Is it true that quitting smoking at the time of an exacerbation of a chronic disease is dangerous? Point of view of medicine


The physiological changes in the body with any dependence are approximately the same. Only the speed of their development, the severity and the degree of influence on the human body are different. Formation of dependence on substances contained in cigarettes, primarily on nicotine, takes years. According to studies, the average period is 5-10 years with intensive constant consumption of tobacco of at least 1-2 cigarettes per day. There is also some dependence on the amount of nicotine per day. If it is longer, the terms for the formation of dependence are proportionally reduced. This is a strictly individual indicator. Some pass 3, others 5-10 years, etc.

There is a psychological dependence before physiological dependence: a person may well give up smoking without health consequences. The habit interferes. Already after the formation of physiological dependence, it is so simple not to refuse tobacco: pressure jumps, the heart does not work properly. All systems sound the alarm, not counting the stimulator.

What is the effect of quitting smoking at the time of an exacerbation of a chronic disease in various forms of tobacco dependence?

Is it possible to quit smoking at the time of exacerbation, what are the risks?

Refusal of tobacco during exacerbation of a chronic disease is possible in some cases. It depends on what pathological process has made itself felt again.

When it comes to psychological dependence, the human body has not yet been rebuilt in the wrong way given by cigarettes. Therefore, there can be no problems with refusal. Not counting the emotional and psychological discomfort. But you can cope with such unpleasant sensations on your own, it is enough to master a simple relaxation technique (counting up to 10, rhythmic breathing) and make a strong-willed effort, distract from obsessive thoughts. If necessary, visit a psychotherapy specialist (not to be confused with a psychiatrist).

The situation is much more complicated if there is a physiological dependence, especially long-formed. In some diseases, it is indicated to temporarily postpone smoking cessation until a normal condition is restored. There are not many of them. These are cardiovascular diseases associated with instability of blood pressure: hypertension or hypotension.

In most cases, you can quit smoking, but gradually and carefully.

For example, with pathologies such as heart failure, cerebrovascular insufficiency (poor blood circulation in the brain), pathologies of the digestive tract, kidneys, and tobacco refusal, this is a vital task. But it must be solved gradually. Reducing the amount of cigarettes consumed per day.

In all other cases, there are no fundamental reasons for the delay. The widespread belief that one cannot fight addiction during a cold is greatly exaggerated. Indeed, a sharp rejection will be stressful for the whole organism. Against the background of such a radical measure, a decrease in general immunity is possible. However, insignificant. In any case, it is recommended either to wait a moment until everything returns to normal, or consult a doctor and take measures to strengthen the defenses.

Therefore, you can quit smoking at the time of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, but with a clear understanding of what to do and how.

How to quit smoking at the time of exacerbation?

There is no fundamental difference between the methods in a healthy person and a person with chronic diseases. A blunder - a sharp rejection of tobacco, this very minute and presumably forever. No matter how strong-willed a person is, this is not enough. In the future, a couple of weeks or months will fail. And the problem is not weak character, but human physiology. The body requires its own.

All kinds of chewing gums, plasters to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms (“breaking”), but in reasonable quantities, can be used as an aid.

What can happen if you do not follow the smoking cessation rules:

  • Jumps in blood pressure. Vascular tone begins to be regulated taking into account nicotine as a factor of narrowing.
  • Tachycardia. Tobacco and its constituent products affect the nervous system and indirectly provoke an increase in heart rate per minute.
  • Violations of mnestic activity, lethargy. A decrease in the quality and speed of thinking develops as a result of weak cerebral blood flow.
  • Typical manifestations of "breaking": lethargy, intermittent with irritability, weakness, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, nausea, increased salivation, dyspepsia (abdominal pain, vomiting, heartburn), diarrhea, constipation. Withdrawal syndrome lasts from a few weeks to a month. When conducting specific events, everything goes faster.

What kind of specialists can help?

With a long smoking history or if previous attempts to have no effect, it is recommended that you turn to a private narcologist or psychotherapist who has specific knowledge in the field of addiction. As part of the consultation system, a course of cognitive-behavioral therapy, Erickson hypnosis with shallow diving and gentle suggestion are conducted. This allows you to achieve a faster result, facilitates discomfort.

Also, without fail, you need to visit a profile specialist. Depending on which disease has worsened. A gastroenterologist is involved in the digestive tract, a cardiologist is involved in the cardiovascular system, and a neurologist is involved in the nervous system. For colds, it is recommended to consult a therapist, and if necessary also an immunologist. During the period of smoking cessation, it is important to dynamically monitor the state of the system that is under the greatest load.

Quitting smoking during an exacerbation of a chronic disease is possible. But the best solution is to work with a specialized specialist. This will minimize risks and will allow you to quickly and surely cope with the task.


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