A tasty way to slimness is a watermelon diet for weight loss. Watermelon Diet Slimming Diet Plan


Watermelon flesh is fragrant and tasty, saturated with the main substances for the human body and contains only 25 kcal per 100 g, so it is not at all surprising that there are highly effective diets for weight loss with it. You can choose from the strict versions with quick results, to the soft options with a satisfying, varied diet.

The main thing about a watermelon diet for weight loss

The effectiveness of a watermelon diet is based on the fusion of several of its properties, this fruit:

• acts as a diuretic and a remedy for the kidneys, due to which it is possible to drink plenty of fluids - a necessary condition for most diets, but - without the risk of edema and malfunction in the urinary system;

• shows the effectiveness of a mild laxative, which, coupled with the above action, helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances and accelerate metabolism;

• with a modest caloric content, it perfectly satisfies hunger, partly because the human brain establishes a positive connection between the concepts of “sweet” and “satisfying”;

• saturates the body with valuable substances (glucose, vitamins A and group B, minerals and organic acids), which allow you to feel relatively good during the diet, even have the strength to play sports.

The calculation formulas used in the diet of watermelon are very different - from 100 g to 1 kg for every 10 kg of body weight.

You need to know in which cases this method of weight loss is contraindicated:

• diabetes;

• diseases of the pancreas;

• gastritis or an ulcer with increased acidity of the stomach.

With kidney pathologies, a watermelon diet can be allowed or prohibited by a doctor.

It is also important to note that the abundant use of watermelon leads to leaching of sodium and potassium from the body, and therefore. either in the diet on a diet (after it) there should be foods rich in these minerals, or you can not do without them in the form of special additives.

What you can and cannot eat on a watermelon diet for weight loss

The main product of the diet is the flesh of the indicated gourds in fresh form. No marinated slices, crust jam ... The most you can afford is to make a watermelon salad, dessert like ice cream or fresh with a spoonful of honey.

Other permitted products can be divided into the following categories.

1) fermented milk - nonfat and without additives (no store curds). You can eat separately, but you can, for example, cook cottage cheese casserole - without sugar and eggs, but with dried fruits. It is sometimes useful to eat some cheese, for example, as part of green salads.

2) fruits - it is better to limit the choice to apples, oranges, grapefruits and lemons (the latter are good together with olive oil for seasoning salads), melon. And also - kiwi, the flavonoids from which have the ability to break down fat deposits.

3) vegetables - leafy salads, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and carrots, zucchini (the recommended variety is zucchini), bell pepper. Everyone eats raw, and in the form of stewed, boiled, baked - no more than 50% of the eaten vegetable volume.

4) meat - only low-fat chicken and turkey fillet, tender veal. The best types of fish are salmon, cod, sterlet, pollock, pike. Boil fish and meat for a couple or bake (even without salt it turns out delicious in foil, you just need to add a pinch of herbs and pour lemon juice before meals).

5) cereals - rice and buckwheat cooked on water, from bread - rye, whole grain, with bran and best of all - yesterday, dried in toasts.

6) clean drinks allowed still water and green tea, decoctions of herbs (among which, by the way, you can find many of those whose properties contribute to weight loss).

And in any kind of watermelon diet, the following products are strictly prohibited:

• products from fine white flour;

• sweet carbonated drinks;

• sugar;

• salt;

• butter, cream, milk;

• fried foods;

• spicy and spicy food;

• alcohol.

Slimming Watermelon Diet Menu Options

The most effective diet option is recognized in which there is only one watermelon, consumed in the maximum amount, divided into 4-5 servings during the day.

According to reviews, if you hold out on the berry for 3 days, you can part with 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

For fans of mono-diet, there are many other, slightly less stringent options.

Watermelon and kefir

In this case, it is necessary to be able to eat 4-5 times a day at regular intervals, alternating kefir of minimum fat content in the amount of 1 liter per day and watermelon - 800 g. As in the case with the tough option - the diet lasts 3 days, for which leave 3 kg.

Watermelon and cottage cheese

If you choose cottage cheese as the second product for watermelon (at the rate of 500 g of berries for every 10 kg of weight), then in 6 days you can really lose 4 kg. Sour-milk product per day relies 350-400 g, for the most part - for breakfast. Three more times they eat watermelon. And the two elements of the diet can not be mixed.

