Features of the development of twins at an early age and common mistakes that parents make when raising them


In modern families, twins are increasingly being born. Difficulties begin even during pregnancy: it is more difficult to bear, more thorough medical control, early childbirth, with multiple pregnancies, children are usually born with less weight.

A child with less weight during pregnancy received an insufficient amount of nutrients than his brother or sister, therefore, it usually develops a little slower in the future. Differences in physical development are gradually reduced to zero, but psychologically one of them will constantly occupy a leading position - this should be taken into account in the process of education.

Features of the development of twins at an early age

Happy twin parents should understand that their children were originally born with less weight and, compared to their peers in infancy, will develop more slowly: a little later they will keep their heads, sit, crawl and try themselves as speakers. With minor deviations, parents should not raise a panic - after 1-2 years, the differences will not be noticeable. For the full physical and psychological development of twins, parents must recognize that each child is individual despite the resemblance.

Children initially grow up in close interaction with each other, which leaves an indelible imprint on their development, therefore a competent approach to education is very important. Every minute the child sees in front of him his physical copy with the same problems as his. All important events in his life take place along with this copy: the first bathing, feeding, the first walk and other equally important moments of the baby's development. Usually the twins are dressed the same way, given them similar toys, often called consonant names, and then confused. To simplify communication with twins, parents even allow themselves to call them children or otherwise, but without the use of names. Thus, relatives by their actions erase the fine lines of the differences between the babies.

Often twins build their world and do not need to communicate with other children. They form a special language, the understanding of which is available only to them. This provokes a lag in speech development, and further difficulties in the overall mental development are possible. Children often copy each other's speech errors, as they are limited only to communication among themselves. To avoid such a problem, experts recommend contributing to the expansion of the circle of twins.

Common mistakes parents make when raising twins

Even when raising heterosexual twins, parents make a number of mistakes, the main ones include the following:

• do not encourage the uniqueness of the personality of each child;

• do not devote enough time for individual communication with each child, which helps to limit interests;

• focus on the similarity of twins, often give general gifts;

• deprive of independence when performing tasks feasible for one child, arguing that children should do everything together;

• do not take into account the interests of one of the children - often send them to one section.

As it develops, the child separates his personality from his parents, his “I” is formed internally, but the twins also have to learn to perceive themselves separately from their copy.


Watch the video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (June 2024).