June 5: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 5th.


Holidays June 5th

World Environment Day

The UN General Assembly, which was held on December 16, 1972, decided to celebrate June 5 as environment day around the world in order to draw attention to the problems that have accumulated in the field of environmental protection. This holiday is celebrated annually in many countries. In Russia, Ukraine, it is better known as Ecologist Day. On this day, various measures are planned and carried out to improve the environmental situation, which encourage each citizen to take actions aimed at respecting nature and protecting the environment. On June 5, rallies, processions, green parades, bike rides, thematic contests, competitions are held, forest stands, coastal river and sea areas are cleaned, trees are planted.

June 5th in the folk calendar

Leonty Borage, Hemp

On June 5, peasants completed the planting of cucumbers. The seeds were planted for the last time, otherwise they would not have time to ripen over the summer. On the same day, hemp was first sown. We noticed that if there is a magnificent color on the mountain ash, then the sowing hemp will be fruitful. The villagers made butter from hemp, which often helped them out. They cereal flavored, dipped brown bread. A coarse canvas was made from hemp fibers, which was used for household needs. They covered the potatoes and vegetables laid in the cellar for storage. What protected them from freezing or decay. And grain covered with hemp cloth was better stored, not subject to damage and decay.

Historical events of June 5

June 5, 1968 attempted assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, US presidential candidate

Robert Kennedy, the younger brother of formerly assassinated US President John F. Kennedy, delivered a speech on June 5 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. It was dedicated to his victory, which Robert won in the primary presidential election in California. After the performance, shots were fired at him, one of which, in the back of the head, was fatal. June 6 Robert Kennedy passed away. According to the official version, a Palestinian Serkhan Serkhan, who was accused of murder and was arrested, shot at him 2 times, almost point blank. But the pathologist who performed the autopsy showed that Kennedy had not 2, but 4 bullets in his body, and that a fatal shot was fired not from the front, as Serhan shot, but from behind. Therefore, the name of the real killer has not been established. And Serkhan was sentenced to death, then she was replaced by life imprisonment.

June 5, 1983 accident of the passenger ship "Alexander Suvorov"

The ship carried out the next cruise along the route "Rostov-on-Don - Moscow". On June 5, at 22-45 minutes, passing along the Volga near the city of Ulyanovsk, the ship hit a bridge at full speed. As a result of the accident, the upper deck of the ship was completely demolished, including the cinema hall, which was filled to capacity by people. The catastrophe was complicated by the fact that a loaded freight train consisting of 53 wagons was passing along the bridge at the same moment. 11 cars went off the rails and capsized, and part of the cargo - logs, coal, grain fell on the ship. Total killed 176 people. After the disaster, the ship was restored, it continued to cruise. One of which again ended in disaster in 2008, but without human casualties.

June 5, 1988 an original record was set, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records

The cork from champagne, which was opened by the American Emeritus Medicus, flew away at a distance of 54 meters 18 centimeters. The record has not been broken so far. So having fun and relaxing, you can perpetuate your name in the famous book. Such bizarre competitions are held not only by fun people and jokers, but also by very serious people. By the way, Medicus himself is a professor at an American university.

June 5, 2004 Ronald Reagan, former president of the USA, passed away at 94

He died of pneumonia. The last 10 years of his life, Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's disease and practically did not appear in public. On the occasion of the death of the former president, national mourning was declared in the United States. Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United States, a representative from the Republican Party. The years of his reign came in 1981-1989, when he was elected for two terms in a row. In his youth, from 1937 to 1960, Reagan was a radio host and was an actor in Hollywood.

Born on June 5

Barbara Brylska (born 1941), Polish actress

Perhaps Barbara Brylsk would have remained an actress not quite known to the Soviet audience if she hadn’t appeared in Eldar Ryazanov’s popular film “The Irony of Fate ...”. Where she played one of the main roles - the charming Nadia Sheveleva. Many actresses have tried for this role, but Ryazanov stubbornly defended Brylskaya, and did not lose. January 1, 1976, it was then that the film first appeared on the air, Barbara won the hearts of millions of viewers with her game in an instant. Because The main character was played by a Polish woman, voiced her role by the Soviet actress Valentina Talyzina, and instead of Brylskaya, the songs were performed by Alla Pugacheva.

Valdis Pelsh (born 1967), Russian TV presenter, showman, singer

For many viewers, the image of Valdis Pelsh has entrenched in the role of the inimitable host of the musical show program "Guess the melody." But the creative path of Pelsha did not begin with her, but much earlier. From 1983 to 1987, Valdis was a member and one of the founders of the group "Accident". And only in 1987 he came to work on television. He participated in KVN as a player in the Moscow State University team, then for some time worked as a director of individual programs. And since 1995 he became the host of the Guess the Melody program. This program brought him not only popularity. Together with her, in 1995 he got into the Guinness Book of Records, when more than 132 million people watched the program simultaneously. In addition to “Guess the melody”, Valdis Pelsh broadcast on television such programs as “Raffle”, “Russian Roulette”, “Lord of Taste”, the award ceremony “Golden Gramophone” and many others.

Elena Vorobey (born 1967), Russian pop actress, parody

Eccentric, charming and very talented Elena Vorobey (Elena Lebenbaum), from the very first performance she fell in love with the audience. This happened in 1993. at the competition of young performers in Yalta. There Elena received two prizes at once - Grand Prix and audience sympathy. She turns out incomparable parodies of many Russian stars - Masha Rasputin, Irina Allegrova, Laima Vaikule, Lyuba Uspenskaya, Valery Leontyev, Nadezhda Kadysheva and others. The very first parody she performed was in her childhood, to Alla Pugacheva, when the audience was only close and dear. In 2002 she repeated the parody of Pugacheva already from the big stage, on the anniversary of Eldar Ryazanov. It is so plausible that Boris Yeltsin, who was present at the concert, did not notice the difference and took Sparrow's number for the performance of the real Alla Pugacheva. He only noticed that "Alla well done, how she lost weight." In addition to performing on stage, Elena Vorobey acts in films, plays in performances, participates in musicals - "Caution, Zadov", "Passion for Angelica", "Goldfish", "Morozko", "First at Home", "New Adventures of Aladdin" and others.

Name day june 5

Alexander, Vasily, Andrey, Daniil, Gennady, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Dmitry, Nikita, Fedor, Roman, Peter, Leonty.


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