Pear tincture at home - delicious alcohol! A selection of the best pear tincture recipes at home


How many holidays and feasts in winter! It is advisable to prepare for them in advance, stock up with good alcohol. Pear tincture is one of the best options that can easily be done at home.

The drink will delight you with a sunny taste, pleasant aroma and will certainly cheer you up.

Pear tincture at home - general principles of preparation

In general, any pear can be used for tinctures, but it makes no sense to prepare a drink from unripe, hard fruits or use bad grades without flavor. The taste of the alcohol base will not change much, and time and products will be spent. It is better to choose fragrant and ripe pears that have ripened in a natural way in the sun. If dents or rot are present on the fruit, all of this can be trimmed. Next, the fruit is cut into pieces, poured with an alcohol-containing base.

What pears are poured with:

• vodka;

• moonshine;

• alcohol.

Of course, tinctures are found on other drinks, but very rarely. In addition to pears, other berries or fruits can be added, there are many recipes with spices and roots, which are also worth a try. All these products are poured with an alcohol base, corked, left to insist for at least a month. Sugar and honey are added to some recipes, which improves and ennobles the final taste of the drink.

Classic pear tincture at home

The easiest recipe for making pear tincture at home. It is very important in this option not to use fresh fruits for the drink, but to properly wither them. In this case, vodka will be given a sunny and summer taste.


• 1 kg of pears;

• 2 liters of vodka;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pears, cut into small pieces, arrange on a baking sheet and place in the sun. Give the fruits a little fade, on top they should dry. If it is not possible to dry the pears in the air, you can put in the smallest mode in the oven, cook with the door ajar.

2. Pour pears into a jar.

3. Mix vodka with granulated sugar, pour pieces of prepared fruit. Be sure to close the can so that the alcohol does not evaporate. A regular nylon cap will do.

4. Store in a cool, dark place for 1.5 months. You can periodically shake the jar slightly.

5. Strain pear tincture, squeeze pieces of fruit. It is recommended to filter the drink with a piece of cotton wool or use several layers of gauze so that small particles do not get into it.

6. Pour into bottles, close with tight lids, put into storage, cool before use.

Pear tincture at home with a twist

The highlight in this tincture is the most ordinary raisins. The flavor directly depends on the selected variety. Light and transparent raisins have a completely different taste than a product from dark grapes. You can make several types of such tinctures to choose.


• 300 grams of pear;

• 50 grams of raisins;

• 1 liter of vodka.

Cooking method

1. Raisins need to be thoroughly washed, but in no case should be soaked, the excess water in the tincture is not needed. Pour the grapes on a paper towel, dry.

2. Pear into slices. Fold in a jar, add raisins. These foods are sweet in themselves, so sugar can be left out.

3. Pour pears with raisins vodka, close the jar, send to a dark place. Cold is optional, you can simply put it on the kitchen table.

4. After a month, get the tincture, shake thoroughly, leave for another 4 weeks.

5. Strain vodka through 4 layers of gauze, squeeze the remaining fruit. Leave the drink in a closed can for another day.

6. Drain the tincture from the sediment that has collected at the bottom. You can simply do this gently or use a thin hose (tube), which is used in winemaking.

7. Pour the finished pear tincture into bottles, cork.

Spiced pear tincture at home

To prepare such a tincture of pear at home, you will need some spices. If you suddenly don’t like certain flavors, then these ingredients can simply be eliminated or reduced.


• 2 bottles of vodka;

• 2 stars star anise;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• 350 grams of pears;

• 2 cloves;

• 1 vanilla pod;

• 1 tsp saffron.

Cooking method

1. Cut into slices of pear, put on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment. Put in the oven, dry at 70 degrees for 2 hours. It is advisable not to close the door, let there be a small gap on top.

2. Remove the fruit, pour into a jar.

3. Add cloves to pears, broken into several parts.

4. Put all the other spices on the list. In no case should you use vanilla powder. In this case, it is better to exclude the product. You can also not take ground spices from sachets, since their composition often has nothing to do with a natural product, such options are not suitable for tincture.

