Why dream of seeds, bite seeds or fry them? Basic Interpretations - What Sunflower Seeds Dream About


In a dream, a wide variety of paintings may appear to you. But why dream of sunflower seeds?

How to interpret such a dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What seeds dream about - the main interpretation

Sunflower seeds dream of pleasant and quick changes in life. But, it is worth clarifying all the details of sleep so as not to miss anything:

• Where exactly did you find the seeds;

• What were the seeds;

• Have you sown seeds;

• Have you eaten seeds.

If you dream that you find a few seeds at home - such a dream means that soon you will begin a new phase of life. You can plant trust and prosperity in the house. In your house everyone will be happy with each other. If until recently in your life there were quarrels and troubles - now this period is over.

If you see someone sowing seeds in front of your porch - such a dream means that you will have a pleasant meeting with friends. You can relax together. You can share the experience. Get a lot of positive emotions and even gifts.

But, if you see someone sowing rotten seeds before your doorstep, such a dream means that a person who is familiar to you will try to bring sadness and grief to your life. He will set you up against close people, friends. It is worth listening to yourself and your inner feelings. No need to let outsiders influence your choice. And if you have already made such a mistake - then you should not blame anyone for this. Take responsibility.

If you dream of seeds that have become moldy - this is a sure sign of future ailment. If they appeared in your home - then health problems will be with you. If they appeared at your workplace, your chronic diseases will worsen. This exacerbation may be due to trouble at work. Conflict and tension await you. Try to control yourself and not make enemies.

If you dream that you eat sunflower seeds at work, such a dream means that you will receive pleasant news at work. At first you will learn that you are valued and supported as a specialist, then you will realize that your dreams of raising your salary and moving up the career ladder will soon come true.

If you dream that someone else is eating seeds at work - take a closer look at this person in reality, maybe he will want to appropriate your merit. Also, such a dream may mean that you are too open with this person, share the most secret and now they will use it against you.

If someone at work in a dream treats you to seeds, it is worth remembering whether they were tasty. If the seeds were salty - expect a trick at work. Do not shift your responsibilities to others. Try to answer for everything yourself.

If in a dream, you are treated with bitter seeds - such a dream means that you will be framed. It will be planned. You hurt someone in the past, and now a person will decide to take revenge on you. If you dream that you are treated to tasty and even sweet seeds - wait for changes at work for the better.

Why dream of sunflower seeds that you collect in the field? You will reap the benefits of your labors. Perhaps you have invested for a long time, or you hoped for a solution to some situation. Now it's time to sort out your desires and get the result you need.

The dream book advises to actively move forward on the path to achieving the goals. If you are torn between several options - choose the one that seems to you the most difficult. Now life will allow you to get more.

The dream in which you find the peel of seeds in your clothes means that someone has decided to set you up, to harm your business reputation. Such a dream portends you unpleasant conversations and quarrels. You will be at the center of attention. Keep calm and try to restore justice. This is very important right now.

The dream in which you saw the peel of the seeds in your bed promises you trouble in relationships. You will learn something that will really upset you. But do not trust gossip. They will not give you the opportunity to draw independent conclusions. You will build your personal life under the guidance of other people.

If in a dream you make beautiful crafts from seeds - such a dream promises you a long journey that will give you a lot of unforgettable moments. You will not only rest, but also be able to spend time with benefit. You can improve your marital status if you see how seeds in a dream are poured into a vase. You will not only increase your income, but you can also buy something new and long-desired.

Why dream seeds on Freud's dream book

Seeds in a dream of an unmarried woman - promise her many new partners. She will receive both attention and love. But she will not be able to choose the man she needs. If a lonely woman dreams about how she fries seeds, such a dream promises her the opportunity to meet her fiancée. Relations will be built as she had long dreamed.

If an unmarried woman dreams that she is buying seeds, she should not bind herself to a married man by fate. Such a connection would only harm her. She will lose confidence. It will be a very difficult relationship.

If a pregnant woman dreams of seeds, she will become the happy mother of a healthy baby. If in a dream she scatters them around herself - it is worth being careful with those who surround you. No need to tell too much. It is used against you. You will be disappointed in loved ones.

If you dream that your partner is eating seeds, he is set up to communicate with other women. You should control this process. Otherwise, your relationship will be destroyed. Try to pay more attention to your partner now. He has been waiting for this for a long time and was forced to pay attention to other women.

What are the seeds of the Esoteric dream book for?

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the seeds dream of as a symbol of prosperity and longevity. If you eat seeds with someone, it means that in the future you will have a wonderful relationship with this person. You can build a business with him.

If you open seeds in a dream and they are empty inside - such a dream means that your plans will suddenly collapse. The dream book advises to prepare in advance for such a turn of events. If you find a golden seed among many others, you will be very lucky. You can even win a significant amount of money.

Why dream of sunflower seeds in other dream books

In Miller's Dream Book it is said that to interpret dreams about seeds, special attention should be paid to their quantity and quality. If you see a lot of beautiful and large sunflower seeds, such a dream means that a huge number of profitable opportunities and offers will appear in your life. You will often chat with interesting people. You can devote a lot of time to yourself and your environment.

If you dream of rotten seeds, in mold - such a dream means a loss in finances, a loss among friends. You will be at the epicenter of negative attention and influence. Moreover, if you find seeds spoiled in your pocket - you did not want to notice the ill-wishers and now their actions will greatly harm you. Dream Interpretation advises in advance to protect themselves from their influence.

In Wangi's dream book it is said, if you collect seeds one by one in a dream, you will be busy raising children. You will have only pleasant chores associated with this. If you sow seeds in a field in a dream - in reality you will become engaged in your financial well-being. You will calculate income and expenses, and this will give you financial stability.

If in a dream pigeons peck your seeds - it is worth preparing for the difficulties. Evil tongues will prevent you from living peacefully. If you throw seeds in front of pigeons, you will be generous to those who really need it. For your kindness, you will soon receive gratitude.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said, if you dream that you constantly eat seeds - you will have fun and enjoy life. But you should keep track of thoughts and words. Try not to offend anyone. If you dream about a sunflower full of seeds - your life will be filled with emotions and positive. You meet nice people. Become a friend to them. Whatever the dream portends to you, it is important to independently build your life. Dreams are designed to give timely and correct tips that should be used to get the desired result.


Watch the video: Dream Interpretation According to the Bible (June 2024).