Honey recipe at home, for those who are tired of store cakes. Cooking honey at home according to unique recipes


Pastry baking has long been popular with many homemakers.

And although now there is a large selection of cakes in culinary and shops, home-made cakes, no doubt, remain tastier.

In addition, the preparation of pastry from dough is also a creative process, where every housewife makes the most of not only her skills and products, but also her imagination, artistic taste, and the ability to think through something original, even if the selection of products in the kitchen is small.

Today we offer you to expand your horizons among the recipes for making honey cake at home.

Honey cake is a great solution for meeting long-awaited guests, just to surprise old friends or come up with refreshments for the festive table.

Honey cake recipe at home - the basic principles of cooking

The main ingredients for making honey at home are honey, flour, sugar and eggs. To make the dough come up, add baking soda, quenched with acetic acid or lemon juice.

First, the eggs are mixed with honey, according to some recipes with sugar, butter. This mixture is heated in a gas or water bath. Only then add flour and knead the dough. It should be thick. It is divided into several parts and rolled cakes.

Creams for honey can be prepared different - custard, creamy, sour cream. It all depends on the type of recipe and your taste. Try, experiment, surprise!

Honey cake recipe at home with custard


For the test:

• Table eggs - 2;

• Thirty grams of honey;

• A glass of sugar (sand);

• One and a half liters. sunflower oil;

• Soda (quenched with lemon juice);

• Flour (four glasses).

For cream:

• Half a liter of milk;

• A pack of butter;

• Two tables. l flour (wheat);

• Sugar - one glass.

Cooking method:

First, prepare the dough. Two eggs are broken into a deep bowl, lightly mixed with a fork. Then pour a glass of sugar and put a spoonful of honey.

Pour baking soda into a teaspoon and quench it with lemon juice. Add to the egg-sugar mixture. Then there is poured sunflower oil. Everything is mixed, poured into a heat-resistant dish and heated on low gas. Stir all the time so as not to brew the whites and yolks.

When the mixture becomes homogeneous and heats up, it is removed from the heat and gradually pour one glass of flour. Knead the dough and roll it into a large tourniquet. Then it is divided into eight equal parts and cakes are formed up to five millimeters thick. It is important to roll out the dough while it is warm.

After this, cakes are baked alternately. The cooking time of each cake is no more than five minutes. While they are still hot, they can be cut. The rest of the dough is suitable for sprinkling cake.

After the cakes have cooled, they are smeared with custard. Dough pieces are crushed and sprinkled on top of the cake. Cover with cellophane or a large plastic lid and leave to soak in the refrigerator.

Cream preparation:

One glass of milk is poured into the pan, two tablespoons of flour are poured and whipped with a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

Then put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Slowly pour sugar and stir all the time, otherwise it may burn. After the sugar has dissolved, more milk and flour are added. The cream is gradually brewed and thickens.

After that, put a pack of oil and mix well. When the cream becomes thick, remove from heat and clean in the refrigerator until it cools.

Winnie the Pooh honey recipe at home


• Oil - 50 grams;

• A glass of granulated sugar;

• 2.5 tables. l honey;

• Chicken eggs - 2;

• Baking soda - two teas. l .;

• Flour - three glasses.

For cream:

• Half a glass of milk;

• Half a glass of sour cream;

• One and a half tea. l gelatin;

• Egg yolks - 2;

• Sugar - four tables. l .;

• Honey - one tables. l .;

• Berries - for decoration;

• Chocolate.

Cooking method:

In an enameled saucepan melt butter, sugar, honey, eggs and slaked baking soda. Stirring, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Thick foam should form. The volume will increase three times. The cooked mass is poured into another bowl and flour is added. Knead the dough and divide it into several parts. Then roll out and bake each layer of dough separately. Get a few cakes.

To prepare the cream, the gelatin is soaked in a small amount of warm boiled water. The yolks are ground with sugar, poured into a saucepan with milk and heated. Diluted gelatin is added, mixed well. This mixture is cooled and left to thicken. Honey and sour cream are poured into the thick mass. Cream spread cakes. Decorate with berries and chocolate chips.

Honey recipe at home "Beehive"


• Four tables. l honey;

• Chicken eggs C1 - 3;

• Flour - four glasses;

• Sugar - two glasses;

• One tea. l baking soda;

• Sour cream - eight hundred grams.

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into deep dishes, soda is added and whipped.

In an enameled pan, granulated sugar is mixed with honey. They put on weak gas. Stirring, wait until the sugar has dissolved and brought to a boil.

When the mass begins to boil, add beaten eggs with soda and continue to heat. After the formation of foam - removed from the stove.

Then, wheat flour is gradually added to the mixture. Knead a thick dough. Divide it into ten equal pieces and roll it into round layers.

Roll out quickly while the dough is still warm and elastic. Otherwise, it will harden and will not roll out as needed.

Cakes individually baked in the oven, each - no more than five minutes. Leave to cool.

Meanwhile, a cream is being prepared. Sugar is poured into a bowl, sour cream is added and whipped with a blender / mixer until a lush foam is formed.

Each cake is greased with cream and stacked on top of each other. The sides are also coated with cream with the addition of crumbs remaining from the scraps of cakes.

