The strangest ways to reach opgasma without being engaged in the sector


Many of us love to experiment in sex. You can learn to enjoy things that previously did not bring any pleasure. The people who will be discussed in this article do not need to learn anything, because they already know how ... to reach opgasm in the strangest ways.

1. Operation during childbirth

I can already hear that sarcastic chuckle that has swept through the heads of the readers, therefore, I hasten to tell you what it is really possible to experience opgasm during childbirth. The percentage of women who have become happy witnesses of such a wondrous phenomenon is not that great - only 0.3%, but, nevertheless, they are proof that this is not an invention at all, but a real reality. It is a pity that not every woman gets a chance to enjoy the process of giving birth to her child.

Experts say that only girls and women who are psychologically minded to the positive and who are not afraid to give birth can experience unearthly bliss during childbirth. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of fears and experiences, especially if the appearance of the first child is expected, but such rules will help reduce the level of psychological stress:

- get a diary and during the whole pregnancy write in it that your birth will be good and easy;

- change your negative attitude towards the upcoming birth to a positive one: regularly look at the photos, which depict happy mothers with their newborn baby;

- mentally speak with your child, ask him not to hurt you, say how much you love him and wait.

2. Effect of stimulation of the feet.

In the Netherlands, there is one woman who has the courage to admit to the world that she can experience an orgasm in an unconventional way. Nothing like that, for that, she just needs to walk barefoot on an uneven or rough surface.

With such an interesting "gift" a woman does not live from birth, but only a few years. Once she had a terrible accident and injured her nerves. And, strange as it may sound, but now her brain confuses her leg with the vagina. It should be noted that such spinal defects are not so rare. Just people who may experience an orgasm while walking, do not like to talk about it, so as not to attract too much attention to themselves.

3. The teeth brushing routine

Yes, you read it right. In fact, there are cases when a person may experience an orgasm simply by adhering to the rules of oral hygiene, but this is a great rarity. The world knows only 6 people who have experienced this. One of them is a middle-aged woman from the USA. A few years ago, she turned to her doctor with one strange question: "Why do I have an orgasm when I brush my teeth?" Naturally, the doctor did not find the answer. But later it turned out that the woman had to go through a difficult operation, and she could no longer experience an orgasm during sex or masturbation. Well, you lose something, but you find something. Now she could enjoy just sliding the bristles of a toothbrush over her teeth.

A woman says that while brushing her teeth, she experiences rather strong orgasms that last about three minutes. Only the whole problem is that she has epilepsy. As soon as a woman has such long and violent orgasms, she faints and her family has to resort to the help of doctors so that she will come to her senses.

4. State of persistent sexual arousal.

The syndrome of constant sexual arousal brings a lot of inconvenience to people who have to deal with such a rare and rather strange affliction all their lives. “Why fight him? It's so wonderful!” - Some of you thought. Let's look at the situation from two sides:

1st. Yes, it's great when you can experience a lot of orgasms in one day. They are able to fill life with color paints, to lift the mood and give a good state of health. People who have such a syndrome, do not know any problems with their personal lives, because who does not want to meet with a man who will explode with an orgasm from just the look of his partner?

2nd. It is impossible to study normally, work, and just walk around the park when you have about 150 orgasms every day. It is impossible to predict when the next wave of pleasure will cover. Such a person cannot control his life at all. All is governed by the uterus, which contracts at the most inappropriate moments.

Sarah Carmen resides in the UK. She is 25 years old. Six of them, she is trying to get used to her constant arousal syndrome. The woman hopes that the illness will pass as unexpectedly as it appeared. In the meantime, she has to run away from the curious glances of passersby, who are so curious about why she suddenly begins to moan loudly in the middle of the street.

5. The exercise of exercise

More recently, it became known that more than 30% of women may experience an orgasm during exercise. Especially often he "covers" in the gym, when the head is not even occupied with any sexual thoughts and there is no stimulation of the erogenous zones.

Maybe you can “catch” an orgasm, doing, for example, morning exercises. Here are some tips:

1) Do what you always do. Do not try, do not squeeze the vaginal muscles on purpose, do not think about sex.

2) Free your head from thoughts of any kind. Do not be distracted by extraneous sounds.

3) Feel the ease, freedom and unity with yourself.

None of the scientists could not name the reason for this phenomenon, because the woman’s body should not react to the exercises in such an amazing way, but nonetheless.

6. The program from the trip to the hairdresser

If there are those among the readers who make a living doing haircuts, then I would like to warn you that tomorrow it will be very difficult for you to concentrate and tune in to work. Then we will discuss a very rare syndrome, which is called ASRM - autonomous sensory meridional reaction. Speaking in ordinary language, it is such a phenomenon when a person experiences a violent opgasm when someone touches his hair.

Yes, there are many people who like it if they are stroked gently on the head, play with hair or comb it. But there are not so many individuals who, during the aforementioned actions, experience opgasm. This does not bring them any inconvenience, but simply sets them apart from the crowd.

7. Yawning experience

There are in the world and those who are able to experience the real opgasm while yawning. They got this ability after taking medications for a very long time that have these strange side effects. No, no, you do not think, they are not on purpose, just all people react differently to different kinds of drugs.

On the Internet, even slipped the information that people who have a similar ability, sometimes gather in groups and just yawn, because everyone knows the fact that yawning is insanely contagious. And why not enough, if it brings dozens of pleasant consequences? 🙂


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