Raw eggs: calorie content, benefits and harm from their use. What secrets do raw eggs conceal? How can they harm health?


Every day, millions of people start their day by eating eggs for breakfast.

They are eaten raw, boiled, fried.

The fast digestibility of this product, ease of preparation, attractive taste, low cost were able to make it popular among a large mass of familiar food products.

Raw eggs, as a product, are nutritious and contain a significant number of valuable and beneficial properties.

Raw eggs: calories, composition, how to use

In the diet of every person there is an egg. This product is beneficial for the body due to the presence in it of a mass of useful and necessary substances.

A raw egg is a dietary product, as 60g (average weight of one egg) contains 70kcal. This figure is a common indicator. If we compare the calorie content of the yolk and protein, then the calorie content of the yolk is higher.

Nutritional value of the product:

• 12gr of protein;

• 11g fat;

• 0.7g carbohydrates.

There is a lot of water in the egg, about 85% of its total mass falls on it. One raw egg can replace a glass of milk or 50g of meat. It contains 24% of the daily norm of the required protein.

The yolk contains amino acids important for humans: lecithin, choline, linolenic, oleic. They affect the nervous system, improve memory, normalize the work of many organs, prevent the development of a number of diseases, and cheer up.

One raw egg contains up to 186 mg of cholesterol - This indicator is considered high. Most cholesterol is present in the yolk. A healthy person can use no more than 300 mg of cholesterol every day with various foods. An egg contains about 70% of the daily volume of cholesterol.

A raw egg contains a lot of vitamins and minerals:

vitamins: A (0.22 mg), PP (0.18 mg), E (2 mg), B1 (0.07 mg), B2 (0.46 mg), B5 (1.3 mg), B6 ​​(0.14 mg), B9 (7 mg ), B12 (0.54 mg), D (2.2 mg).

minerals: 55 mg of calcium, 2.45 mg of iron, 12 mg of magnesium, 190 mg of phosphorus, 142 mg of potassium, 134 mg of sodium, 14 mg of fluorine, 4.6 mg of selenium, 52 mg of copper, 128 mg of calcium.

Only in a raw egg product are vitamins and minerals stored in full. Any heat treatment destroys a significant part of these substances, which means that the usefulness of the product is reduced.

The useful properties of raw eggs have found application in alternative medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Cooking Application. If we talk about the use of raw eggs in cooking, then any housewife will be able to name a large number of dishes in which it is used. The egg is still considered the most affordable and healthy food in the world.

Use in Alternative Medicine. The beneficial effects of raw eggs on human health have been noted for a long time. Even in antiquity, this product was treated: burns, purulent acne and boils, indigestion, nausea, cough, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, bleeding, reduced the severity of asthma attacks, lowered blood pressure, male infertility, leg pain. Many traditional medicine tips apply to treatment today.

Application in cosmetology. Raw egg product is an indispensable component that is part of most shampoos, hair rinses, masks and skin creams. Raw yolk is more often present in their composition. At home, you can cook masks, the effect of which will be immediately noticeable.

Mask for oily skin: 1 protein is whipped until foam, 1h l of lemon juice is added to it. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, washed off at the end of time.

Nourishing mask. 1 yolk, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of glycerin are mixed. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes on the face, then rinse with water.

You can use various recipes to give shine to the hair and strengthen it. The easiest recipe: beat a few eggs until foam, dilute with water at room temperature and apply to wet clean hair. After 20-30 minutes, the mask is washed off with water.

In order for an egg to positively affect the condition of the skin and hair, it is not necessary to make masks based on it. Its moderate presence in the diet will be sufficient. The effect of internal exposure will be more persistent, although it will not be immediately noticeable.

Raw eggs: what are the benefits for the body

The presence of a mass of useful substances in raw eggs allows us to state their benefits to the body:

• their use accelerates the healing process;

• are necessary for the formation and growth of bone and muscle tissue;

• improve the quality and visual acuity, help fight cataracts;

• are necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys, liver, intestines;

• strengthen immune defense;

• regulate the balance of amino acids and carbohydrates;

• improve all metabolic processes;

• calm the nervous system and normalize its work, are able to relieve depression;

• regulate oxidative processes in organs and their tissues;

• normalize digestion, are used for gastritis and ulcers;

• positively affect the activity of the heart and its vessels;

• help cleanse blood vessels, liver of toxins and poisons;

• participate in the synthesis of hemoglobin;

• improve blood flow and blood coagulation, prevent the development of hemophilia;

• activate brain activity;

• affect hair, skin, teeth, bones;

• regulate the work of the endocrine glands;

• contribute to the production of sex hormones;

• fight with malignant cells;

• affect the restoration of the vocal cords;

• used in the treatment of cough.

