Is wine possible for pregnant women and what benefits does it bring? Is it possible for pregnant women to drink and what can threaten with drinking in excess


Almost every pregnant woman is faced with the fact that many familiar foods and drinks have to be excluded from the diet so as not to harm the baby.

Can pregnant women have wine?

The issue is debatable, since this drink is considered noble and many doctors even recommend it to women carrying children to improve blood formation.

Is wine possible for pregnant women and is it so healthy?

Several decades ago, wine was indeed not only permitted to pregnant women, but was also recommended by doctors. The recommendations were especially for women who were anemic. The resolution concerned only the red drink, since it was he who had the properties to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

However, knowing the modern procedure for making wines, one can seriously doubt: is it possible to wine at all, not like during pregnancy. If suddenly the expectant mother really wanted red wine, then you can drink no more than one glass. At the same time, it is important to give preference only to a high-quality drink of the highest grade.

The noble drink is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, selenium and zinc. These elements contribute to improving the condition of the future mother, raising the mood. Often pregnant women face a sleep problem. A small portion of wine at night helps to relax and improve sleep quality. A woman will be able to quickly and calmly fall asleep, and in the morning she wakes up awake, rested and full of energy.

Red wine helps pregnant women cope with severe toxicosis, and also increases appetite. It is an excellent means for raising hemoglobin, which is extremely important when carrying a child.

Scientists from English institutes conducted numerous studies on the effect of wine on a child in the womb. It turned out that those children whose mothers from time to time allowed themselves some wine during pregnancy were significantly ahead in the development (both physical and mental) of children whose mothers did not drink this drink at all. However, this does not mean that you can go all out. Scientists came to the conclusion that the maximum allowable amount of wine that a mother can drink for all nine months of gestation is 6 glasses. Moreover, it should be noted that you can drink wine only after the end of the first trimester. At this time, the laying of the vital organs of the fetus takes place, and therefore the pregnant woman should adhere to a strict diet and not allow herself to be superfluous. Otherwise, there is a chance of having a baby with a number of deviations.

Is it possible for pregnant women to choose wine and which species

Red wine. The composition of this type of drink includes vitamins B and P and minerals. In a moderate amount (not more than 100 ml at a time), red wine has a beneficial effect on the mother's body: removes toxins, increases hemoglobin, and reduces the risk of blood clots. In Soviet times, red wine was even prescribed in the diet for some pregnant women.

White wine. Antioxidants in white wine are much less than in red, and therefore they are better absorbed by the body. White varieties have a good effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs. However, during pregnancy this type of drink is not recommended.

Home wine. We can say with absolute certainty that this drink can be given to pregnant women. It has several advantages over purchased wines:

● lack of any chemical additives and impurities;

● "transparency" in the preparation and storage;

● the ability to make the drink healthy by adding extracts of medicinal plants and herbs.

Vitamins and microelements in homemade wine are able to raise hemoglobin, lower blood pressure, improve mom's sleep and well-being.

Non-alcoholic wine. The drink will be a great solution for those mothers who really want wine, but be afraid to harm the baby. The alcohol content in such a drink barely reaches 0.5%. Wine is prepared in the same way as alcohol, but before the bottling step, ethyl alcohol is removed from it by vacuum.

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink wine without alcohol? Not only possible, but also useful. It is proved its effect on the body of the expectant mother:

● improvement of the gastrointestinal tract;

● fight against chronic fatigue;

● help with hypertension.

The advantage of non-alcoholic wine is its low calorie content, which is also important during pregnancy, when each kilogram gained is counted.

Is it possible for pregnant women wine and its possible unpleasant consequences

Wine during pregnancy can harm the baby due to the high content of chemical components in it. Beverage manufacturers often do this to reduce the cost of their products, to increase their shelf life, and also to increase their taste. Chemicals easily penetrate the blood and even the placenta is not able to protect the fetus from them.

Wine is harmful and due to its alcohol content. If you drink more wine than is allowed, then the vessels will begin to expand, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman. Also categorically you can not drink any alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy. This can lead to irreversible consequences - a miscarriage or the development of pathologies in the baby.

Can pregnant women have wine? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. Each woman must decide whether to drink it or not, after consulting with her doctor. If nothing bothers her, there is no threat of miscarriage and the fetus develops normally, then closer to the middle of the second trimester you can allow yourself to relax with a glass of wine.

It is better to give preference to a drink prepared at home. In this case, the chances of running into a low-quality product are reduced to zero and you can not worry about the fact that chemical additives penetrate the placenta.

However, you should not get carried away even with a home-made drink, since this addiction negatively affects the health of a woman and her child. Everything is good in moderation!


Watch the video: Don'ts During The First Trimester of Pregnancy (July 2024).