8 bad things you do every day. Why can a shower, candles, a backpack and an alarm clock harm health?


Did you know that some of the things you do daily can harm you?

You sit too much

A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of, in particular, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. When you sit, the body is not able to use the calories it receives and converts them into adipose tissue. This gradually damages the circulatory system, stresses the spine, joints and ligaments. Lack of movement prevents the breakdown of fats and the absorption of calcium. Therefore, every hour, take a 5-10 minute break and do a warm-up.

You light candles at home

Scientists have discovered that paraffin emits toxic gases, including benzene. Therefore, while burning candles, maintain adequate ventilation. In general, try to limit the use of these home accessories, including scented candles. Why expose your household to toxic fumes?

You are using an alarm

Abrupt awakening from sleep raises blood pressure. Studies by Japanese scientists have shown that this has a direct effect on the occurrence of many heart diseases. Therefore, if you need to wake up early in the morning, then it is better to do it slowly and gradually. Know that lack of sleep during the week and sleep only on weekends leads to disruption of the natural circadian rhythm, which can lead to obesity.

You write with pens

Often in offices, banks, or the post office, you use a common pen for some writing. Do not do this anymore! Doctors warn that they are a hotbed of bacteria and germs. Therefore, if you want to avoid diseases transmitted by dirty hands (such as flu), always carry your own pen.

You often take a shower

Excessive hygiene is harmful. On your body there are many friendly bacteria necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Frequent use of soap rinses them and dries the skin too much. This can lead to dermatitis.

You carry the backpack wrong

If your backpack is too heavy, this can cause constant back pain. Therefore, wear only the most necessary things in it - this will reduce its weight. Adjust the strap tension so that the bottom edge of the backpack is about 5 centimeters above the waist. A backpack with improperly adjusted shoulder straps will put extra strain on the lower back.

You constantly walk in slippers

They are comfortable, but by no means useful to your legs. Strips, especially between the fingers, can rub and cause corns. Also, when wearing such shoes there is a great risk of catching an infection. They do not keep the foot stable enough, which can lead to foot injury. It is best to limit the wear of slippers and use them as shoes only on the beach, pool and shower.

Do you wear cheap sunglasses

If you use sunglasses without a filter that neutralizes UVA and UVB radiation, then do yourself more harm than you benefit. The mechanism is simple - dark glasses restrict the flow of light into the eyes, then your pupils expand and more dangerous ultraviolet rays get into them than usual. Since no filters interfere with them,
they penetrate deeper into the retina and lens, damaging them.

Standards of protection meet only those glasses that absorb 99% of the radiation. Most often these are glasses of well-known companies.

The truth is that you do not buy glasses with good glasses in the bazaar or in the supermarket. Therefore, it is better not to wear glasses at all than to use those that do not have a proper filter.


Watch the video: Burns: Classification and Treatment (July 2024).