How to whiten your teeth at home?


Many modern girls dream to effectively whiten their teeth, because the white tooth enamel is a sign of beauty. You can quickly whiten your teeth at home without damaging the enamel, do not use laser bleaching. The best way is using folk remedies: they will remove unwanted plaque, no worse than in dentistry. And the cost of such a procedure will be several times lower.

How to whiten your teeth without harm to enamel at home

Smoking (which is bad for not only enamel), eating sweet in large quantities, frequent drinking coffee, black tea, the use of unsuitable for you paste can make your smile not so white. The best and easiest way is to whiten your teeth at home. activated carbon, soda, lemon or hydrogen peroxide. You can also use special tools for whitening. Via capsand gel - effectively remove plaque! This gel is difficult to find in the pharmacy. But you can easily order it on the Internet - such a tool will give an incredible result.

The best way to whiten teeth at home

Effectively whiten your teeth at home will help you daily cleaning with a soft brush that does not hurt the enamel. Home teeth whitening is a very dangerous thing - it is also harmful to health, as is bleaching hair. But before you do this procedure yourself, you need to make sure of the following facts:

  • Your enamel not too sensitive and good will transfer the process.
  • You a small amount of fillings
  • No allergies for the funds that you will use, for example, soda or hydrogen peroxide.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding You should also abandon this idea.

Teeth whitening methods

There are several common methods of whitening at home, judging by the reviews of Internet users. The main thing is to follow the instructions. You can try several types to see for yourself whether the procedure helps or not.

Tea tree oil for teeth whitening at home

If you want to get rid not only from flyingbut also get rid from tartarthat is, a special way to do this. First you need brush your teethand tongue ordinary paste. After that, apply on the brush 100% tea tree oil and repeat the procedure again. Such a tool does not harm. After it is recommended very rinse thoroughly with water (tongue and cheeks may be a bit numb).

Homemade Lemon Whitening

To whiten your teeth with lemon You just need to rub the skin (without the pulp) for a few minutes, or add a few lemon juice into the paste. Then rinse your mouth. This method is not suitable for people who often use strong black tea or coffee.

Activated carbon - the best way

Will need 1 - 2 tablets of activated carbonwhich need to be finely crushed in a saucer. Dip a wet toothbrush in charcoal and brush your teeth as usual. This is a good option that can not harm your gums. Use this recipe 2 - 3 times a month to achieve a result - in 30 days your smile will start to become whiter.

Soda, hydrogen peroxide - quickly and efficiently

Teaspoon soda dilute hydrogen peroxide before the formation of gruel and apply to the brush. The cleaning time is three minutes. Already after the first application, a snow-white result is noticeable. Of course, this method is not suitable for people with sensitive enamel, it can badly affect their health. After carrying out such procedures at home, you need to abandon the use of products that contain food coloring - they can change the color of enamel. Try to do without coffee and tea (or at least reduce the amount of consumption).

Special teeth whitening products

If you do not want to use the popular method of teeth whitening at home, then you can come whitening strips or special pencil. But the prices for such funds are quite high.

Teeth whitening gel and caps

You can use and special gel, which is simply applied to all teeth, and then gradually washed off with saliva. But more effective is the use of such a gel together. with cap- it is put on the upper and lower teeth, in order to avoid getting the gel on the mucous membranes of the mouth. For such purposes it is better to use special gelsthe basis of which is carbamide peroxide. This option will provide fast and reliable results.

Teeth whitening pencil

If you need maintain whitebut you do not expect to whiten completely, it is safe to choose tooth pencil. This is the best way to remove unwanted cigarette or coffee stains on a trip, for example. This cosmetic contains gelwhose concentration is too low to remove plaque or tartar from all teeth. But it will certainly help you!

Teeth whitening strips crest whitestrips

According to Internet users, the best whitening strips are strips "Crest Whitestrips". The use of such strips somewhat resemble a system with hydrogen peroxide when using a cotton swab. Manufacturers of these strips promise that the color will be 5-6 shades lighter, and you will get a beautiful and healthy appearance. You can order them online via the Internet. They will whiten your teeth very carefully, they are not capable of harming enamels, but the most important thing you need to know is that these procedures take 14 days.

  • You remove the protective layer from the strip and glue its gum lines (bend the remaining protruding edge inward) and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Glue the strips on the upper and lower teeth.
  • A set of such strips will provide you with professional care, and such a problem as yellowness will cease to exist.
  • How much does such a set cost? About 5 thousand rubles.

In addition to these strips there is a special adaptation - "White smile" for whitening at home. The cap, special gel and an ultra-violet lamp enters a set. The gel is applied to the mouth guard, the mouth guard is put on the upper and lower teeth. After which the top is inserted ultraviolet lamp. The duration of such a procedure is from 15 to 25 minutes.

Cosmetic teeth whitening

You will be prompted to wear kapu with gelwhich will be highlighted LED lamp. The duration of this process is about 15 minutes. Teeth will be 9 tones brighter than they were originally. This is the most popular way to whiten teeth today.
Watch the video to learn more about how this procedure goes.

Teeth whitening in dentistry: reviews

Professional teeth whiteningis not cheap. But for such a result is not terrible to give that kind of money. This procedure is a special lamp ZOOM, which highlights light activated gel from hydrogen peroxide. The procedure lasts 1 hour. Before it is recommended to brush your teeth.
And how does this procedure in the clinic, you can see in the video below:

Laser teeth whitening - cost and reviews

The most effective is laser whiteningwhich is suitable for people with sensitive enamel and gums. It consists of three stages of applying a special gel, activated by a laser beam.

Means in a pharmacy for teeth whitening

From pharmacies, judging by the reviews, most often buy whitening paste, either a special pencil. But be careful, such pastes are very strong. spoil the enamel! Consult a dentist before applying the paste containing bleaching particles. These types of pastes are very expensive, and the effect of them is small.


Watch the video: How to Whiten Really Yellow Teeth : Dental Health (June 2024).