What should be able to child in 2 months. A complete description of all the necessary skills in the normal development of the child in 2 months.


Is your baby 2 months old? We are glad to congratulate you! You have passed the stage called “newborn” and received the proud title “baby”; now you will be wearing it until the age of one.

After the first two months of life, you probably learned a lot: you realized that infantile colic is not so terrible and you can easily cope with it, adjusted the regime a bit and adapted to rest during the sleep of your child.

However, there are still so many new and interesting discoveries, because this is only the second month of life. And moms and dads live with the baby all the moments that have long been passed for them. To the question of young parents: “What should a child be able to do at 2 months?”, We will try to answer in this article.

What should be able to child in 2 months

By the end of the two-month period, your child already knows how much more than you could notice just some three or four weeks ago. He adapted to the environment, got used to new voices and began to recognize them. Now the baby does not just smile at you, but responds to your smile turned to him.

Also, the child begins to memorize the people who come to him. More he is not afraid of new sounds and unfamiliar voices. He is not afraid of anyone and gives a smile to everyone who speaks kindly, calmly and calmly with him. The kid learned to focus his gaze on a man and turn his head in the direction of the sound of a voice. If someone in a room in the field of view of a child is talking, he must turn the head in the direction from which the voice of the person originates. When you notice that there is no reaction, consult with a pediatrician or otolaryngologist, they will check the hearing of your beloved little man.

The routine of the baby at 2 months is not yet fully formed, the time intervals between feedings are different. Sometimes babies can sleep almost all day, waking up only to demand breast milk. But even more often there will be moments of long wakefulness, when the baby does not fall asleep even after feeding. The daily regimen at the age of two months is still floating, which cannot be said about the night. The number of night feedings during this period can be reduced to one or two, in some cases, the child eats at night 2-3 times.

Many babies still sleep about 16-18 hours a day. Sometimes the day routine gets lost and the baby starts to confuse day with night. It is normal if such cases are isolated and they do not occur systematically. To avoid this, mom and dad need to increase the load of the child during the day, just do it step by step, slowly: walk a lot in the fresh air, perform massage sessions and play with the baby in educational games.

Physical development of the child in 2 months

Upon reaching two months of age, the vast majority of children have the following parameters:

• Weight is increased by 800 g.

• Another 1 cm is added to the head circumference.

• Breast volume increases by 3 cm.

The interval between daily feedings is usually 3-3.5 hours.

Motor activity of a child at 2 months

If you want to understand what a baby can at 2 months, just watch your baby. Believe me, you will notice so many changes that there are not enough fingers on both hands to list all.

At 2 months, your baby is already keeping its head in a lying position on the tummy. He, of course, is not capable of turning over on his own; you should help him in this. But nevertheless, now he finds the opportunity to keep the balance much better, moreover, he keeps his head long enough, about 1-2 minutes and more. During this period, the child tries to raise above the surface not only the head, but also the chest. If you place a couple of bright rattles in front of him, he will look at them with interest, focusing his eyes well, and even try to reach the objects with his hands.

At this time, the baby needs a fairly hard mattress, which must be in the crib. The children's spine is not yet sufficiently formed, so you should not place any additional soft feather beds or pillows under your head. It will be enough only a thin diaper, folded several times.

Among other things, your child with undisguised surprise will find that he has arms and legs. Lying on his back, he will try to reach his feet and even pull them into his mouth. The same will happen with pens. Many babies find that the cam tastes much better than any nipple and sucks it with pleasure in the waking period.

It is still difficult for a baby to hold small objects on its own, but he will become genuinely interested in the mobiles and other colorful things hanging above him. Now, lying in a crib, he is able to spend alone with toys for quite a long time, carefully examining them. If you hang the mobile at a small height, a small child will try to reach the pendants in order to hit them with a pen. Also, the baby will be comfortable and interesting to lie in a comfortable lounge chair.

Reaction to the world

Every day your baby gets older, his body movements and eyes are now more conscious and attentive. He is constantly studying the environment and is interested in everything that happens around, and you, in turn, are well aware that a child should be able to in 2 months and how it develops.

The ear of the baby is already well developed, now he turns his head in the right direction if he hears people talking or the rattles are ringing. Every sound causes genuine interest in him: first, the kid shudders a little, then freezes, as if assessing and analyzing the situation, and then happily twitching with hands and feet if this sound is not frightening or too harsh. So he usually reacts to my mother's voice. His mimicry changes in a completely amazing way.

When a little man turns 2 months, he begins to roar, that is, besides crying, the baby learns to interact with the mother through language communication. At first, you can hear only individual, previously unusual sounds, but the closer to three months of age, the more your child will try to “talk” with you. The walk will not be a separate sound, but a long, often long "chant." When mom or dad meet the baby, he looks at their lips with interest and tries to repeat all the movements. It will take quite a bit of time and your child learns to "fuck."

Massage and games with a baby in 2 months

In infancy with the baby can and should play. Developmental games contribute to quick memorization of information, familiarization with interesting massage techniques and general relaxation of muscles that are in good shape after birth. Even if the mother is not a professional masseuse, she will definitely be able to master the elementary exercises.

Let's try to organize for the baby cheerful and useful waking period. For this you will need the following exercises:

1. Put a rubber ball with spikes in the palm of a little man and try to hold it with your hand. Developing fine motor skills, you will prepare the baby's fingers for new movements to capture and hold objects that will soon become quite familiar to him.

2. Check the child's reflexes. To do this, you need to lightly stroke the cheeks, touch the forehead, eyebrows, nose and chin with your fingertips, and then stroke the head. During these manipulations, your baby should react to touch, lifting the head, and reach for the fingers, opening the mouth a little. If the baby is comfortable, he will surely respond to you with a wide smile.

3. To effectively deal with constipation of newborns and colic, it is enough to conduct simple training. Bend the legs of the child in the knees and pull them up to the tummy, then perform circular movements, spreading them slightly to the sides, and then straighten them completely, lowering them down. Do this 3-5 times.

4. Be sure to lay the child on the tummy, helping him keep his balance. Massage his back and legs.

5. While the baby is lying on its stomach, try moving bright ringing objects in front of it. No need to hurry, because it is still difficult for him to quickly follow the toy. With these manipulations you help the baby to develop and strengthen the eye muscles.

6. Make "tugs" and play with the kid in the "ladies", he will certainly like it.

Such simple, at first glance, workouts will be a great way to entertain infants. Just remember: you need to make a massage or play on one condition, when the baby feels great. A sleepy, hungry or irritated child will not welcome such activities. And, of course, you should not train and play immediately after a meal, if you do not want the baby to burp abundantly.

Watch your child every day, watch for changes in his behavior and how he learns something new. These moments will never return. Support the baby in everything, do not be annoyed yourself over trifles, especially if the child doesn’t succeed or is behind his peers. All children are individual, as are adults. Learn to interact with your little man and then he will definitely welcome you with a joyful smile and a ringing laugh.


Watch the video: Two Year Old Child Development Stages & Milestones. Help Me Grow MN (June 2024).