. We lay mayonnaise, stir.

Enter the previously melted, but already cooled butter, mix again.

Add all the dry ingredients, mixed together. We immediately shift the semi-liquid dough into the mold.

The oven by this moment should warm up to 180. We put our billet in it. Bake for about half an hour, if necessary, increase the time by another ten minutes.

We take out the cake, cool, but not quite, let it stay a little warm. Cut into two layers.

Stir the filling, grease one part, cover with a second layer. Let the cake soak and cool completely. Top can be dusted.

Cupcake on mayonnaise and kefir in a slow cooker

A wonderful recipe for a kefir mayonnaise cupcake. He cooks in a slow cooker on a baking program. But you can also use the oven. In this case, set the temperature to 180 degrees.


two eggs;

a glass of sugar;

ripper spoon;

half a glass of mayonnaise;

1.5 cups flour;

0.5 cups kefir;

0.5 cup candied fruit, nuts, raisins.


Pour granulated sugar into the eggs. Beat well until foam.

Mix mayonnaise and kefir until smooth. You can take yogurt for dough. Pour to the eggs.

Stir flour and cultivator. If desired, we throw zest, vanilla, cinnamon or any other flavoring.

We combine the egg mass with flour.

Add washed raisins or other dried fruits, chopped nuts or candied fruits can be used. Stir and the dough is ready.

We surely grease a bowl of multicookers. We use a piece of butter, it will give a beautiful crust.

Pour the dough, set the program for baking, prepare a cupcake for about 80 minutes.

Mayonnaise Cupcake - Useful Tips and Tricks

The dough for muffins needs to be well mixed so that it turns out homogeneous, but it is also impossible to upset the foam. Make it a rule to connect the bulk with flour with a spatula, gently raising the dough from bottom to top in a circle.

Spiced muffins can be prepared with zest, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, but baking with “dry spirits” is especially successful. This is the name of the mixture for Christmas sweets, in which the spices are collected in a certain proportion.

Any recipe for the dough can be made chocolate, but do not forget to subtract the flour. Otherwise, the dough will turn out cool, the crumb will be hard and will crumble.

If you need to beat eggs in steep foam, then take a clean bowl and preferably not plastic. Glass, enameled containers are ideal for whipping, it can even be an ordinary pan.


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