Masks of youth: everything you need to know. The main advantages and recipes of homemade youth masks


Beautiful, young and supple skin is the result of constant care. But no matter how diligently the women try to eliminate the first notes of aging, sinister wrinkles treacherously betray the age of their mistress.

There are many ways to deal with this nuisance, and the use of youth masks is considered to be an excellent anti-aging agent.

How do youth masks affect skin?

Unlike creams and serums, masks bring the desired effect almost immediately after the first applications. They not only hide age-related changes in the face, but also actively struggle with them from the inside. Of great importance is the correct choice of facial skin care products, depending on the individual characteristics of a person.

A well-known component that is added to anti-aging masks of youth is collagen. It has long been proven that collagen protein is responsible for the elasticity of the skin in the body. At a young age, this substance is actively produced, but after thirty years, collagen is gradually destroyed, and the skin gradually becomes flabby and saggy.

The appearance of facial wrinkles is also affected by the action of ultraviolet light and dehydration.

Therefore, to maintain skin elasticity, it is necessary to nourish the body with beneficial substances from the inside. In addition, given the modern lifestyle, the presence of bad habits and the environment, the first wrinkles appear more and more often in young girls after twenty years.

It is recommended to use masks of youth from the moment the first signs of aging appear in the nose, lips and forehead. There are many nuances of the right choice of anti-aging masks, depending on the type of skin, type of mask, form of release, age and the desired result.

Varieties of youth masks by release form

Thanks to modern developments of specialists in the field of medicine, there is a huge assortment of masks on store shelves and in beauty salons. According to the form of release there is:

- silicone mask of youth;

- collagen;

- with a cream composition or in the form of a gel;

- fabric;

- gypsum;

- night mask;

- in the form of films;

- paraffin;

- masks with the addition of biological components (algae, dirt and others).

The most widely used masks of youth both at home and in beauty salons - with helium and cream composition. These masks have different effects on the skin: moisturize, nourish, cleanse, protect.

The main action of the paraffin mask is moisturizing and tightening, as well as increasing the vital functions of cells. Basically, this tool is used before cleaning the skin.

Night masks enrich the skin with moisture during sleep. This product is not absorbed, but forms an airtight film that protects the skin from drying out.

The fabric mask moisturizes, tones and cleanses the skin. It is made on the basis of tissue material and perfectly repeats the anatomical contours of the face with cutouts for the eyes, lips and nose. When creating a mask, it is impregnated with a ready-made composition with active ingredients.

Mask film is used for deep cleansing of the skin. Initially, it is applied to the face in the form of a gel, but after a while the mask dries and turns into a film. It is not washed off with water, but is carefully removed.

Collagen mask is based on collagen, vitamins, minerals, plant essence.

The kaolin clay mask is also well known. Kaolin clay is a natural component extracted from the soil of the earth. In cosmetics, this product is known for its effectiveness in absorbing oil, for the release of impurities and dirt that can make pores more visible, as well as for the removal of dead skin cells. These masks target oily T-zones or skin prone to acne. Masks of this type may contain active ingredients such as salicylic acid.

The gypsum mask is not intended for use at home, because only a qualified cosmetologist in beauty salons can use it correctly. Its main purpose is an active fight against skin aging.

Basic classifications of youth masks and different skin types

Depending on the expected result, the masks are distributed on:

- nourishing the skin with useful vitamins and minerals;

- moisturizing;

- whitening (mainly using vitamin C);

- calming, relieving irritation;

- cleansing.

To achieve the desired effect, it is very important to choose a youth mask depending on your skin type. This is due to the fact that an improperly selected product can only worsen the condition of the skin.

There are several types of skin:

- normal;

- dry;

- oily;

- combined (for example, dry skin and oily - in the T-zone);

- sensitive, prone to allergic reactions;

- with increased pigmentation.

How to prepare the skin before applying youth masks?

In order for a selected youth mask to please a good result, you need to properly prepare the skin before applying it. First of all, you need to wash off excess makeup from the skin and wash with cleaning products or antibacterial soaps to remove dust and dirt from the face. Makeup prevents the penetration of beneficial components deep into the skin.

Steam baths help to open the pores as much as possible. It is also worth remembering that the use of masks is allowed only from fresh ingredients. If you get a large amount of the mixture, you do not need to leave it the next time. It is better to apply the mask to the neck or neckline. These parts of the body also need care. Masks of factory production should definitely be checked for expiration dates.

No need to apply the substance with your hands. For these purposes, it is worth using a special brush to apply a mask to the skin. After removing the mask, it is certainly recommended to apply a moisturizing and nourishing face cream.

The mask is applied to a specific area of ​​the skin strictly according to the instructions. It is preferable to remove the hair under a hat or a special bandage. When the mask is applied, it is important to be at rest and maximize relaxation. It is not recommended to walk and perform active actions.

Rinsing off the mask is recommended with plain water without the use of cosmetics or soap. This is done very carefully so as not to leave mask particles on the skin. For washing dry skin, warm water is more suitable, for oily - cold.

The main advantages and disadvantages of youth masks

After applying the mask of youth, the skin becomes much fresher, cleaner and more tender. It is important to remember that this tool does not replace everyday care, but can only deal with a specific disadvantage. Therefore, you can not use the mask more often than prescribed by the application.

The main advantages of anti-aging masks:

- maintaining a healthy skin condition;

- inhibition of signs of aging;

- elimination of characteristic deficiencies (rash, dry skin, oily sheen, sore acne, uneven tone, acne and black spots);

- cleansing clogged skin pores.

The disadvantages of youth masks:

- the composition of some mixtures includes synthetic components, dyes and flavorings. These substances can cause side effects in people who are allergic to a particular drug. It can be redness, dark spots, peeling of the skin. Therefore, before choosing cosmetics, it is better to consult a specialist;

- difficulties in choosing a mask for owners with combined facial skin;

- addiction to the skin of some components due to prolonged use of the mask.

Natural youth masks for skin

Natural cosmetic procedures have become an excellent alternative for treating the skin and providing it with the nutrients necessary to stay young. Many women often choose, as an alternative or additional means, the use of biologically harmless youth masks with many advantages. The choice of such funds is large enough, but to get the expected result, you need to resort only to the use of proven natural remedies.

Gelatin-based anti-aging mask

This mask, tested by many women, copes with superficial wrinkles and smoothes the skin due to its combination with glycerin.

For the mixture you will need: 2 tsp. gelatin, 4 tbsp. glycerin and the same amount of water, 2 tsp honey. It is necessary to mix all the components and put on a slow fire, stirring constantly until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Next, the mask will have to be cooled and applied to the face for 20 minutes. You can store such a mask in a sterile jar with a tight lid for two weeks.

The choice of factory masks of youth is an individual decision of every woman. Most importantly, do not forget about the features of your body, the recommendations of a specialist and instructions for use. Adhering to these simple rules, masks of youth will bring the expected anti-aging effect.


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