Egg salad - proven recipes. How to cook egg salad.


Egg Salad - General Cooking Principles

Salad with boiled chicken eggs is one of the most popular dishes on festive tables. Eggs are available to everyone, simple and easy to prepare and slice, and their taste is combined with many other products. It is believed that eating eggs in large quantities is harmful to health, as they contain cholesterol. However, it is cholesterol in eggs that cannot damage the body. Egg salad is very nutritious and satisfying, you can use a variety of products for its preparation.

In addition, this salad is universal: depending on the added ingredients, it will be an excellent treat on the table, for both adults and children. And it will be very appropriate to cook it during Easter, when eating boiled eggs simply has no strength. Egg salad can also be used as a filling for sandwiches and pies, and grated egg yolk is an original and useful decoration for any dish on the table.

Salad can be prepared even in the case when the imagination has already dried up, because a huge amount of tastes are combined with chicken eggs. Thus, each time you can get a new original dish.

Egg Salad - Preparing Food and Dishes

Cooking dishes for chicken eggs should be selected based on the number of eggs you plan to cook. It is advisable to choose a saucepan in which the eggs will be located close to each other. If you choose a large dish for boiling two or three eggs, then they will begin to “travel” along it, and as a result they will fight against each other and crack. Of course, to cook an egg salad, we need hard-boiled eggs.

Many housewives when cooking eggs add salt to the water, and it can really help them not to burst during the cooking process. Egg boiling has several important rules that are recommended to be followed in order to achieve a better result. However, many housewives neglect them and create their own cooking methods. First of all, do not use rotten eggs for food. Not sure about their quality? Check it is very simple: pour warm water into a deep dish, pour some salt there and drop eggs one by one. Fresh eggs will lie on the bottom, eggs that have lain in the fridge for two weeks, will stand on the sharp end, but unsuitable - to float.

Well, then the process is very simple: put eggs into the prepared dishes, pour them with cold water and set them on fire. For boiled eggs, boil for about 7 minutes after boiling. Place the dishes with the finished eggs under cold running water and cool. Some housewives fear various diseases and food poisoning with chicken eggs, and therefore cook them literally within a few hours. This method can only harm the taste of eggs, so there is no need for it - seven minutes will be quite enough.

By the way, for some salads eggs can be cooked in another way, for example, they can be fried. Just before that, they will need to not just be broken up and poured into the pan, but broken up into a separate bowl, lightly whipped, added spices or a little flour. From the mixture to bake something like egg pancakes. The cooled pancakes are cut as required by the recipe. In egg salad, eggs can be grated, diced, or kneaded with a fork. For some snacks, it is required to extract the yolk and chop only it, and leave the proteins intact.

Egg Salad Recipes:

Recipe 1: Egg Salad

This is one of the easiest recipes for cooking salad with chicken eggs. It includes the most affordable products, some of which can be replaced. This hearty salad is perfect for a family dinner.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 8 pickled gherkins
  • 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise
  • Salt
  • Dried herbs (dill, parsley)

Cooking method:

All ingredients cut into cubes of the same size, mix and season with mayonnaise. Be careful with the addition of salt, before this, be sure to try the finished egg salad. Since it contains pickles and mayonnaise, as well as the eggs themselves salted a little during cooking, salt may not be required.

Recipe 2: Egg salad with tomatoes and ham.

This is very gentle and light, and the combination of different tastes will appeal to any gourmet. Externally, this salad will look very attractive, so immediately cook more - relatives or guests will be delighted!

Ingredients Required:

  • 5 boiled eggs
  • 300-350 g of ham
  • 3 medium strong tomatoes
  • 200 g durum cheese
  • 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise
  • Salt

Cooking method:

Eggs, ham and tomatoes cut into cubes, and rub the cheese on a coarse grater. All ingredients are carefully mixed so as not to turn tomatoes into tomato paste, and we dress with mayonnaise. You can add a little salt to the egg salad to taste.

Recipe 3: Egg Salad with Salmon

Any dishes with the addition of a noble red fish automatically become welcome guests at the festive table. It is very easy to prepare such a salad, as these dishes use the minimum amount of ingredients. The main goal is the expressive taste of fish, which is emphasized by other products, for example, chicken eggs.

Ingredients Required:

  • 150g lightly salted salmon
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tbsp. l mayonnaise
  • Fresh parsley

Cooking method:

All ingredients are cut into strips, carrots can be rubbed on a fine grater. Products can be mixed and dressed with mayonnaise, or you can put them in separate dishes in layers: salmon, carrot and eggs, each layer can be greased with a small amount of mayonnaise. Garnish with parsley.

Recipe 4: Thai Egg Salad

Europeans are very fond of exotic cuisine thanks to the new original tastes. In order to get acquainted with the cuisine of another country, it is not necessary to go on a trip - you can cook an original dish yourself.

Ingredients Required:

  • Ten boiled eggs
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 pcs. chili peppers
  • A quarter cup of soy sauce
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

We cut onion and chili into half rings, cut garlic into small slices and send to roast in a large amount of vegetable oil. In the meantime, prepare the sauce: pour soy sauce into a saucepan and pour half a cup of granulated sugar into it. Our sauce will be ready when the sugar has dissolved. Fry vegetables from the pan move to a plate covered with a paper towel or napkins - let absorb excess fat. Cut the boiled eggs into quarters, beautifully spread on a large platter, spread the fried vegetables on them and pour the egg salad with soy sauce.

Recipe 5: Egg sandwich salad

A simple combination of boiled eggs with pickled cucumbers will allow you to create for yourself the perfect nutritious breakfast with minimal labor costs. This stuffing is very convenient to prepare in advance and use when necessary.

Ingredients Required:

  • 4 boiled eggs
  • Jar of pickled gherkins
  • 3 tbsp. l mayonnaise
  • 1 french loaf
  • Fresh greens
  • 150 g bacon

Cooking method:

All ingredients are finely chopped and mixed with mayonnaise. Such an egg salad can be used to make toasts and sandwiches with toasted bread, or in a slightly different way: make deep cuts along the entire length on the French loaf, put the salad in there, wrap the loaf in foil and send for 10 minutes in the oven.

Egg Salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

It is very simple to distinguish a boiled egg from a raw egg; you just need to twist it around its axis on a flat surface. A hard-boiled egg will spin easily and for a long time.

Another way to recognize a stale egg is to look at it in the bright light of a lamp. Yolk from spoiled eggs will look dark. But in order to be sure one hundred percent, just break the egg and smell it - the spoiled will give out right away.

When boiling eggs, try to pierce the blunt end with a needle - this is where air is collected. This procedure will allow them not to crack during cooking and not to get an ugly appearance.

Quite often, small red dots can be seen in the eggs - this is part of the future germ. You should not be afraid of them, if you do not like the appearance, then you can just cut and throw it away. Harm to the body, they will not bring. But eggs with large bloody spots on the yolk should not be eaten by any means.


Watch the video: Basic EGG SALAD - How to make EGG SALAD recipe (June 2024).