Watermelon and brown bread

Bread and watermelon are an original, but far from the most harmful combination. On it, in 5 days you can lose 2-4 kg. Watermelon should be consumed at the rate of 250 g of pulp for every 10 kg of weight, for 4-6 meals a day, 3-5 times adding berries to a portion of not more than 100 g of black (rye) bread. Fresh or dried (in a toaster, in a pan and strictly without oil).

Watermelon and rice

In this version of the watermelon diet for weight loss, white rice is not prohibited, but it is preferable to brown or wild, in finished form - 250 g per day. And it is better to boil it for a couple, and not in water. The diet complements the watermelon, to determine the daily norm of which you need to divide the weight of the losing weight by 20. After 4 days, it is possible to lose 2-3 kg.

Watermelon and apples

As they say, on apples (1.5 kg per day) and watermelon (2-2.5 kg per day) for 10 days it is possible to reduce your weight by 8-9 kg. The main thing is that apples should be of an acidic variety, preferably those that are green. And half of them can be eaten baked, even with a drop of honey.

Eating with this diet option is recommended to eat 6 times a day.

And finally, you can lose weight from 3 to 8 kg in 1-2 weeks, adhering to a free watermelon diet for weight loss, whose menu for 7 days can be represented as follows.

First day

Breakfast - 150 g boiled buckwheat, 100 g steamed broccoli.

Lunch - 200 g of baked poultry fillet, 300 g of vegetable slices (radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes).

Afternoon snack - 200 g salad of greens and feta cheese, a slice of dried rye bread.

Second day

Breakfast - 150 g cottage cheese casseroles.

Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, 250 g of baked vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers).

Snack - 300 ml of soup in chicken broth, with rice and green beans.

The third day

Breakfast - rye bread toast, 50 g of hard cheese.

Lunch - 200 grams of feta cheese salad, baked pumpkin and fresh tomato, rye bread toast.

Afternoon snack - 200 g of greens, with grapefruit and boiled beef, 100 g of boiled buckwheat, kiwi and apple.

Fourth day

Breakfast - okroshka on kefir with fresh vegetables (300 g) and 1 boiled egg.

Lunch - 200 g of cottage cheese, natural yogurt, 150 g of baked zucchini, rye bread toast.

Snack - 150 g of boiled buckwheat, 100 g of boiled beef, kiwi, grapefruit.

Fifth day

Breakfast - omelet from 2 eggs with herbs, 100 g feta cheese, a slice of whole grain bread.

Lunch - 200 g of boiled fish, 100 g of wild rice for a couple, 200 g of baked vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, zucchini).

Snack - 2 baked potatoes, 300 g of fresh vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, herbs).

Sixth day

Breakfast - a protein omelet of 4 eggs, toast from whole grain bread.

Lunch - 150 g of salad from boiled beets, prunes, walnuts and sour cream, 150 g of baked fish;

Snack - 150 g of cottage cheese, kefir, apple, pear.

Seventh day

Breakfast - okroshka on kefir from apple, herbs and 50 g of raisins, 150 g of boiled rice.

Lunch - 200 g of boiled beef, 300 ml of mashed potato and cauliflower soup, rye bread toast.

Snack - a salad of 50 g of hard cheese and herbs, 200 g of cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruits.

In this menu, it is supposed to finish each meal with watermelon (except for those in which cottage cheese or kefir is present), as well as for them to manage for dinner (until 9 pm) and, if desired, to have another snack during the day, consuming from 2 to 9 a day 3 kg of pulp.

What else you need to know about watermelon diet for weight loss

What should be after the diet is easy to forget, usually they return to the usual diet. But the stable and long-term preservation of the achieved results directly depends on the correct exit from the diet.

And there are several rules regarding this:

• the first 2 months of the week you need to arrange 1-2 fasting days on a watermelon (choosing one of the mono-diets for them);

• the first month you need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day and take only a few slices of watermelon for dinner;

• the first two weeks, servings of the usual food should be halved;

• depending on the severity of the diet, it is necessary to diversify the diet gradually - first add sour-milk, then low-fat meat, then more and more vegetable and cereal dishes, a few quick carbohydrates from pasta and relatively harmless sweets (chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows).

The watermelon diet for weight loss is traditionally a summer event, optimal for August-September, when melons grown with a minimum of fertilizer begin the season.

It is important to emphasize in this regard several signs of determining the quality of watermelon for the content of nitrates:

• a piece of pulp dipped in water should make it slightly cloudy, but not stain pink;

• the slice of the natural fruit is noticeably textured, sugar, it should not shine with gloss;

• the color of the pulp may vary in shades of pink and red, but it should not be cloying, as if a violet tint.


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