Also, small crumbs can be sprinkled on the top cake cake. Grated chocolate or pieces of fruit will do. Cake is chilled in the refrigerator for at least five hours and served for tea drinking.

Honey recipe at home "Fast"


• Chicken eggs - 6;

• Sugar - one glass;

• Honey - one tables. l .;

• Half tea. l baking soda;

• Flour - 2.5 cups;

• Butter - one hundred grams.

For cream:

• Sour cream - half a kilogram;

• Sugar - a glass;

• Grated chocolate or fruit to decorate the cake.

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a bowl and beat with sugar. Add honey, baking soda, slaked with vinegar, softened butter, flour. Knead the dough. It should turn out like a thick sour cream.

Oiled parchment paper is placed in a baking dish and the dough is laid out. Bake thirty minutes at the optimum temperature (180 degrees).

For cream, beat sour cream with sugar. The cooled cake is covered with cream and garnished with grated chocolate or fruit. Enjoy your meal!

Honey recipe with nuts at home


• Chicken eggs C2 - 3;

• Sugar - a glass;

• Three tables. l honey;

• Half a pack of butter;

• Baking soda - two teas. l;

• Sugar and sour cream - for cream;

• Flour (premium, wheat).

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a dipper, beaten with sugar, honey is added. Softened butter and slaked baking soda are added.

Heat the mixture in a water bath for ten minutes. It’s important to stir all the time. Then the mass is allowed to cool a little, pour in the flour and knead a thick dough. It is divided into ten to twelve equal balls and rolled cakes. In sequence, bake in the oven for four to five minutes each.

Meanwhile, they are making cream. Chilled sour cream is mixed with sugar and whipped with a mixer / blender. No need to overdo it so as not to get oil, instead of cream.

The cooled cakes are smeared with cream and laid on top of each other. Between each layer, crushed walnuts or peanuts are poured. The side of the cake is also smeared with cream, can be mixed with nut crumbs. It is cooled in the refrigerator and the impregnated cake is served to guests for tea.

Honey recipe with condensed milk at home



• A pack of margarine;

• Honey - two tables. l .;

• Table eggs (C1) - 2;

• Sugar - two hundred grams;

• Flour (wheat) - three glasses;

• Baking soda - two teas. l


• Condensed milk (one can);

• Butter (one pack).


• Sugar (one hundred grams);

• Half a glass of boiled water;

• Three tables. l cocoa;

• Butter (0.25 packs).

Cooking method:

Melted margarine is mixed with honey and heated with water vapor. Then add sugar and add soda. Warm up until a homogeneous foam.

Remove from a water bath, add beaten eggs and pour flour. Knead the dough thoroughly and immediately divide it into four to five parts.

Rolls roll out cakes and bake one at a time. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream. Butter is heated with water vapor and mixed with condensed milk. The cream is ready!

To get the icing, granulated sugar is poured into the water, cocoa is added and put on gas. Warm up for ten to fifteen minutes. At the end of cooking the glaze add more oil.

The cooled cakes are well smeared with condensed cream, pour cocoa glaze on top of the cake. Cool the cake in the refrigerator, let it soak.

Honey Bee Recipe Homemade Bee



• Half a kilogram of flour;

• Eggs C2 chicken - 2;

• Sugar - two hundred grams;

• Three tables. l honey;

• Two teas. l baking soda.


• Half a kilogram of sour cream;

• Cream - a glass;

• Condensed milk (one can);

• Two tables. l honey;

• One pack of gelatin.

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a bowl, added granulated sugar, butter, honey, slaked soda. The mixture is heated with water vapor to double in volume.

Remove from steam, add flour and gradually mix dense dough. They let him stand for twenty to thirty minutes. Then the dough is divided into balls and rolling cakes with a rolling pin.

Each cake is baked for no more than five minutes.

Meanwhile, a cream is being prepared. To do this, condensed milk is mixed with sour cream, pour in cream, add honey and whisk with a mixer. Coat cooled cake.

You can also cook icing or, in other words, "honeycombs".

The gelatin is diluted with cold cream and allowed to stand. Then heated to a homogeneous mass. After cooling, mix with cream. This mixture is coated on the sides and top of the cake. A cellophane with blisters is applied to the upper cake to make a "honeycomb". The original Bee cake is ready! The top can also be decorated with small bees. They can be made from walnuts.

Honey cake recipe at home - tricks and tips

• When the dough is kneaded, milk or water is poured into the flour a little bit, with a thin stream and stirred with a wooden spatula - the dough will be without lumps.

• If the finished cake has stuck to the pan - hold it above the steam.

• If the cake is not removed from the mold, wrap it for several minutes with a wet towel or place in a pan filled with cold water.

• Korzh will not burn out if a large salt is poured onto the mold under the dough. When you bake a cake on a baking sheet, place another baking sheet under it.

• If the cake in the oven starts to burn from one corner, place a bowl of water under the baking sheet in this corner.

• Soda and vanilla in the dough are better to be sprinkled than to sprinkle, otherwise the cake will turn out tasteless.


Watch the video: Cold Remedy Tea with Turmeric Ginger Honey Citrus. HONEYSUCKLE (June 2024).