10 rescuers raised the fallen giraffe to its feet


At a zoo in Miami (Florida), a female giraffe stumbled and fell. The incident occurred when a 29-year-old whale tried to quickly escape from an annoying fan. The animal did not notice large stones and literally collapsed to the ground. Kita didn’t succeed on her own. The incident did not go unnoticed. The zoo staff, who were nearby and controlled the process of eating animals, first decided that the female giraffe broke her leg when she fell. Fortunately, no serious injuries were found in Kita.

The efforts of ten rescuers were required to help the animal rise from the ground. They arrived at the zoo, armed with special equipment. With the help of belts, experts helped Kita, whose growth is almost five meters, get on her feet.

Despite the fact that the fall did not have visible consequences, the next few days the female giraffe will be watched by veterinarians who fear hidden injuries. It is known that giraffes begin their lives precisely from the fall - during the birth process, the cub falls from almost two meters in height, as the females produce offspring. The little giraffe stays on the ground for about an hour and only then gets to its feet.

At birth, the growth of a giraffe is about one and a half meters. In adulthood, a fall can bring an animal quite serious trouble - a cloven-hoofed animal is very rarely able to independently rise to its feet.


Watch the video: Lions Circle Trapped Baby Elephant UNTIL Another Elephant Family Shows Up. The Dodo (June 2024).