How to quickly grow hair at home


How many women think about changing their image and their hairstyle every day? We constantly try and try on new haircuts, but the most popular haircut still remains long, luxurious, beautiful, and most importantly - our healthy hair. Some women or girls grow hair quickly enough, allowing you to change your image every few months.

If you also want to quickly grow hair at home, give it density, volume and forget about the short hairstyle, then this article is for you! You can achieve this result not only with folk remedies, using homemade recipes - you can also accelerate growth with the help of mustard masks (which need to be done several times a month), using a special shampoo for these purposes, which has a natural composition.

How to quickly grow hair at home

Using our recipes, you can quickly grow your hair at home even in a week. But this will require patience and follow a number of simple rules.

  • To grow long hair you need eat right. Can be applied any number of times. masks and balms on hair but if they do not receive a sufficient dose of vitamins from the body - no such procedure will help. The main thing is to eat foods high in content. vitamins of the whole group B, calcium and iron. For the result - eat several times a day fruits and vegetablesdon't forget about milk and dairy products.
    Council !!!! Eat green or yellow fruits and vegetables !!!!
  • You need get enough sleepto use less coffee, alcohol and eliminate cigarettes (if you smoke)! Any girl wants to look beautiful, and this can not be done without healthy appearance. Constant stress and lack of sleep lead to a decrease in immunity, and the hair will not get from this stronger and more beautiful.
  • Your hair will be more beautiful from daily scalp massage. It should be done in the morning or in the evening with a massage brush, with the addition of essential oil. It will stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Need to learn how to use thermal protectionBefore using a curling iron, ironing or hair dryer, the hair should not be dried with hot air - this will significantly reduce the loss! More effective method - several times a week make masks or apply balms.

How to quickly grow hair a week by 20 cm at home

To grow hair quickly you need to follow, first of all, all those tips that are written above. You can speed up this process with masks and special shampooswhich will provide the necessary care for each curl, will give them life.

Accelerate hair growth at home

For this you can do special masks with warming effectm. The most effective way - masks with red pepper or mustard. But remember, if you want to grow long curls - this is a big load on the roots. Therefore, they should supply and to massageso that they perform their functions for one hundred percent. The skin on the head is very delicate, so a simple massage with the fingers of your hands may also come up.

Recipes for hair masks at home: for density and growth

There are a huge number of various recipes for masks in order to quickly grow hair at home. Long hair requires special attention and care. Their beauty directly depends on you!
Such masks should be done correctly and not very often, so that the hair will not lose the habit of feeding itself.

Mask for hair growth at home

To provide the necessary nutrition and accelerate growth, there are a few simple recipes from which you can choose the right one:

  1. Mix up 1 tbsp. pepper tinctures (it is sold in any pharmacy) with onion juice, honey, burdock oil and 1 chicken yolk. Keep this mask should about 70 minutes, and for better effect - sclump your head with cling film or put on a bag.
  2. Grate ginger grated. Then there are two options: either put on the roots squeezed pulp or mix it with a pair of Art. base oil.
  3. Burr oil can be applied to dirty hair before washing the head over the entire length. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Burr oil mix with 1 yolk and apply over the entire length of an hour under a towel.
  5. Diluted in water mustard powder dilute with a few drops olive oil and apply for 30 minutes.

Recipes for thick and shiny hair

To give shine and density must be mixed aloe juice with honey in equal quantities yolkand two times less garlic juice. Apply for 20 minutes on the scalp.
Another way to shine hair, but it is suitable only for brunettes and brown-haired: rinse hair 2 to 3 times a week decoction of black strong tea or oak bark.

Vitamins and shampoos for hair growth

Also for growth you can use shampoos cooked at home or purchase options as well use vitamins (first of all group B).

Vitamins "Alerana" for hair growth: reviews

Special vitamins "Alerana" Consist of 60 tablets for taking at night and in the morning. They are helping strengthen curls, add them elasticity, provide the right food and much more. Other than that, they are great strengthen nails. According to reviews of Internet users, this is the best solution in the fight against rare curls. Your hairstyle will say thank you!

Shampoo "Golden Silk: Hair Growth Activator"

Shampoos from this series will be presented incredible shine, silkiness and power of curls. He will start to help from the first application: the first time you will not even need styling! After applying this shampoo, it is necessary to apply a balm from the same series, due to the integrated use of the state of hair will improve. He will only help her. quickly grow hair at home, will help keep color making it more saturated. After a few uses, the effect will be visible, and after a year - your hair will not be recognized!

How to grow long hair: reviews

Grow hair after a short haircut is very easy if you follow the tips from our article.

Elena, manager: "In the photo before and after, my hair growing results are presented. I thought it was unrealistic, because after chemotherapy it is very difficult to start following your curls again. I tried to follow the advice of many trichologists, nutritionists, but nothing helped. Then I went to I wanted to try a new one that gives volume and density. Then my eyes fell on the shampoo “Golden Silk: Hair Growth Activator.” Then it seemed to me that the drug was good. Nia I had no hair, and a dream! "

Catherine, housewife: "Because of the constant lack of sleep, my hair turned into something I didn’t understand: they became liquid, they sank heavily and fell out. I wanted to restore my former beauty, my natural hair color, but what do you do in three hairs? And one fine day I came across a video about various masks for the scalp and hair. And for me, a young mother, it’s very hard to find time for a beauty salon, because I give it to my child all the time. The main ingredient of these masks and tinctures is mustard. will help bring back the luxury ny appearance. "

Olga, makeup artist: “I couldn’t dream of long hair, I knew that they just wouldn’t appear - it must have come from nature. But how wrong I was! I wanted to change my image for a long time, and then I decided to go and change it! After dyeing my hair were tonic and brittle, devoid of any life. And I always wanted the spit to be toe ... And then I understood, if you set a goal for yourself - you need to achieve it! And I started taking Aleran’s vitamins on the advice of my girlfriend. I didn’t believe in their effectiveness, but how wrong I was! And how good it was that I was wrong! Hair for I’ve become waist-high, but we’re shoulder-length !!!!! My friend was shocked! Now all my friends began to be interested in the details of my transformation! I started blogging about it! They spend little time on themselves, on their beauty! "

How to grow long hair for a man in a week

To grow hair man or boy, it is enough to do the same thing that is written above, since these recipes are suitable not only for women. If we are talking about a beard, then the mask applies to the face area. They will help to quickly acquire an enviable density, accelerate growth.

How much hair does not grow after shugaring

On average, hair grows with a speed of 1 cm per month in winter, in cold season and 1.5 cm per month in summer and spring. On the whole body, except the head (on the legs, hands, face, bikini zone), they grow more active. After shugaring, they will grow back in two to three weeks, and ingrown hair after such hair removal -they will not remain at all. They do not grow into, but are removed without a trace. Can be used special depilatory creamgrowth retardant if you use a razor or a depilatory set. In this case, they will not grow for about a month.


Watch the video: How To Grow Long and thicken Hair Naturally and Faster. Magical Hair Growth Treatment 100% Works (June 2024).