Eggs are beneficial for the body in any form. It has been known for a long time that products that did not undergo heat treatment retain all minerals and vitamins, which means that their benefits are much greater. This fact applies to eggs.

So that the benefits of raw eggs are more complete, it is important to use only fresh products. We must remember the rule: the fresher they are, the harder and always drown in a glass of water.

Raw eggs: what are the health risks?

This product can cause significant harm to the body. Eating raw eggs can endanger a person’s life. Speaking about the dangers of raw eggs, cholesterol and salmonellosis are always mentioned. But these are not all the reasons why it is better to abandon their use:

• Salmonellosis. There is always a risk of contracting this disease. The bacterium is able to penetrate into the eggs through the shell, and already in the body provoke an intestinal infection.

• Cholesterol. Eggs increase your bad cholesterol. Most of it is present in the yolk, and protein in this regard is considered safer. The “safe maximum” is only 1 egg per day. Exceeding this norm is harmful to health, as blood vessels clog, blood flow in them slows down, and the risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension increases.

• Antibiotics. If antibiotics were used to prevent diseases in chicken, they easily penetrate the egg. Their harm is huge: the microflora is destroyed, the pathogenic flora quickly adapts to antibiotics, and a person’s susceptibility to them decreases, and resistance to various infections decreases due to a decrease in immunity.

• Nitrates. As recent studies show, it is in raw eggs in a high concentration that nitrates, toxic substances, and heavy metals are present. If raw eggs are constantly present in the diet, then the body accumulates these harmful substances. It is very difficult for the body to get rid of them independently.

• Hormones. To stimulate the process of egg formation and the destruction of factors that impede this process, hormonal drugs are used. The most commonly used female hormones are progesterone and extradiol. In addition to these synthetic hormones, eggs contain their own hormones. Their total effect on the body negatively affects its condition.

• Allergy. People who are prone to frequent allergies should be wary of using eggs.

• Diabetes. Patients with diabetes need to reduce the use of eggs to a minimum or it is better to completely abandon them. Cases of death of diabetics after their use are registered.

• Gallstone and urolithiasis. Eggs, especially the yolk, stimulate the gallbladder and kidneys. If stones are present in the organs, then pain sensations intensify, cramps and colic appear.

Most of the negative aspects of this product are manifested in non-compliance with the norms of use. For healthy people, a norm is considered safe, not exceeding 5 pieces per week.

Raw Egg for Kids: Good or Bad

A wonderful set of vitamins and minerals, easy digestibility, make this product useful for children. Eggs strengthen the immunity of the child, as well as:

• give energy and strength;

• contribute to the proper development and growth of the child's body;

• affect the coordinated work of many organs;

• useful eyes;

• necessary for mental development.

Despite a significant number of advantages, an egg for a child is considered an allergenic product. An allergy to it usually goes away by the age of 7, but in rare cases remains for life.

In what form to give an egg to a child: in raw or after heat treatment, it is for parents to decide. Many parents, knowing that heat treatment reduces the amount of nutrients, prefer a raw egg. But you should take into account the fact that the whole egg will lose its nutrients only after 15 minutes of cooking. First of all, vitamins are destroyed, and macro - and microelements do not disappear anywhere.

Parents should not forget about the risk of infection of the child with salmonellosis.

If, nevertheless, a decision has been made to introduce the eggs in the raw diet of the child, it should:

• consult with a pediatrician;

• wash the egg thoroughly to prevent infection in the baby's body;

• check the integrity of the shell, since even minor damage to it can contribute to the easy penetration of dangerous infections.

Raw eggs for a healthy human body - a nutritious and valuable product only with strict observance of the norms of their use.


Watch the video: What'll Happen to You If You Start Eating 3 Eggs a Day? (June 2024).