Scientists: elephanthood to diseases depends on the type of person


As a result of the analysis of the history of a large number of patients came to the conclusion that the propensity for certain diseases depends on the type of person. According to scientists, this connection is explained by the peculiarity of the hormonal system, which influences the work of the body's immune system, the activity of the brain and other important organs.

The study involved more than 6,000 people, whose average age was 68 years. All of them passed special psychological tests aimed at identifying their personality type. Four years later, doctors contacted volunteers to find out if their state of health had changed during that time.

As a result, it turned out that extroverts, people whose emotions are focused on the people around them and possessing such qualities as sincerity, kindness, and responsiveness were significantly less prone to diabetes, arthritis and stroke. At the same time, neurasthenics, for which the characters capriciousness, captiousness, inexplicable anger suffered from these diseases more often and in greater volume.

Explaining such a relationship of character and propensity to various diseases is simple: non-aging people are much more likely to experience anxiety and mood swings. As a result, their body is forced to produce much more stress hormone cortisol, which depresses the immune system and disrupts the harmonious functioning of various parts of the brain.


Watch the video: Coldplay - The Scientist (June 2024).