How to build speech correctly, what are the difficulties for most of us? Theme and bump - that's where the problem is!


When was the last time you asked yourself, is your speech logical? Are the sentences you write or say really connected?

The problem of text connectivity is perhaps the largest of the problems that exist when writing an essay or verbal expression of their thoughts. The issue of connected speech is brought to the fore because it is often not recognized by a person.

Types of communication offers

In Russian, there are two types of connection sentences in the text: serial and parallel.

The latter, most often, is used in descriptions of something, for example, nature. Examples of the parallel form of connection of sentences in the text can be found in large numbers in the works of Prishvin, Paustovsky, Bianchi. In such texts, several sentences are logically connected with the first, which contains the main idea, the subsequent phrases only reveal it, illuminate it from different points of view.

We use the sequential form of connection of sentences much more often than parallel in everyday life. Including, the development of this type is important when writing essays, reasoning for the exam. It is important to note that if we solve the problem of text connectivity, then two other tasks that are relevant for the student are immediately pushed to the background: the problem of the volume of essays and the presence of semantic repetitions in it.

Major mistakes

Not always a mistake is an insufficient number of words in the work, often teachers are faced with huge compositions. Usually, the problem of such material is the presence of speech errors, primarily repetitions, as well as the lack of coherence and logic of text construction: the student, as it were, “jumps” from thought to thought, returning to one or the other, repeating itself, rewriting what has been said new words.

Let's look at a life example. Pay attention to how we walk. Each of our new steps is based on the previous one. We step, try the soil and, if it is unsafe, we will not continue the path.

Thus, we get a diagram of our walk: a step - support or the development of a new territory - a new step. Without relying on past experience, it is impossible to build anything new. This law has been proved by history, let’s recall at least the futurists who wanted to “throw Pushkin off the ship of modernity”, but, nevertheless, relying on his poetry. Only after mastering the previous one, you can take a new step.

Absolutely the same law works when constructing speech, written or oral. Proposals should not just stand side by side, there must be a connection between them: not only stylistic, but also logical.

What is a theme, what is a rem?

Linguistics has its own terminology; if we turn to it, it will become obvious that the old step is called the “theme” and the new one is called “remo”. So, in every sentence there is a basis or support of thought - its theme and in every sentence there is also a new one - rema. It is she who determines the content of the next step or proposal.

In the new phrase, the rema of the previous sentence will turn into a topic that has already sounded, mastered, and again a new rema will be added, in which the thought developed later will sound. We immediately note that rema is the most important part of the sentence precisely because it contains information new to the reader or listener (remember that the main function of speech is communicative).

It’s best if you put the rema at the very end of the phrase: most attention is paid to it. So, look at any poem, the last words of the poetic line are most striking, particularly because they rhyme. Disassemble the poem and you will see that these words contain remy.

Think again of the steps: we always think where to put our foot on. We are also gradually moving along the text we are creating. Try to learn how to pose a forecast question. When answering it, you will know for sure what logic requires in the next sentence. If you, for example, wrote that a letter was sent to one of the heroes, it seems clear that you will tell later who the letter was from and what it contained.

Remember that each action must be conscious, this also applies to our speech. Make sure that it is smooth, connected, so that one sentence logically passes into another. Pay attention to the topics and bumps of your statements, and then you will be able to get rid of the main problem of speech.
