Pressure in pregnant women: what is the danger of high and low blood pressure during pregnancy. What medicine for pressure can be used during pregnancy?


Expecting a child is not only great joy, but also considerable stress for the female body. At this time, he is rebuilding his work to the needs of the baby, creating him optimal conditions for normal development. A future mom needs to relate to her health and well-being as reverently and carefully as possible. There can be no trifles and unimportant moments. One of the main indicators that affect the development of crumbs is blood pressure.

Treasured figures

The doctor in the antenatal clinic, who monitors the course of pregnancy, measures the pressure of the expectant mother at each examination. But you should not rely solely on these data, because blood pressure is not a static value. During the time elapsed between the two examinations, the numbers may change more than once. Therefore, it is more reasonable for a expectant mother to buy a tonometer in a pharmacy and measure the pressure as soon as she feels unwell. It happens that the pressure in a woman rises directly during the examination due to excitement and anxiety. Doctors are well aware of this effect and call it hypertension (syndrome) of the white coat.

In a word, it is not worth focusing solely on the measurement results in the antenatal clinic. Therefore, you need to control your pressure yourself, at home. It does not require special efforts and skills. Traditionally, the norm is considered indicators 120/80, but these are average figures. In fact, the range is slightly wider, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. You just need to clearly know "your norm" - that is the blood pressure at which a woman feels easy and comfortable. These indicators should be guided in the future.

High blood pressure

Often, pressure indicators go beyond the upper limit of normal during the second trimester of pregnancy due to an increase in the intensity of blood circulation. Compared to the normal state, its volume increases. In addition, the body makes reserves of salt and water, which makes a difference in the functioning of the kidneys. There are many signs indicating the presence of hypertension. For example, headache, varicose veins, swollen legs, nosebleeds, discomfort in the heart, rumble in the ears, vision problems, or characteristic “flies” in front of the eyes.

Hypertension in the second half of pregnancy is a completely normal occurrence, but it carries a certain danger. Because of her, a woman and her fetus may be deficient in nutrients and oxygen. It is also possible detachment of the placenta, and in especially severe cases, it can reach the premature onset of labor. In addition, increased pressure often leads to a drop in visual acuity and the formation of protein in the urine.

How to alleviate your condition? Here, peace and a special diet will come to the rescue. You need to abandon richly salted food, spices and fatty dishes. For example, butter can be replaced with cottage cheese mixed with fresh herbs. You should not drink more water than the body needs, otherwise edema cannot be avoided. It is highly desirable to exclude from your personal life stresses and unpleasant events, which are sometimes taken to heart. If necessary, the doctor will advise a sedative.

Since ancient times, people have used the gifts of nature to combat hypertension: hawthorn, chokeberry, motherwortas well as herbs with a sedative effect. The latter include mint, valerian and lemon balm. You can hang a linen bag with a valerian root in the bedroom and in the relaxation room. If before pregnancy a tendency to high blood pressure was noted, you do not need to rush to take the usual medications. It is better to consult a specialist first, because in the hands of a woman is the health of the future baby. If the condition does not normalize for a long time, the doctor may suggest hospitalization.

Low blood pressure during pregnancy

Typically, blood pressure decreases slightly in the first months of an “interesting” situation. It is especially difficult for those ladies who have had hypotension before. Low blood pressure causes severe fatigue, loss of strength and attacks of weakness. Sometimes it comes to severe dizziness and fainting. In cases where when you try to abruptly get out of bed or chair, you feel heaviness in the temples, you must definitely check blood pressure.

With hypotension, blood circulation worsens, due to which the fetus lacks oxygen. All this can provoke a miscarriage or childbirth prematurely. Fortunately, such consequences do not always occur, but only in the most severe cases. Usually low blood pressure does not harm the child, but it gives a lot of trouble to mom herself. The fact is that most of the means to increase pressure will have to be abandoned, including coffee, strong tea and even chocolates. The daily menu should include dishes with a high protein content.

The pregnant woman needs a dream. You need to sleep 8-10 hours at night and a little during the day. If you need to go to work, then any physical and heavy psychological stress should be avoided. It is necessary to agree with the leader on the reduction of the working day and the possibility of postponing work if you feel unwell. Finally, do not forget how important it is for a pregnant woman to walk in the fresh air.

With a sharp jump in pressure (this condition is characterized by sudden weakness and dizziness), you can massage your neck, shoulder area, upper back. This technique also helps: to throw back your head while raising your shoulders and fix this pose for several seconds. Experts also advise rubbing whiskey, putting a hot water bottle on the back of your head, and drinking sweet tea. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with hypotension on their own. In this case, do not neglect the help of a qualified doctor.


Watch the video: Preeclampsia Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital (June 2024).