Vitiligo - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Vitiligo is a fairly rare skin disease that results in a pigmentation disorder. In this case, specific discolored spots of the most diverse sizes appear on the skin.

Vitiligo develops gradually, in some cases almost imperceptibly. Individual spots in the future may merge with each other. The skin areas on which the spots are located have a milky white color. Hair in the area of ​​these spots also bleaches. Quite often, spots can appear in the neck, near the eyes, on the hands, in the genital area.

Spots for several years can remain unchanged or pigmented, but at the same time new bleached spots appear. In some cases, the process can progress, but complete discoloration of the skin on the body appears only in isolated cases. Spots themselves disappear very rarely.

Vitiligo - reasons

One of the main causes that can cause vitiligo is a disease of the internal organs, as well as the endocrine glands. For example, somewhere in 25% of vitiligo patients, a thyroid disease is observed. Also, during a disease of vitiligo, an immune system disorder may occur. Chronic inflammatory diseases, sunburns of varying degrees, all kinds of poisoning, emotional stress - all these are some of the causes that cause such a disease in humans.

Vitiligo - symptoms

If single or multiple spots of a discolored shade appear on the skin, then these are the main symptoms of vitiligo. The foci of inflammation are often symmetrical. In some cases, there are unilateral lesions. Sweating is usually impaired, and discolored skin may lose its ability to respond to any irritants. Quite often, vitiligo is accompanied by solar dermatitis.

Vitiligo - diagnosis

Diagnosis of this disease begins with a patient examination by a doctor. You will also need an analysis of the family history, which is very important for identifying various diseases characterized by a genetic nature, a hereditary predisposition, and more. The taken samples of damaged cells are examined in the laboratory for the presence or absence of the melanin pigment.

Vitiligo - treatment

You can often hear from friends and even from some doctors the fact that a disease such as vitiligo cannot be cured. In reality, it is quite realistic to achieve positive progress and even completely recover in this situation through the use of modern treatment methods. One of the most effective ways to treat this disease is photochemotherapy.

This method involves taking medications that can stimulate melanogenesis in combination with UV irradiation of affected areas of the skin. Something similar is phototherapy. It also uses ultraviolet radiation, but without the use of medications. Herbal medicine is also used for treatment. In this case, the juice of some medicinal plants is rubbed into damaged skin areas, for example, a dugout, parsnip, red capsicum and some others.

As a prophylaxis, patients are highly recommended to be less in the sun. To protect damaged skin from sun rays, you can use a special protective cream that has a UV protection level of SPF 45. You can also use protective clothing and hats, cosmetics that hide certain areas of the skin.


maksim1961 10.28.2016
As long as vitiligo is considered a skin disease, then the disease will be incurable. All skin diseases are the result of diseases of the internal organs.


Watch the video: What is Vitiligo? (July 2024).