5. Pour it all with two bottles of vodka, seal, clean in a kitchen cabinet or in the pantry.

6. Insist vodka 1.5-2 months.

7. Strain, discard all excess.

8. Filter the tincture through a piece of gauze to get rid of turbidity and random small particles, bottle, close.

Pear tincture at home with a nut (on moonshine)

Moonshine has a specific aroma, but it is easy to get rid of. One pear will not be able to cope with this; pine nuts will be needed. Sometimes walnuts are used in a similar way.


• 3 pears;

• 50 grams of nuts;

• 1 liter of moonshine;

• 1.5 tablespoons of brown sugar.

Cooking method

1. Cut the pear, you can pre-dry, pour into a jar.

2. Rinse pine nuts, towel dry, pour to a pear.

3. Pour granulated sugar.

4. Add moonshine to the jar, close, shake.

5. Soak tincture for two months in a dark place.

6. Strain through several layers of gauze, pour into bottles, leave in a dark place for another couple of weeks. If necessary, remove from sediment.

Pear tincture at home with honey

Pears themselves have a honey aftertaste, and such a tincture will be above all praise. Aroma and taste will directly depend on the honey used. To get a pronounced aroma, you can take buckwheat. Light and soft smell can be obtained with floral, linden honey.


• 500 grams of pears;

• 80 grams of honey;

• 1 liter of vodka.

Cooking method

1. Mix honey with vodka, close and shake well until everything is dissolved.

2. Cut into slices of pear, arrange on a baking sheet or on a tray, leave in a ventilated place for a day. Top pieces should dry.

3. Transfer prepared pears to a jar, pour honey vodka, gently shake. We don’t need to shake strongly, otherwise the pieces will be crushed, broken, we don’t need it.

4. Remove the closed jar for 4-5 weeks in the cellar or just in the pantry with a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees.

5. Get a jar, strain vodka, squeeze pieces of fruit.

6. Pour honey tincture into a bottle, cork.

Pear tincture at home "Christmas"

Another recipe for tinctures from pears and spices, which is very simple and easy to prepare at home. As a basis, you can use vodka or moonshine.


• 30 grams of ginger;

• 3 cloves;

• 1 stick of vanilla;

• 700 grams of pears;

• 1.2 liters of vodka;

• 130 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Cut the pears into slices, discard the seeds with stubs.

2. Peel the ginger root and cut into thin slices.

3. At the bottom of the can, throw cloves, put cinnamon sticks.

4. Pour some pears so that they cover the bottom. Sprinkle with sugar, scatter slices of ginger.

5. Again, pour a layer of pears, sprinkle with sugar and slices of ginger. Collect all layers until the products run out.

6. Pour the contents of the jar with alcohol, close the capron lid.

7. Keep warm for 4 weeks. Shake every 3-4 days.

8. Strain the tincture, bottle, put on tight lids, remove before Christmas. If sediment collects at the bottom, then carefully drain from it.

Pear tincture at home on alcohol

A variant of a very strong, saturated pear tincture. It is prepared with the addition of water, or rather sugar syrup. Technology will be fundamentally different.


• 1 kg of pears;

• 0.6 liters of alcohol;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 150 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pears, cut each in half, carefully select the stub with the seeds.

2. Grate the clean pulp, but do not use a very fine grater.

3. Add alcohol to the pears, stir. Transfer the resulting mass into a large jar, cover with a tight lid, put in a warm place.

4. Every 4 days, the future tincture should be shaken vigorously.

5. After 4 weeks, strain the mass through folded cheesecloth in 4 layers.

6. Boil the syrup from sugar and water. Dissolve on a small fire, turn off and cool after boiling.

7. Combine the pear tincture with syrup, stir, leave for 3 days, then filter, bottle.

Pear tincture at home - useful tips and tricks

• Not all berries can be added to pear tincture. For example, blackberries, blueberries and honeysuckle can give an ugly blue tint, you need to be extremely careful with them.

• During infusion, the product gives off the aroma as much as possible. Therefore, you do not need to add a lot of spices to the jar of vodka, you can get too saturated and bitter drink.

• Pear tincture can not only be drunk in its pure form, but also used in cocktails. It can be added to some dishes and even used for medicinal purposes.


Watch the video: Spiced Pear Infused Vodka (July 2024).