February 16: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on February 16th.


Holidays February 16


Every year, February 16, after the Meeting, the peasants got up very early and began to repair (repair). Since, according to popular beliefs, the winter at Sretenie met with the summer, the time has come to inspect the farm and prepare all the equipment for spring, for sowing.

On February 16, everyone worked: adults, old people, children. Someone was repairing agricultural implements, someone was repairing buildings, and someone was cleaning the house and sorting through, revising household utensils and things. After the end of the work, the updated harness was proudly hung out in a prominent place, showing that hardworking people live here, who are preparing for the sowing ahead of time.

It was believed that a brownie on February 16 could disturb horses and drive them to death. In reality, this is an erroneous assumption. Brownie is the keeper of the house and all its inhabitants, and he cannot behave like an unclean force. After all, it was not in vain that the peasants, leaving the old dwelling, called with them the brownie too: the cat was first launched into the new house, and the coal scoop was taken from the old furnace.

Lithuania Restoration Day

On February 16, 1918, the Lithuanian Council proclaimed the restoration of an independent Lithuanian state. February 16 is celebrated with gala concerts and other events. On March 11, Lithuania celebrates Independence Restoration Day when it was the first to secede from the Soviet Union in 1990.

February 16 in the folk calendar

Semyon and Anna (February 16, according to the new style)

On February 16, Saints Anna and Simeon (Semyon) the God-Receiver met the baby Christ in the temple and glorified him. Anna was a pious widow, and Simeon a scholar who lived in Jerusalem and translated the book of Isaiah. Simeon doubted that the Virgin Mary would bring the holy baby to the world. Then an angel appeared to the scientist and announced that Simeon would live until he saw Christ with his own eyes.

Another name for the holiday of February 16th is precisely connected with this prophecy and it is called the Keeper of infants. On the day of February 16, it is customary to pray for the health of newborns, turning to saints Anna and Simeon.

Popular signs on February 16th said: if it snows in flakes, then the peasants must wait for a rainy summer.

Historical events February 16

February 16, 1568 sentence of the spanish inquisition

The Inquisition is a special court of the Catholic Church, created to curb the spread of heresy and punish through the burning of all heretics. The Inquisition in the Netherlands was created to deal with heretic Protestants. On February 16, the Inquisition decided to destroy all the inhabitants of the Netherlands, as heretics. The sentence, of course, was not carried out, although during its activities the Inquisition burned almost 8,800 people at the stake. Among the victims were outstanding minds of the time, whose teachings were contrary to the laws of the Catholic Church: Giordano Bruno, Joan of Arc.

The sentence of the Inquisition on February 16 became the cause of the Dutch revolution, as a result of which the country fell into two states: Catholics and Orthodox.

February 16, 1722 edition of the decree "On the heritage of the throne" by Peter I

February 16, Peter I issues a new decree "On the inheritance of the throne," which states that any person elected by the current sovereign can be the heir to the throne. Subsequently, the decree of February 16 caused palace coups and sowed confusion among ordinary citizens who did not want to "swear allegiance to the Antichrist." The decree didn’t give anything to Peter himself.

February 16, 1923 Tutankhamun sarcophagus found

Egypt is a country of healers and stone miracles. In the Valley of the Kings, on February 16, a stone sarcophagus belonging to the pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered. The tomb of the pharaoh came to our times in its original form. The scientist Howard Carter found the sarcophagus, and in it is a golden coffin with the mummy of Tutankhamun. There were so many treasures in the burial that it took them five years to classify them. The sarcophagus itself was left in the Valley of the Kings, and the treasures were transported to the Cairo Museum, where they are still stored.

February 16, 2005 - Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol of February 16 is an international document signed by 159 states. It obliges to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases: methane, carbon dioxide and the like, which cause global warming.

Under the terms of the protocol of February 16, it is allowed to sell unspent quotas for gas emissions. The main thing for greenhouse gases is to comply with the emission standards. The substances themselves do not harm health, therefore such trade will not harm people, but only redistribute emissions between partner countries.

Born on February 16

Nikolay Leskov (February 16, 1831 - March 5, 1895), famous Russian writer

Nikolai Leskov is a Russian prose writer. His best works were Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk and Lefty. Leskov’s works are simple and colorful, he skillfully describes the life of a common people, and the nickname of the master, who savvy a flea, has long been a household name.

Mikhail Tukhachevsky (February 16, 1893 - June 11, 1937), Marshal of the Soviet Union

Mikhail Tukhachevsky joined the Red Army in 1918, and from 1920 began to command the Eastern and Southern Fronts. It was his armies that defeated Denikin and Kolchak, crushed the uprising of the sailors in Krondstat. In 1924, Tukhachevsky became chief of staff of the army, and in 1934 - deputy commissar of defense.

The role of Mikhail Tukhachevsky for the army is enormous. It helps to change the structure of the troops in the Red Army, their retraining and rearmament, creates new types of troops: the Navy, aviation, airborne forces, promotes the opening of military academies. In 1935, Tukhachevsky was awarded the title of Marshal.

A man of iron will and independent views, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, could not get along with the Stalinist regime and was shot in 1937. In 1957 he was rehabilitated posthumously.

Kim Jong Il (February 16, 1942 - December 17, 2011), head of the DPRK

According to official sources, little Kim Jong-il was born on February 16, 1942, in Korea. At the time of his birth, a bright star shone in the sky and at the same time a double rainbow appeared, which announced the birth of a special child.

According to documents, Kim Jong Il was born in 1941 in the USSR, and they called him Yuri. Yuri’s father, Kim Il Sung (future president of the DPRK), served in the Red Army and commanded a battalion there.

The political activity of Kim Jong Il began in 1961, and in 1994 he was called the "great leader."

Vera Menchik (February 16, 1906 - June 27, 1944), Russian chess player

Vera Menchik is a legendary female chess player. She was the first female champion and eight-time in her entire life. Vera Menchik always won with high results and remained the best until the end of her life.

Menchik also played with men, although the results showed more modest, but you must not forget that they were not just men, but the best chess players. At that time, a chess club named after Vera Menchik was created, the honorary members of which were men who lost Menchik in tournaments.

Vera Menchik proved to the whole world that a female chess player can play no worse than a man.

Birthday February 16

Anna, Ivan, Nikolay, Roman, Adrian, Vladimir, Mikhail, Pavel


Watch the video: Why Does February Only Have 28 Days? (June 2024).