How to quickly cook suluguni at home: a recipe for young white cheese. Cooking tender suluguni cheese at home


The Georgian word "suluguni" in translation means "cheese". In the Caucasus, no meal begins without cheese. Delicious suluguni served with herbs and homemade cakes, bake khachapuri with it, eat with wine.

In our country, suluguni has long become a popular variety of young cheese. It is distinguished by a special layered consistency, pleasant saltiness and pronounced sour-milk taste. To make home-made suluguni, cow's milk is used, although in industrial conditions cheese is made from other types of milk. There are many recipes for homemade suluguni: there are more complex, there are very simple ones. Whatever the hostess chooses, the product will turn out to be healthier and more useful than bought in a store. Yes, and will cost less.

How to quickly cook suluguni - general principles of cooking

The technology of cooking suluguni goes back centuries, but in every Caucasian family they make cheese according to their own recipe. In modern kitchen you can easily make young pickled cheese, very tasty and healthy.

To make suluguni cheese at home, you may need different components:

• milk;

• sour cream;

• cottage cheese (used in some recipes);

• curing component (it can be industrial-made microbial starter culture, for example, pepsin, and just lemon juice).

Cheese made from natural rustic dairy products will be more delicious. They are fatter, more aromatic. However, Suluguni made with store-bought products will also be nice. It will be necessary to refuse only from the ultra-pasteurized milk, since it does not curdle. Sour cream, if possible, should be at least 30 percent fat. If you can find a product without starch and vegetable fat, it will be very good. Pepsin is a milk-curdler sold in pharmacies.

In addition to the actual food you need to stock up on a large piece of gauze. It needs to be folded 3-4 times: it is convenient to filter the curd base through this filter. Gauze can be replaced with a white cotton cloth.

It is very good to have a kitchen immersion thermometer on hand. From the correct boiling temperature of milk depends on how successful the suluguni cheese will turn out at home.

How to quickly cook suluguni according to the classic recipe

A rather complicated option for cooking suluguni can, which is suitable for the notebook of an experienced hostess. If you want to get a new experience and try your hand, this recipe for homemade suluguni will be useful.


• eight liters of pasteurized milk;

• 3 ml of liquid pepsin or another starter enzyme;

• three hundred grams of salt.

Cooking method:

Heat the milk to 35 degrees.

Pour pepsin into the pan.

Stir the enzymes and milk, cover the pan with a lid and leave on the stove for an hour and a half. During this time, the milk will curl: opening the lid, you will see dense milky-white lumps.

Set the colander on the pan and cover with gauze. Do not pour high serum: brine will be made from it. In addition, it is a valuable food product that can be used.

When all the whey is in glass, a young tender cheese will remain in gauze - Adyghe (or Imereti). It must be left in gauze for an hour: at this time in the cheese the fermentation processes end.

To check suluguni for readiness, you need to break off a piece from the mass and put in a bowl of hot water.

After five, try to stretch the cheese. Ideally, it should be elastic and stretch well. If the cheese is torn, then it needs to be given a little more time to proof.

When the process is complete and the torn piece will stretch without problems, you need to cut the whole piece into large pieces and put in a bowl of cold water for twenty minutes. Cold completely stops the fermentation process.

Cut the cheese into small slices, pour hot water, bring the temperature to 65 degrees. Drain the water.

Repeat the water bath, stirring the cheese. It should melt and turn into a homogeneous mass, very elastic.

Transfer the cheese into a suitable bowl.

The remaining serum is well salted (the percentage of salt in the liquid should be equal to 20%) and dissolve the salt.

Put the young Suluguni in the brine and leave for 12 hours.

Remove the cheese from the brine, pat dry with paper towels, and store in the refrigerator.

After the cheese has cooled, it is ready to eat.

How to quickly cook suluguni with a simplified recipe

Suluguni cheese at home can be prepared much easier. This will save time and allow you to enjoy the fresh sweet taste of cheese slices in a few hours.


