Rye buns - for proper, tasty and healthy nutrition! Recipes of rye buns on water, kefir, milk, with bran, onions and sesame seeds


Rye pastries are very healthy, but the range of products in the store is very scarce. If you can find delicious bread or rolls in the departments of healthy eating, then their cost is not very affordable. Why not bake it yourself?

Rye buns - general principles of preparation

Rye buns are never baked with only dark flour. Wheat flour of the first, higher or second grade is always added to them; in addition, bran may be present in the recipe, but in a small amount. For kneading buns, you will also need liquid. It can be milk, water, kefir, diluted sour cream.

What else is put in the dough:

• salt, sugar;

• butter;

• egg.

Buns are not always cooked with yeast. Often they are replaced with baking powder. Yeast dough will take time to rise. Rye flour has a higher acidity than wheat flour. Therefore, she does not need to stand for a long time, it is enough for the test to rise well once, then hold the buns on the baking sheet.

Before baking, rolls can be greased with an egg, just yolk or water. Often products are sprinkled with sesame seeds, poppy seeds. Bran or nuts. A simple oven is usually used for baking. Set the temperature in the region of 180 or 200 degrees. The time depends on the size of the buns.

Simple rye buns on the water

The recipe for simple rye buns on dry yeast and water. They are suitable as a basis for sandwiches, as well as for multi-part burgers.


• water 0.25 liters;

• 220 grams of rye flour;

• 220 g of white flour;

• 7 g of fast dry yeast;

• salt of 0.5 tsp;

• 10 grams of sugar;

• 40 ml rust. oils.

Additionally one yolk, a little sesame.


1. Combine both types of flour, stir, leave on the table so that it warms up.

2. Heat the water, add prescription sugar to it, introduce yeast. Stir, leave for ten minutes.

3. Add salt, add vegetable oil. Stir everything and begin to add both types of flour. Knead the dough, mash until smooth and uniform. Cover with a napkin a bowl, leave the rye mass for an hour.

4. Divide the raised dough into pieces of 120 g, this is if the rolls are for burgers. In other cases, the size can be changed.

5. Make neat balls from the dough, place the rye buns on a baking sheet, leave another thirty minutes to rise.

6. Pour a few drops of water to the yolk to make the mass flowable, stir well. Lubricate the rolls. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, but this is not necessary.

7. We send to the stove. Baked rye rolls at 200 degrees.

Rye buns without yeast (kefir)

For such rye rolls, you can use not only kefir, but also any other sour-milk drinks. Great yogurt. The fat content of the main product does not matter.


• 200 g of kefir;

• 120 g of flour;

• 120-150 g of millet flour .;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 20 ml rust. oils;

• 10 grams of sugar;

• salt, one egg.


1. Introduce soda into a warm fermented milk product, stir. It is better to pour kefir, as the reaction will go, the mass will increase in size.

2. Add a couple of pinch of salt, add sugar according to the recipe. Fill the oil, shake everything well until smooth.

3. First we introduce rye flour, knead thoroughly, then add wheat flour, we achieve the desired consistency. The dough should be soft. But when laid out on a flat surface, it should not spread.

4. Let the rye mass stand for a quarter of an hour.

5. Divide the dough into pieces. We form rye rolls of arbitrary shape and size, immediately transfer to a baking sheet.

6. Break the egg, spread with a fork, grease the buns. You can sprinkle with something, for example, sesame seeds. Bake until tender.

Rye buns with onions

A recipe for very fragrant rye buns with onions. They are prepared with yeast on the water, on average, the whole process will take about 2.5 hours.


• 230 g of white flour;

• 210 g rye flour;

• 0.25 liter of water (warm up);

• 0.7 tsp salts;

• 1 tsp fast dry yeast;

• 1 onion head;

• tablespoon of sugar;

• 50 ml of oil.


1. Mix 0.5 cups of wheat flour with dried yeast and sugar. Gradually pour warm water into this mixture. Stir so that no lumps appear. Leave the dough for 25-30 minutes, for the rye dough this time will be enough.

2. Peel one medium-sized onion, cut into very small and thin cubes, pour into a dough. Put salt, stir.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the dough. Mono for these buns to take a product with a smell. It will be delicious.

4. Pour the rest of the wheat flour and put the rye flour. Knead the soft dough with onions, carefully mash it to achieve maximum uniformity. Leave to come.

5. Once the dough rises once, but well, you can sculpt the rolls. Put the mass on the table, divide into pieces. We roll the balls or give the products a different shape. Transfer to a greased baking sheet.

