8 habits that slow down metabolism


You train in the gym and try to eat correctly. Unfortunately, a person can slow down calorie burning himself and sabotage weight loss without even realizing it. Lauren Slayton, author of the book "Slim," talks about the little-known metabolic inhibitors. A few simple tips will help to spend extra calories.

You drink not enough water

To perform its functions properly, the human body needs fluids. You need to know that the body spends a lot of calories in order to warm up to the required temperature cold water. Therefore, warm water with lemon or hot tea will not increase metabolism as well as a cool drink.

You do not take vitamin D

When this vitamin is low in the body, you lose weight slower, and the level of the hormone ghrelin, responsible for the feeling of hunger, becomes higher. Since it is rather difficult to get the right amount of vitamin D from the diet, it recommends taking it extra from November to March - when the sun does not supply it from its rays.

You are the queen of cardio

Training - it is extremely important to maintain a high metabolism, but if you exercise only on a treadmill, or on a stationary bike, then do not build up dry muscles. Namely, it really stimulates the metabolism. Start to include strength training in your workout - and burn more calories.

You have a habit at night

Many people talk about how important it is to eat regularly in order not to slow down the metabolism. But one study shows that several hours without food are better for the body in terms of metabolism.

Slayton usually offers its customers a 12-hour abstinence period. "You harm your metabolism, if you have a snack at midnight, and have breakfast before training at 7:00," - considers Lauren.

You excluded caffeine from the diet

Caffeine has received a bad reputation, but it can slightly increase metabolism. Nobody suggests starting to drink coffee in liters, but if you drink only green tea, a couple of cups of coffee could help you lose weight.

You skimp on a dream

People who are deprived of sleep on a regular basis tend to be overweight more than those who get a good night’s rest. Lack of sleep can cause hormones that control appetite. It makes you more hungry. At least seven hours of sleep per night is recommended.

You are constantly under stress

Being constantly in the grip of anxiety is not only unpleasant feelings. This situation also negatively affects the metabolism. Activating cortisol, a stress hormone, allows the body to set aside rather than burn fat.

You consume too much pesticides and eat from plastic dishes.

If you really do everything right and do not see progress, it is worth looking at what you eat. Some pesticides that process vegetables, as well as chemicals contained in plastics, affect the endocrine system, which can trigger weight gain.


Watch the video: 8 habits that are slowing down your metabolism (June 2024).