Slimming nursing mom. Proper diet for nursing women - losing weight with the health benefits of mother and baby.


For most women, pregnancy, childbirth - the real test. But the greatest fun comes when we go home with the child. We need to feed the baby, bathe, rock, climb up to him at the first call.

The recently born and already pretty exhausted woman begins to fall into depression, it is critical to evaluate her own maternal abilities and her appearance. Most often women are upset by appearance. They are bored with being in the form of a bun, and the ladies are trying to find out the secrets of harmless weight loss for nursing mothers. Let's look for them together.

What do you know about a diet for a nursing mother?

We know that there is a special diet for nursing mothers. It should be observed in order for the woman who gave birth to produce tasty milk, which does not harm the baby, causing him bloating, colic, allergic reactions and other troubles. Women adhere to a special diet only for the sake of the child and do not even realize that following the correct diet for a nursing mother is not only a guarantee of the baby’s health, but also the possibility of losing weight without causing harm to herself or the child.

Why should a woman who follows a diet for a nursing mother should lose weight? It's simple. Nutritionists say that in order to bring your body back to normal, a person does not need to sit on hard diets. First, they are very unhealthy. Secondly, the weight dropped on fast diets is rapidly gaining weight again. Experts have already been tortured to repeat that the best helpers for losing weight are healthy food and exercise. It is not known how to exercise, but healthy food should definitely appear in the life of a nursing woman. Thanks to healthy food, so necessary nursing mom, a woman who has recently taken out a child can lose weight.

Look, a diet for a nursing mother eliminates the use of obscure convenience foods, fast foods, smoked meats, a huge amount of sweets, carbonated drinks, fried and fatty foods. These products usually carry us to the immense size. Having excluded these products from her diet, a woman should already feel lightness. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget to eat wholesome and varied food, getting from it the proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and minerals necessary for the mother and child.

But sometimes the ladies pay attention only to the caloric content of food, believing that the more food they eat, the better the milk will be. Therefore, the beauties eat buns, cookies, pretzels, washing down all the teas with a huge amount of condensed milk. So do not follow. Such food is too high in calories, but nutritionally poor. Forget about these simple carbohydrates if you want to get in shape.

Learning from mistakes

A number of ladies do not believe that, by following a normal diet for a nursing woman, you can lose weight. They say they tried to eat normally during pregnancy and still get stout. So, you need to take more radical measures. Do you think so too? Just do not try to starve, if, of course, love your child.

With regard to a strong weight gain during pregnancy, this most often occurs with those women who have the following beliefs:

1. "I am pregnant, and I can do anything. What I want is what I eat, because I shouldn’t get upset. When I have a child, I only need to feel positive. I’m not going to hurt myself.

2. "Yes, I really need sandwiches with sausage, mayonnaise, sausages crumbled on top, smoked fish, decorated with whipped cream and sprinkled with chocolate. Harmful? What? I'm not for myself - this is the child asking! What, you called my meal Vile? You said that the sandwich your child wants is a culinary perversion? Bastard! "

3. "I now need to eat for two. I want to have a healthy and cheeky little tot. What if he is starving? That's all, I'll eat even more."

Well, the child was born - you can forget about his madness. Now you understand that many of the not-too-healthy foods eaten were used only because this was what mother wanted, not the baby. A born child, as it turned out, reacts to all sorts of sandwiches and sweets with allergies, colic. Now we need to abandon the third mania - although there are useful products, but in huge quantities. No need to eat for two or four, either during pregnancy or after the birth of a child.

Slimming nursing mom: count calories

Calculate how much you need to eat per day calories for losing weight nursing mothers, you can use a special formula. Let's calculate the daily calorie intake that a woman should receive on a diet for nursing mothers. How it's done? First you need to know your weight. For example, you weigh 70 kg. If you are a low-active mom, then multiply your weight by 24. Women who love to move, but do not so much as we would like, will have to multiply by 30, very active moms - by 44. Add another 500-700 to the resulting number kcal

Such calculations are very easy. Look here:

1) 70 x 24 + 500 (700) = 2180-2380 kcal - the daily rate of calories for losing weight of an inactive nursing mother;

2) 70 x 30 + 500 (700) = 2600-2800 kcal - the daily rate of calories for a nursing woman with an average activity;

3) 70 x 44 + 500 (700) = 3580-3780 kcal - the daily rate of calories for a nursing mother leading an active lifestyle.

So, we figured out how many calories a woman should receive who follows a diet for nursing mothers in order to lose weight without harming herself and the health of the child. Now we’ll dwell on what exactly should be eaten by a woman who is breastfeeding.

What you need to eat for losing weight nursing mom

To lose weight and at the same time feed a healthy child, a woman must eat protein, foods rich in vitamin C (except citrus), foods that contain calcium. Those wishing to improve their health and lose weight nursing mothers should certainly eat fruits and vegetables (but not red). They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber. Adhering to a diet for a nursing mother, make sure that the body is supplied with magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B, which can be obtained by eating complex carbohydrates. Therefore, a woman should eat grated porridges and coarse grains. Also, do not forget to please yourself with zinc-containing foods and foods that contain saturated fatty acids. Meals are cooked in a double boiler or in the oven.

In general, a nursing woman will lose weight on low-fat natural yoghurt, cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, lean veal and beef, pork and poultry meat (turkey, chicken) without skin. Also, dieting for nursing mothers, it is allowed to eat sprouted wheat grains, broccoli, spinach, salmon, dried fruits, Brussels sprouts, zucchini. A nursing woman, if she wants to lose weight and feel good, you need to drink plenty of fluids - about 3 liters. In addition to non-carbonated water you need to drink milk, tea.

No weight loss diet for nursing moms will not be complete without buckwheat, rice wheat and oatmeal, wholemeal bread, potatoes and artichokes, fatty vegetable oils, such as flax or nut. If you like sweets and want to lose weight without giving up on them, then cook for yourself date bars, bran buns, oatmeal liver, fruit yogurt.

Safe and simple diet for nursing mothers

For those nursing mothers who want to lose weight, a slightly modified fast diet of the doctor and TV presenter Michael Mosley, which is called: "The Fast Diet", will do. Perhaps some of you have read the book Fast Diet 5: 2, which tells about the brainchild of Mosley. The book was published thanks to the efforts of the British journalist Mimi Spencer, who, like Michael, was convinced that the diet is really just amazing. And most importantly, it does not cause any stress that the nursing mother does not need at all.

The essence of a fast diet is that five days a week you can eat everything we want, and two - only healthy food in limited quantities, the caloric content of which should not exceed 500 kcal. Since the diet was not designed to lose weight for nursing mothers, we will make some adjustments to it. So, following a safe fast diet for nursing mothers, five days you need to eat a variety of healthy meals, the total caloric content of which does not exceed the individually calculated daily allowance (you can make calculations by reading the subtitle "losing weight of a nursing mother: we count calories"). At this time, you can afford to eat some sweetness once a day (marshmallow, marshmallow, sweetmeat) or another not very dietary product, but not the one from which the baby has pimples or colic.

The remaining two days you eat only healthy food. At the same time, increase the daily calorie intake set by Mosley from 500 kcal to at least 1000-1200 kcal. Pay attention to your well-being. If you have a weakness, dizziness, then begin to eat in these two days just as you ate the previous five. In any case, eating healthy food in an acceptable amount and doing simple exercises, you will definitely lose weight.


Watch the video: best diet plan for Lactate Mothers. 4 weeks weight loss plan. Breastfeeding diet to lose weight (June 2024).