Prayer to All-Tsaritsa


In Orthodoxy, there is a tradition to offer prayers aimed at a specific message (healing, assistance in work, help in personal life), to individual saints or icons. And although this practice is common everywhere, it is more correct to pray with faith in a single higher power. But, in moments of deep despair, all methods, as they say, are good. If we are talking about oncology, you can understand the suffering. Making a prayer for his health or healing for a loved one, he appeals to any saints or images. Most often, the choice falls on the icon of the Mother of God "All-Daughter".

Description of the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa"

The image of the Mother of God, imprinted on the icon "The All-Saints", according to the beliefs of believers, has a miraculous power to fight against cancer. On the image you can see the Virgin in a red elegant dress. She holds her son with her left hand, and with her right she points in his direction, denoting his role as the savior of mankind. In the background are angels. Historians report that the date of writing the icon is the XVII century. "Pantanassa" (which means "All-king”) was in the possession of Vatopedi monastery, for which it was written.

While the icon was in the temple, holy miracles happened more than once. Sinners who visited her, told with religious trepidation about the fiery glow that emanated from the image, after which they forever renounced their past life and accepted faith. After a while, the icon began to attribute healing effects. Cases of curing the most serious diseases, including cancer, have been reported. After that, "All-Tsaritsa" became the object of lists.

In modern history the most famous episode with the icon recorded in 1995, when it was installed at the Moscow Children's Cancer Center (Kashirskoye Highway). It was rumored that many patients had improved. Soon the icon was pacified, and from that time on, most of the Orthodox parishioners finally believed in its miraculous power.

Lists of the icon "Vsetsaritsa" are in many churches of the country. The image is asked to cure cancer tumors, but they also pray for deliverance from alcoholism, drug addiction, they are asked to bring protection from warlocks and conspiracies. But the main prayer remains from cancer.

Prayer "Vsetsaritse" in oncology - how to ask

The news of the presence of cancer always becomes a shock. To cope with it is difficult, but you can not give up, otherwise the disease will develop faster. Primary care for the patient is provided in a medical facility. To get it out of depression, you need to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. However, it will be difficult to restore composure without your own actions. In the moments when everything falls out of hands and there is no strength to fight, remember the prayer and read it.

The appeal to the Mother of God "Pantanasse" should be accompanied by a number of steps:

  • Go to the temple, confess and ask a spiritual person for a prayer for your health or healing of a relative / friend;
  • Light a candle in the glory of Our Lady before the icon "All-Daughter", say a prayer;
  • If possible, attend church as often as possible;
  • If the situation or health does not allow, hang the image of "Pantanassa" in the bedroom and pray in the morning and evening.

ATTENTION: The process of treating any cancer should take place only under medical supervision! If you or a loved one has symptoms or is suspected of having a tumor (benign or malignant), consult a doctor immediately. The use of prayers can not be considered a panacea and the main method of treatment.

Akathist "Vsetsaritse" and a prayer from cancer, text

The request for healing should come from the heart, from the heart. Their desires are necessary to comprehend and clearly present a positive result. A disease is a hard test, but if there is at least a minimal chance of overcoming it, you cannot lose it. Usually, when a prayer is offered to the Pantanassa, relief even comes from those who do not consider themselves to be part of the faith. But if the request is sincere, and the person who speaks it out ponders the meaning of the words, and not just partly jagged text, help will come. Usually, the All-Tsaritsa prayer for oncology in Russian is read after an akathist containing 13 kondaks and 12 icos (download the full text here). We will present a version in Church Slavonic style:

"Oh, Immaculate Bogomati, Vsetsaritsa! Hear Sick groaning our before the miraculous icon of Thy, from inheritance Afonskago in bringing Russia, look upon thy children with incurable diseases the suffering, to the holy image of thy faith cling! Yakozhe bird kriloma covers chicks own, tacos and You are now, blessed with the life of the earth, covered us with your many-body omofor. Tamo, the hope disappears, the hopeless baptized. Mo idezhe desperate darkness in the soul dwelt, but shine forth ineffable light of the Divine Malodushnyya consoling, feeble strengthen, hardness of heart softening and education grant Heal bolyaschiya Thy people, O most gracious Queen of mind and hands of doctors we bless;!.! but serve as an instrument Vsemoschnago Physician Christ The spas of ours: I live alive with us and pray before Thy own, O Lord! Stretch Thyself, exalted healing, and the physician, the Mourners, in Pecholeh, my heart, in my heart and my mourn, koro poluchivshe glorifying the Life-giving and Indivisible Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen".

The All-Tsaritsa Prayer for Oncology for a Sick Relative

If a cruel disease struck a loved one, the All-Tsarets prayer for cancer will help, but the approach to reading changes somewhat. It is better that several people ask for the patient's health at once - this is a prayer by agreement. They must confess in the temple and put a candle on the health of the one who needs help from above. A prayer book will be effective if you have a spiritual connection with the person for whom it is pronounced. Therefore, not only blood relatives, but also close friends can participate in prayer by agreement.

Read from the sheet should not be, try to learn the text by heart. You also need to realize that healing from oncology is a complex process with many difficult obstacles, and you should not wait for a miracle the next day after the prayer. But the stronger the faith, the sooner it will bring recovery. A prayer for the patient can be ordered, and it will be read during the Liturgy.

Is it possible to pray to All-king about the healing of other diseases?

It is believed that the icon "Vsetsaritsa" and a prayer for cancer are inextricably linked. But the image can be asked and help those who suffer from other diseases. First of all, relatives of people suffering alcohol addiction and addiction to narcotic substances. Recently, cases of appeals for Ludomania - gambling addiction. Prayer to All-Tsaritsa helps with infertility or inability to get pregnant for a long time. However, for all such problems, the initial solution must be sought in specialized medical institutions. Prayer is a way to deal with the trauma of an illness.

All-Panic Pantanassa, prayer for healing

Magical power can be a weapon directed towards good or harm. If you had to become a victim of the second option, then you can not discard the option of targeting damage. Negative energy targets the most vulnerable places, often this is manifested in the form of the appearance in a person who has been damaged and has a severe oncological disease. The icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa" will help get rid of the ill effects, if you read it daily. Enough short version:

"All-good, dear to the Blessed Virgin, Pantanass, All-Holy Mother! Nesm is worthy, but come under my roof! But like God’s gracious love, Math, may my soul be healed and my infirm body will be strengthened. the verb of the All-Holy One! You ask for me! You have pleaded for me. Yes, I praise Your glorious name forever, now and forever and ever. Amen. "

As you read the holy words, focus on the positive, imagine how they catch up with the desired goal and translate it into reality. Do not hold insults, release sadness and let love into your soul.


Watch the video: Joy Of All Who Sorrow (July 2024).