The meaning of the name Adeline, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Adeline mean, what is its origin and history?


Name - a kind of code that defines the main points of a person’s fate. What does the name Adeline mean? What is the origin and history of the name Adeline?

The meaning of the name Adeline

Adeline is noble. The name was given to girls from noble families. It was common in ancient Greece, where it came from. The zodiac sign that patronizes Adeline is Pisces. This makes the girl sentimental, tender.

The planet that controls the fate of Adeline is Venus. This planet of love, family, femininity. Therefore, Adeline grows up as a little princess, a beloved girl in the family. The color that suits her more than others is lilac.

The tree from which you can make a talisman for Adeline - willow. From it you can make a talisman, jewelry that will restore the energy spent per day, restore health.

The flower that protects her is a lily. He is as gentle and feminine as the girl herself. Patroness in the animal kingdom is horse mackerel. The stone that will become the mascot for the girl is pearl.

The origin and history of the name of Adeline

The name has ancient Greek roots and was one of the most popular in the higher castes of Greek society. The meaning of the name is noble; it also determined the attitude to the child around. They tried to give the baby all the best.

For short, the girl was called Dela, Ida, Adele. In the Christian tradition there was no saint of the same name, so Adeline does not celebrate a name day. Today, the name does not have such popularity as in ancient times.

The character and fate of Adeline

Adeline is diligent and persistent in learning and learning new things from early childhood. Adeline is smart and has a lively mind from birth. She is much superior to peers. Parents are madly proud of their erudite and flexible girl. It is worth highlighting the positive character traits of Adeline:

• obedience;

• perseverance;

• Mind;

• A thirst for knowledge;

• balance;

• Curiosity;

• The flexibility of the mind.

The positive character traits of Adeline can be enumerated endlessly, but parents should not unnecessarily overload the girl at an early age. Sometimes, from excessive pride, parents begin to give Adeline incredible tasks, to pin unimpressive hopes. She tries her best, but at the same time, loses the important moments of her childhood.

Adeline has a unique memory and developed intuition. This allows her to find a compromise in communication with any person. She tries to attract everyone to herself, and she succeeds quite easily. Adeline does not grow up a spoiled girl, she rather grows up as a favorite child. What causes peer envy.

She always buys the best toys, the largest and most beautiful books. Carried to the most incredible places. Adeline is grateful to her parents for their attention to her, she is affectionate and complaisant. At the same time, she does not have her own opinion and from an early age she is already able to engage in dialogue with adults.

If a girl has wise parents who want only good for her, they will learn to understand their child almost at once. Therefore, in the house there will never be conflicts and complaints. Adeline loves to listen to her advice. That is why it is always difficult for her to be friends with peers. It is easier for her to find an interlocutor in the society of older people. Adeline is modest, and at the same time confident in herself.

In addition to unique intellectual abilities, the girl also has a memorable, expressive appearance. She attracts men like a magnet and at the same time, she does not like too much attention to her person.

If a girl is unnecessarily spoiled in childhood, she grows up as a rather capricious child who does not obey anyone. She is naughty at an older age. Therefore, parents should balance between exactingness and love for the child.

Otherwise, Adeline will light up a new affair and abruptly refuse it, as a new idea flashed in her head. She will not grow up vulnerable, but she will always love to admire herself. She will like bright dresses and loud music. This is a worthy vacation after difficult everyday life among colleagues.

Her work as a journalist, lawyer, physician, creative hobbies. Adeline can prove herself in any profession, but she is closer to that work, thanks to which she can help children, people who need her.

Adeline works a lot, at the same time - she enjoys it a lot. In business, she also has no equal, as she can quickly calculate all the moves and tricks of competitors. But at the same time, she tries to avoid conflicts and she does it wonderfully.

Adeline's love

The character and destiny determine the preferences of the girl among men. Often, she chooses successful and rather sociable men. If in her youth she prefers frivolous handsome people, then in adulthood Adeline gives greater importance to the desire of a man to earn significant capital.

She can help her chosen one reach tremendous heights, but she herself will never take on huge responsibility for his fate. Adeline easily breaks up relationships, so she can be married several times. Her chosen ones often suffer from a lack of attention and affection, as the girl works a lot and takes care of herself.

She will be comfortable building relations with a self-sufficient man who does not pretend to her personal space. For him, Adeline will be ready to turn it into a holiday every day. Her children appear late. Since the girl seeks to realize herself. She really wants great attention and recognition. If she is just starting to notice that the man is not paying enough attention to her, she does not hesitate to seek herself in a new relationship.

Therefore, for Adeline, there is a huge risk of living his life alone. But the girl is not discouraged. She has a huge number of friends and boyfriends who are ready to fulfill any of her whims at the beginning of the relationship. And she is glad about it.


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