6. Leave the rolls to rise on a baking sheet, then grease with an egg, bake.

Rye buns with bran

For such rye buns, any loose bran will be needed. Granular products will not work. Typically, rye and wheat bran are found in stores, and oat is less common.


• 200 ml of warm water;

• 30 g of bran per dough;

• some bran for sprinkling;

• 7 g of yeast;

• 120 g rye flour;

• wheat flour;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 25 g of sugar;

• 0.6 tsp salt.


1. Connect the bran with rye flour. Stir.

2. Mix warm water for rye dough with sugar. Salt and yeast, leave for three minutes, let all the lumps dissolve.

3. Add oil to the yeast mixture, add rye flour with bran, stir and add wheat flour. We add until the dough has acquired the desired consistency.

4. We clean in a warm place. Give once a good rise.

5. Divide the dough into buns. We give them the desired shape. You can make balls, little balls, nodules, weave braids. Transfer to a baking sheet.

6. Let stand still on the baking sheet. About twenty minutes.

7. Grease rye pastries with water, sprinkle bran on top.

8. Put the baking sheet in the oven, bake.

Rye buns with three kinds of flour

Another yeast recipe for rye buns. It uses three different types of flour: first grade, premium, peeled rye flour. Dry ordinary yeast from a sachet.


• water 0.3 liters;

• salt with sugar;

• 1.5 tsp loose yeast;

• a glass of white flour;

• one glass of rye flour .;

• a glass of flour of 1 grade or another type of coarse grinding;

• 30 ml of oil;

• egg, sesame seeds.


1. Heat water, the amount is indicated in the recipe. Mix with yeast and wheat flour, add one tablespoon of granulated sugar. Put the resulting talker in heat for 30 minutes.

2. Add 2/3 teaspoon of salt and another spoonful of sugar to the dough, add any vegetable oil, delicious rolls are obtained with olive.

3. We mix everything well, then we pour the rye flour, and then introduce the first grade flour. Or we use any other type of coarse grinding, on sale you can find 2 grades.

4. Knead the dough. If there is little flour, then add any white look.

5. Leave the rye dough for a good rise in the heat.

6. Next, we sculpt any rolls, transfer to a baking sheet, let them rise on it.

7. Before baking, grease rye products, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Rye buns on milk

A variant of delicious and sweet buns with the addition of rye flour and butter. This pastry can even be used for sweet sandwiches, it is great to diversify the boring diet of adherents of proper nutrition.


• 0.28 liters of milk;

• 55 g oils;

• 11 g of yeast;

• 40 g of sugar;

• 0.25 kg of rye flour;

• 0.25-0.28 kg of wheat flour;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 2 eggs.


1. Melt the butter. You can use margarine for the test.

2. Mix the warmed milk with yeast, add sugar and salt to them, wait for the complete dissolution of the ingredients in the liquid.

3. Shake one egg, add.

4. Pour previously prepared oil. For flavor, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, the buns with them turn out much tastier. Stir.

5. Introduce the flour, try to fill up the whole rye product first. Then achieve the desired consistency with wheat flour.

6. As usual, remove the dough in a warm place and wait for a good rise.

7. Sculpt any buns or small loaves. We shift them onto a baking sheet, wait for the rise.

8. Grease with an egg that did not go into the dough, bake.

Rye buns with poppy seeds in 40 minutes

Another recipe for rye buns without yeast. They are cooked on sour cream very quickly and simply.


• 200 g sour cream;

• 70 ml of kefir;

• 1 package of cultivator;

• one glass of hw. flour;

• wheat flour .;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• salt, a small egg;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• a bag of poppy seeds.


1. Mix kefir with sour cream, salt, add a spoonful of granulated sugar. You can sprinkle more if you need sweet rolls.

2. Add vegetable oil. Pour rye flour with a cultivator, mix.

3. Add wheat flour to the dough as needed. Knead a very soft, slightly sticky mass.

4. Divide the dough into small balls. Make the size with one chicken egg. Transfer to a baking sheet, grease with an egg, sprinkle with poppy seeds.

5. Set to bake at 180 degrees.

Rye Buns - Tips & Tricks

• Rye flour is coarser and the sieve must be used to sift accordingly.

• You can also enrich baked goods from dark flour with ground oatmeal, corn, and buckwheat flour. They are also very useful for the body.

• Rye dough often sticks to your hands; when cutting, grease your palms with vegetable oil as often as possible. The countertop also needs to be processed.


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