• four liters of milk;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• a tablespoon of salt;

• one hundred ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Pour the milk into a suitable pan and heat to forty degrees.

Pour the norm of salt and juice squeezed from fresh lemon into milk.

Stirring the mass, wait for it to curd.

Using a slotted spoon, shift into a colander lined with gauze.

When the whey drains, connect the ends of the gauze filter and tie them together.

Leave the resulting bag for four hours in a colander.

Make a saline solution (per liter of water a tablespoon of salt).

Remove the cheese lump from gauze and immerse in salt water.

Leave the cheese in brine for 10-12 hours.

How to quickly make suluguni from cow and goat milk

From a mixture of milk of dairy animals you can get high-quality home-made suluguni, the recipe of which is given below. If you can buy goat milk, be sure to try to make brine cheese out of it. The product will turn out to be very tender and fragrant, with a predominant note of goat cheese (cow's milk is used as the basis for souring).


• five liters of goat milk;

• a glass of cow's milk;

• a glass of yogurt;

• one gram of pepsin;

• a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Dissolve pepsin in a glass of warm milk and strain.

Put goat milk on fire to warm to 40 degrees.

Pour the leaven into the stewpan and heat to a temperature of 30 degrees.

Pour in sour milk and sourdough into the main pan with goat milk, mix, cover with a lid and leave warm for half an hour for fermentation.

Turn on the fire again, salt the curdled milk and heat it to 30 degrees.

Pour the curd mass into a colander with a gauze filter, wait for the whey to drain.

Wrap the gauze ends and tightly assemble on top of the piece, set on the oppression of the cheese and put it away for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Oppresses to remove, transfer the cheese to a storage container or serve.

How to quickly cook suluguni from cottage cheese

You can make original young cheese from good cottage cheese. This recipe for homemade suluguni is suitable for beginners, as preparing the product is very simple.


• liter of milk;

• kilogram of cottage cheese;

• three eggs;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• a teaspoon of soda;

• a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into the pan and bring to a boil.

When continuous bubbles appear, put cottage cheese in milk and stir.

Cook with stirring for about twenty minutes.

Pour the mass from a colander with gauze and wait for the whey to drain.

Return the curd mass to the pan, turn on the fire, add eggs and butter, mix.

Add soda and salt, mix again.

Cook for about ten minutes until the cheese begins to melt.

In advance, you need to prepare a container for storing cheese, lubricating its walls with vegetable or butter.

Put the finished suluguni in a container, flatten with a plastic spatula or spoon.

After cooling, send the suluguni in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, that is, at night.

How to quickly cook suluguni with herbs from milk, sour cream and eggs

Delicious suluguni cheese at home can be prepared from milk and sour cream. If you add a little fresh greens to the cheese dough, the cheese will taste spicy and fresh. This is a great option for sandwiches, salads, homemade khachapuri.


• two liters of milk;

• two hundred ml of sour cream;

• three eggs;

• one and a half tablespoons of salt;

• a tablespoon of dried Provence herbs;

• a little fresh or dried dill (to taste).

Cooking method:

Cut fresh herbs.

Break eggs into a bowl, combine with sour cream and beat with a whisk or mixer (at low speed).

Boil milk and salt.

Gently pour the egg-sour cream mixture into the milk and stir.

Add fresh and dried herbs, mix again.

Cook until large white flakes appear, boil for another five minutes and remove from heat.

Drain the curd into a colander as described above.

Twenty minutes later, pull off the ends of the gauze, squeeze it well.

Put the suluguni on a plate, put oppression for three hours. Serum from the plate periodically drain.

Remove from gauze and put on the shelf of the refrigerator.

The recipes for homemade suluguni are varied. Depending on what products are available, you can quickly get a piece of delicious, delicate milk cheese.


Watch the video: Georgian Cheese and Egg Bread Adjarian Khachapuri. Хачапури с яйцом (July 2024).