What foods are especially good for pregnant women?


A woman should pay special attention to her diet throughout pregnancy, because feeding a baby begins from the moment when life is “tied up” inside you. The basic rule of nutrition for pregnant women - products should be healthy and fresh.

Meat fish

Both mother and the unborn baby need animal protein, iron and B vitamins. All this is in meat, only it should not be frozen. Freezing robs this product of many useful elements. Fish will provide the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the infant's nervous system - vitamin D and phosphorus. Choose fresh, low-fat marine fish.


Do not forget about milk for a single day and drink at least 1-2 glasses. It is a source of calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D and group B.


Eat one boiled egg every other day, and the correct development of your baby’s mental abilities is guaranteed, because it is a storehouse of 12 vitamins and minerals. The chromium contained in the eggs will help you in the first trimester of pregnancy - it saves you from toxicosis.


Nuts contain substances necessary for the formation of the child’s nervous and immune system: vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, phytic acid, Omega-3.


First of all, broccoli removes toxins from the body. In addition, along with broccoli, your body receives iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamins A, C. E. It is important not to digest it, otherwise valuable substances are lost. From broccoli you get a tasty and healthy soup puree, you can cook it for a couple or blanch.


Thanks to potatoes, you and your child get potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, carbohydrates and fiber. This wealth is best preserved in oven-baked unpeeled potatoes. Young potatoes are especially valuable, in the peel of which there is especially a lot of potassium, and it favorably affects the cardiovascular system.

Fruits and vegetables

Eat any fruit, but be careful with strawberries and citrus fruits, they can cause an allergic reaction. Vegetables can be slightly stewed, but it is better to eat raw. For salads, use unrefined vegetable oil.


Watch the video: Foods to avoid during pregnancy (July 2024).