Fashionable rules of summer 2014


In summer, your appearance becomes the main fashion accent, so it is important to know the main beauty trends and rules of the season. About how to look in the summer of 2014, will tell the experts of the beauty center "Noble Manor".

1. "Sunburn is in the law ..." After a long period of complete discredit of sunburn, as a harmful phenomenon, couturiers predict the fashion for tanned bodies and faces. Just appeared technology, allowing to achieve a chocolate shade without harm to health. Sunbathe correctly: using SPF products helps to get a smoother and more prolonged tan. True, it manifests more slowly. If you are not ready to wait, combine a protected tan on the beach with the Fake Bake procedure, the # 1 Hollywood hit in the area of ​​safe bronzing. By the way, fashion this summer for tanning largely determines other fashion trends.

2. "Pastel is more fashionable than neon." This rule applies to the color of nails this summer. The most promising shades are mint (pale green) and lilac. They perfectly shade tan, visually make nails larger, and perfectly combined with almost any makeup and clothing. If you like "brighter", choose trend bright orange and blue colors. Another summer “trick” 2014 is a thick white coating on the nails, especially in combination with an almond-shaped manicure.

3. "Monochrome taxis ...". The most fashionable hair color this summer is a bright “bleached” blond and blond in platinum tones. For lovers of a more natural look, monochrome (in one tone) coloring is in fashion with a slight lightening of strands for blondes and brown-haired women. Unlike previous summer seasons that promoted the most bizarre coloring of hair, this summer even highlighting will be restrained, no more than two colors different from the main color. The same applies to ombre staining. But in this brevity - special chic expensive naturalness.

In general, for blondes this summer, the rule applies: the lighter - the colder. Dark and medium blondes, as well as brown-haired women are welcomed in warm colors. For brunettes, the most promising shades are coffee and bitter chocolate without any straightened highlights.

4. "Complete eclecticism" - this is how the trends of summer 2014 in make-up can be described. But what will be absolutely win-win is an absolute nude during the day and neon chic in the evening. This is quite a logical combination, given the fact that during the day you can calmly sunbathe, and in the evening - “beat” this tan. If in the afternoon you have to work, then in the evening there is an opportunity to slay all in a new way.


Watch the video: Blue & White Lookbook. Spring to Summer Outfits. Fashion & Clothes. Miss Louie (June 2024).