A third of Russians every year make a reshuffle


According to psychologists, a change in the interior of an apartment or, at least, a room helps to actively fight chronic fatigue, apathy and restores a person's ability to enjoy life again. The section "Home and Interior" of the portal "Women's Opinion" decided to find out how often Russians do rearrange furniture in their homes.

15.9% of Russian beauties change their interior regularly, several times a year. Thus, they bring positive emotions into their lives, which give them chores for choosing new furniture and room design.

20.2% of Russians make a reshuffle occasionally, about once a year. Old furniture is thrown out or taken to the cottage, something new is bought. Thus, the appearance of the apartment is changing, and with it the mood is changing. Surrounded by new objects, I want to live a new life. "There is nowhere to rearrange it especially - there is not enough space, but about once a year something from the furniture changes, and then I do a rearrangement," the women explained. Indeed, in Russian small-sized apartments you are not especially “walking around” and it is very difficult to realize all your dreams.

28.3% of the fairer sex said that they rearrange furniture very rarely, literally once every few years. As it turned out, this action takes place during repairs in the apartment, which naturally requires all kinds of movements and updates. “Both repair and rearrangement, and so everything is in place,” the women said.

18% of the beautiful half of humanity said that they did not do the rearrangement, but they were trying to complement the interior with something new, interesting. In this case, expanse is for those who know how to do something with their own hands: it’s profitable for the budget, and the soul is happy, and the small living space is not an obstacle.

17.6% of respondents sadly noticed that nothing had changed for a long time in their apartments. The same uncomfortable living conditions and low incomes of Russians became an obstacle to change. Some women believe that the rearrangement of furniture is completely unnecessary, because "everything is optimally installed with me."

According to the results of the survey, one conclusion suggests itself: Russians do not need doping to cheer up in the form of furniture shuffling, and living conditions do not allow it to be done simply for the soul.

The survey involved 3290 women. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 203 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Can Card Counting Beat a Continuous Shuffle Machine? (July 2024).