Is glycine good for depression? Why alcoholic glycine? Benefits and rules for the use of glycine


Amino acids are the "building" parts of the body, and glycine is one of the most important. Understanding its importance and knowing how to maintain it at an acceptable level, it is possible to take care of your health invaluable.

The main thing you need to know about the benefits of glycine and its features

Glycine is classified as an interchangeable amino acid, which means that it both comes into the human body with food and can be independently produced by it.

And the second does not reduce the value of the first. Since glycine is produced in full only under favorable conditions, and in addition, this is still, as a rule, insufficient to cover the daily intake.

The amino acid functions in the body are diverse and cover, in fact, all the most important biochemical processes and reactions that occur in it, but the importance of glycine for the following should be especially noted:

• normalization of blood glucose and its rapid conversion into vital energy (nutritionists also assure that glycine reduces appetite for sweets);

• strengthening immunity;

• blood formation processes (including participation in hemoglobin synthesis);

• regeneration of damaged tissues (which can be said not only about direct injuries, for example, wounds, but also the detrimental effect on the skin of UV rays);

• optimal functioning of the digestive tract;

• kidney function;

• improving blood circulation, oxygen respiration processes and the distribution of nutrients in the epidermis;

• cancer prevention.

Separately, the role of glycine in relation to the functioning of the nervous system, including:

• regulation of the processes of its excitation and inhibition;

• removal of excessive psycho-emotional stress (acts as a sedative);

• improvement of mood with the formation of a tendency to perceive the surrounding reality more positively.

In addition, to a large extent, glycine forms collagen, which is necessary to maintain youthful skin and healthy joints. In general, all connective tissues, to which scientists also include the iris of the eye, which means that glycine is also useful for vision, to prevent its pathologies.

Glycine is a member of the 20 amino acids involved in protein synthesis, and also takes part in the production of creatine, which provides muscle gain.

And glycine itself is produced in the liver, with the participation of amino acids threonine and serine.

Considering the interaction of glycine with other elements in the body in humans, it is especially worth noting calcium and iron, which thanks to it are fully absorbed.

And for the synthesis of glycine itself, the presence of B vitamins in the body (and especially choline, or B4) is of great importance.

It is worth noting that artificial glycine is widely used to improve palatability in the food industry (on the packaging of the product it is designated as E-640).

And scientists recognize it as one of the safest nutritional supplements.

What foods do glycine benefit from?

Glycine is a common element in the composition of foods characterized by high protein and some others.

Most of all it can be used with bones, skin, connective tissue. And to make it tasty, it is recommended to eat all this in the form of rich fatty soups, aspic and aspic. You can still feast on dishes with gelatin, for example, marmalade.

Nutritionists also recommend paying attention to fish, legumes, pumpkin and bananas.

This amino acid was also found in dairy products (primarily cheeses).

For example, the glycine content in grams per 100 g for some products can be represented as follows:

• boiled chicken skin - 2.4;

• boiled pork ears - 3;

• breakfast cereals (muesli) and oatmeal - 0.8;

• low-fat rabbit meat and veal, beef liver (everything is ready to be sent to the table) - 1.6;

• Parmesan cheese - 0.7;

• anchovies in a jar, pink salmon and grilled trout - 1.5;

• nuts - from 0.7 in walnut to 1.6 in peanuts.

With a varied, tasty and abundant diet, it is difficult to talk about glycine deficiency, although a number of circumstances affect both its synthesis and digestibility.

And here everything is simple - it is important to drink enough fluids during the day (from 1.5 liters), more often to be in the fresh air and not to forget about physical activity.

The benefits of glycine in the form of special products

Artificially synthesized glycine is a white powder, odorless and tasteless, but sweetish, which refers to the name of the amino acid, derived from the Greek word for “sweet”.

Indications for its administration in the form of tablets or nutritional supplements can arise only under certain circumstances, since, we repeat, an ordinary healthy person has enough glycine self-produced and from food.

The amino acid is used (although some scientists do not agree with its 100% effectiveness) for the treatment of:

• a number of mental disorders (including depression and schizophrenia);

• poorly healing wounds, ulcers on the body;

• consequences of heart attacks and strokes;

• some diseases of the prostate gland;

• insomnia;

• increased muscle tone;

• alcoholism (reduces cravings for alcohol).

It is also used by athletes to increase physical stamina and build the body.

Glycine can also be indicated in other cases when the need for it is especially high.

What could be the harm from glycine

Scientists assure that glycine itself, as an element naturally present in the human body and entering it with food, can not do any harm. Firstly, not so much and its large volumes. Secondly, it tends to accumulate in the body in a very limited amount (no more than is necessary for the biological needs of the body at the moment). Thirdly, as a result of disintegration into water and carbon dioxide, it is easily excreted with urine and breathing.

But with the amino acid in the form of tablets, nutritional supplements, everything is much more complicated.

And first of all, it should be noted that appointing her reception, along with setting the timing of use and dosages, can only be done by a specialist.

Pure glycine self-treatment is fraught with the worst consequences.

First of all, its overabundance is expressed by the following effects (which are possible in the case when the amino acid in this pure form simply does not suit a person individually):

• nausea and vomiting;

• digestive upset;

• swelling of the oral cavity;

• dizziness;

• rash and itching on the skin;

• cardiopalmus;

• difficulty breathing;

• a feeling of persistent fatigue.

With these symptoms, it is urgently necessary to consult a doctor, and glycine may have to be abandoned (or reduce the dosage).

A prolonged intake of an amino acid that is unsuitable for the body is fraught with disturbances in metabolic processes and, in particular, energy metabolism.

Plus, it is important to consider that the harm of glycine when it interacts with many drugs is still not fully understood.

To avoid harm, glycine is prescribed with great care to small children and pregnant women, and for people employed in hazardous industries where reaction speed and great care are required, for drivers of vehicles, it is in principle contraindicated.


Watch the video: Does Glycine or GABA Wake You Up? Chris Masterjohn Lite #97 (June 2024).