Gemini, born as a result of IVF, are more likely to experience health problems.


American scientists involved in in vitro fertilization (IVF) concluded: this procedure significantly increases the risk to the health of both the babies themselves and their mother.

It was found that children born through IVF, more often, have health problems than babies born in the usual way. Such a procedure is also unsafe for a woman who is implanted with several embryos at once, which led to the birth of twins, triplets, etc.

It is observed that with IVF, a cesarean section is 5 times more often, and twins are born in most cases premature.

Multiple pregnancies significantly increase the risk of stillbirth, fetal death of infants, as well as disability in newborns. Moreover, multiple pregnancies can threaten the health of the mother with miscarriages, a significant increase in blood pressure.


Watch the video: IVF Embryo Transfer That Brought Us Our Daughter. One Year Later (June 2024).