Gelatin face packs - rejuvenate and cleanse the skin at home


The phrase "external beauty" for each woman has its own subtext.

Someone sincerely believes that "they meet on clothes ...", trying to choose fashion brands, forgetting about the condition of the skin of the face, hair and teeth.

And someone, on the contrary, seeks to straighten hair and whiten teeth, but sometimes it pulls a shapeless bag instead of clothes.

Anyway, the concept of "external beauty" can not be divided. This is a set of all parameters, including both the tracking of fashion trends from the world of fashion, and hair care, fashion haircuts, coloring, manicure, pedicure, and more. Let's start caring for ourselves today, for this we have prepared for your attention a whole range of inexpensive and very useful masks, the main ingredient of which will be gelatin. Do not be surprised! Gelatin in cosmetology is not new at all. And you yourself can verify this by trying one of the means for the face.

Gelatin face mask with kefir

Of course, in the first place in the ranking of the beneficial properties of gelatin is a rejuvenating effect. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of our skin - this is a protein that must be synthesized continuously. However, to our great regret, we all are not younger; over time, collagen synthesis slows down dramatically, so the skin of the face becomes loose and wrinkled.

Due to the fact that in the gelatin, which is part of the mask, collagen is already split, its particles will penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, thereby making the skin elastic, toned and almost wrinkle-free.

Of course, in its dry form, gelatin is not used in cosmetics, it must first be steamed, that is, pour the powder into a glass and pour it with warm water. After that, be sure to wait for the time during which the gelatin swells and turns into a kind of jelly.

So, let's make a gelatinous mask, which is ideal for women with oily and combination skin type:

• Zarety gelatin for 30 minutes and set aside in a glass container 1-2 tsp.

• Add 1 tbsp. l kefir, as well as 1 tsp. wheat flour.

• Mix everything well and cover your face.

As usual, we leave the mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes, after which we wash off and apply a standard moisturizer.

Purifying gelatin mask for problem skin

Collagen contained in gelatin, of course, affects the many processes that take place in the cells of our skin. It promotes cell regeneration, that is, renewal, due to which we always look fresh, and the skin of the face remains clean and smooth. But when hormonal disruption occurs, especially problems with the adrenal hormone, which slows down the synthesis of collagen, our skin signals this first. The first signs of problems with the endocrine system are acne.

It is quite simple to fight pimples, it does not require much effort. We offer you an excellent mask that will clean the pores and relieve inflammation of the skin.

You need the following ingredients:

• Steamed gelatin - 1 tsp.,

• 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal,

• 1-2 tsp. slightly heated water.

Tablets need to be crushed and mixed with the rest of the mask ingredients, then with a "rubbing" movements apply the composition to the skin and wait until the mask turns into an elastic film.

Be careful: coal particles can damage sensitive skin, so massage it gently. Now you must very carefully pick up a corner of the film and remove it. The effect of the mask film will be noticeable almost immediately. "Black dots" will disappear, and the inflammation will dry out. After using this product, moisturizing care in the form of a cream will be helpful.

Herbal Gelatin Mask

Medicinal herbs used to care for the skin of the face, hands and body in ancient times. To argue about their effectiveness is really meaningless. Therefore, you can try to prepare a gelatinous mask with medicinal herbs at home, for example, with chamomile, celandine, calendula or hunter. It will soothe irritated skin, perfectly remove peeling and reduce the number of rashes, and also tighten and smooth the skin.

You need:

1. One Art. l Pour herbs or a mixture of them into a glass, cover with water and place in a water bath. The proportions should be as follows: 1 tbsp. l herbs in a glass of water.

2. When water boils, reduce heat and wait 1-2 minutes.

3. Now you can remove the decoction from the stove, strain and cool it.

4. While the brewed herb is cooling down, steam the gelatin.

5. Next, in the container, mix the decoction with gelatin in the proportion of 2x1. That is 2 tbsp. l decoction on 1 tbsp. l gelatin.

6. Put a mask on the face, wait about 15-20 minutes and wash off.

7. Enjoy the amazing effect of a simple and inexpensive facial treatment.

If you want, you can add mint or lemon balm to the composition of the mask, then it will have a refreshing effect, especially relevant in the summer heat.

Gelatin Face Mask with Vitamin Complex

Nutrition for dry and sensitive skin is simply vital. Without moisturizing and nourishing pores, the skin begins to peel off strongly, becomes covered with inflamed pimples and even gets an unhealthy gray tint. This skin is called lifeless. And all because she does not have enough vitamins.

Of course, you can take the vitamin complex inside: eat vegetables, fruits and special additives that help restore the structure of the hair, nail plate and skin. But sometimes even this is not enough. Now you can heal your face and return it to the old healthy shade with our mask. So prepare:

• Steamed gelatin flakes,

• 1 tbsp. l olive oil,

• 1 tbsp. l preheated milk

• Vitamin E - 2-3 drops,

• Vitamin A - 2-3 drops.

If there are bottles with these vitamins in your medicine chest, you can add them to the mix with a pipette. If such funds are not available, then purchase a vitamin complex in capsules "Aevit" in a pharmacy. It is quite inexpensive, but in one such capsule contains the necessary nutrients for the face.

Ingredients should be mixed and cover the skin, maintaining a time of about 15-20 minutes for the complex to work. Further, according to tradition, we wash.

By the way, you can replace olive oil with other oils, for example, almond oil, wheat germ oil or grape seed oil.

Refreshing gelatin mask with cucumber

Cucumber perfectly removes puffiness around the eyes, refreshes and whitens the skin. Not for nothing, our grandmothers used it as a sure way to care for the most sensitive areas of skin on the face. And cucumber has a wonderful moisturizing effect, which can not be compared even with the most expensive creams.

To make a mask yourself, you need:

1. Make a decoction of chamomile drug. Information on how to do this can be found in the previous recipe. The broth must be cooled and filtered through cheesecloth.

2. Grate the cucumber, put the porridge in a strainer and knead gently with a spoon, substituting a deep plate. For this mask you need cucumber juice and a few teaspoons of pulp.

3. Steamed gelatin.

4. In a separate bowl, mix 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile decoction with cucumber juice, add 1-2 teaspoons of pulp and 1-2 tsp to the mixture. gelatin.

5. It remains only to smear this face mask with the face mask and wash it off in 20-25 minutes.

Chamomile perfectly relieves inflammation and irritation, cucumber refreshes, tones and promotes skin whitening, and gelatin helps fight wrinkles, tightens and makes the skin perfectly smooth.

Remember that before applying any mask on the skin, it should be prepared. It is best to steam. It is done this way: it is necessary to warm the water, collect the hair in the tail so that it does not interfere, and hold the face over the steam, covered with a thick terry towel on top. So that hot steam does not burn the skin, do not bend too low, it is enough to keep your head at a height of about 20 cm above the tank with water.

During this procedure, the pores will expand, blood circulation will improve, so that any mask will act much more efficiently. In hot water it is allowed to add a couple of drops of aromatic oil, for example, tea tree, orange or anise.

Take care of yourself, indulge in a variety of means, and not necessarily expensive. Low cost masks and lotions made with your own hands sometimes affect skin problems much more effectively than you would expect from expensive branded cosmetics.
