Jordan - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Full name - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The country is located in the Middle East. It shares the northern borders with Syria, the north-eastern borders with Iraq, the southern and eastern borders with Saudi Arabia, the western borders with Palestine and Israel. Some of the borders lie along the Dead Sea.

In the territory Jordan 6.25 million people live. Of these, 95% are Arabs. The remaining nationalities (Adygei (or "Circassians"), Abkhaz-Abazins, Armenians, Chechens and Kurds) are few in number.

The official language in Jordan is Arabic. But among modern and educated people, English is also in use. It is spoken by people of politics, business, culture and science. Both languages ​​(Arabic and English) are part of the compulsory school curriculum.

The main part of the believing population of Jordan professes Islam. Christians account for only 6%.

The national currency of Jordan is the dinar. One dinar is equal to one hundred piastres. Banknotes and coins have Arabic and English inscriptions. The approximate rate to the euro is 1: 1.

Jordan - the capital and major cities

The capital of Jordan is Amman (formerly Philadelphia in the Roman era). This is a large city, by world standards, the number of its inhabitants is 1.9 million.

Amman is located near the Dead Sea, 35 km northeast. The seven-pointed star on the flag of Jordan means the seven hills on which the metropolitan city stretches.

Other relatively large cities in Jordan are Irbid and Ez Zarqa, located in the north of the country.

Of the most significant cities preserved as a cultural heritage, it is worth highlighting Jeyrash, located 45 km from Amman. Ancient civilization inhabited these areas over 2.5 millennia ago. The city was named Pompeii of the East due to the presence of perfectly preserved monuments of ancient culture.

Jordan - Holidays and Tours

For tourists, the most attractive vacation spots were the city of Aqaba with its coral reefs, the Dead Sea with amazing composition and quality of water, as well as the new wonder of the world - Petra.

• The main types of recreation in Jordan are therapeutic tours. The Dead Sea provides an excellent opportunity not only to relax, but also to improve your health.

• For lovers of outdoor activities in this country there is the opportunity to go scuba diving or go water-skiing, organize a safari or climb a mountain.

• The excursion program of tours in Jordan is striking in its diversity. Monuments of ancient culture attract people interested in the past, which have come down to us from the depths of centuries.

Jordan - Attractions

Petra is the most famous attraction of this country. She won the title of New World Wonder, which was determined by the results of a competition held in Lisbon in 2007.

This is a city built of pink stone of unprecedented beauty and grace. It is considered one of the many unsolved mysteries left by ancient civilization. In Peter, unique tombs and many architectural structures of the ancient era have been preserved. Since most of the buildings were carved from pieces of rock, they were able to maintain their original appearance, almost untouched by time. In the city there are almost 800 cultural monuments.

There are many deserts in Jordan. But one of them, the Wadi Ramm desert, is especially interesting for tourists. In the middle of the sandy expanses, mountains of red-brown color rise above the surface. They can vary depending on how the sun's rays fall on them. Safari lovers and climbers consider these places one of the best for exciting events.

Karak is a city of crusaders. One of the castles of these knights has been preserved here. It dates from 1142 year of construction. The castle is a maze of numerous passages leading to towers and galleries.

In the capital itself, Amman, you can visit many museums. Here is the largest eastern market in the country.

Jordan - weather (climate)

The climate in Jordan is warm and dry. Most of the country is occupied by deserts. The annual rainfall is minimal - from 25- to 200mm. The closer to the sea, the more rainfall. The Mediterranean raises rainfall to 800mm per year. Most of them fall in the winter, from November to March.

It is hot in summer and warm in winter. The temperature in January does not fall below +8 degrees

Weather in Jordan now:

Jordan - Cuisine

Jordanian cuisine is similar to the cooking methods of other Arab states. Syria, Lebanon, the Emirates, Palestine have about the same set of dishes as in Jordan.

Shawarma is a pancake in which a large amount of greens and meat is wrapped. Most often, chicken and lamb are used to prepare this dish, pork is completely excluded from the diet of the Arabs.

Another traditional Arabic dish is Mansaf - lamb in rice cooked in sour cream sauce. This treat is necessarily present at dinner parties, weddings, and other celebrations. The dish is served on a huge tray, on which rice is first laid out, and pieces of meat are placed on it. Often, on a tray itself, they first lay a tortilla or pita bread, and only then spread the dish.

There are many restaurants and cafes in Jordan that offer guests national treats. Beef, chicken, rabbit, lamb are cooked with lemon juice, and rice is most often served as a side dish.

If the Arabian cuisine is suddenly not too ordinary for a guest of the country, then you can always use the services of European restaurants that prepare dishes for every taste.

Jordan - interesting facts

Traveling to Jordan is not complete without traditional shopping. Small shops located on each street, before selling a thing, will offer the guest a cup of coffee or tea. The shops have their own mode of operation, since they are all private. Without breaks and rest, only local markets work.

Souvenir products do not leave indifferent any buyer. Amusing bottles filled with colorful sand from Petra, jewelry (very cheap by European standards), ceramics, souvenirs from olive wood and much more will be offered in shops to tourists who want to bring something amazing and unusual from Jordan.

Jordan - visa application

All tourists traveling on a trip to Jordan require a visa. It is issued at the Embassy or upon arrival at the place.

At the airport of Amman, some documents should be presented:
• Passport with a six-year validity period at the time of arrival,
• Booking confirmation at the hotel,
• Invitation from the representative of Jordan.

Visa fee is 20 euros.

A visa will be issued free of charge (for 30 days) if you enter the country through a free economic zone (Aqaba). But in this case, you should leave the country in the same way.

To apply for a visa through the consulate, a passport, photo and application form are required on behalf of the applicant. The consular fee is 30 euros.

Jordan - Embassy

The Embassy of Jordan is located in Moscow at the address: Mamonovsky Lane, Building 3. Tel .: (+7 495) 299-1242.

Map of jordan


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