Anti-age-myth: why your cream does not work.


SPA procedures, expensive creams - women are ready to spend a fortune on their appearance just to look younger and more attractive.

The older the woman, the more expensive the cream she is ready to buy in the hope of its miracle effect.which will immediately transform, refresh the skin, smooth out wrinkles and make the skin younger by at least 15 years. And every time, contrary to the promises of the largest cosmetic brands, a miracle does not occur. And why? Let's understand the mechanism of action of any cream - all of them, even the most innovative, work only on the surface of the skin, moisturizing the epidermis and creating a protective film on it that does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the face - that's all.

Take, for example, one of the popular ingredients of anti-age creams today - collagen. With age, the body produces less and less collagen, and, as a result, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Manufacturers promise shoppers that their cream will help fill the collagen deficiency. However, scientists from the UK have established: collagen molecules are so large that they are not able to penetrate the skin and remain only on the surface. Other “magic” components used in the beauty industry have a similar effect on the skin.

Of course, no one denies that you need to care for your skin with creams - the skin needs sun protection and hydration. But in order to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles and to make existing ones less visible, a more serious integrated approach is needed.

First of all, it is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol abuse. These two factors are the worst enemies of collagen - the builder of young and elastic skin, in this all experts are unanimous.

SecondlyA beautiful woman is, above all, a woman who has slept and rested, so the daily regimen is timely sleep, rest and proper nutrition, and is a sure way to healthy young skin.

And thirdly, what can smooth and compensate for the lack of the first two conditions is the support of the body from the inside with the help of specialized biocomplexes for women. They contain in their composition those necessary for the female body nutrients, vitamins and trace elements that are responsible for youth, skin health and attractive appearance. Such biological complexes, in addition to caring for the skin, “nourish” the woman with energy from the inside, help to cope with stress factors, compensate for the harm of smoking and poor ecology.

One of these specialized biocomplexes, whose action is aimed at enhancing the elasticity of the skin, eliminating age-related changes, maintaining the production of its own collagen, is the Lady's formula biocomplex.® Ageless skin Tm. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains 12 extracts of medicinal plants, which help the skin to maintain its youthful, toned fresh look. Red wine concentrate, which for its antioxidant properties is called the elixir of youth, slows down the aging process of the skin. Grape skin extract, pycnogenol and vitamins A, E, D, F increase its elasticity and elasticity, promote skin regeneration after peeling and plastic surgery. Horsetail extract, rosemary extract and selenium prevent the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, which is especially important for women attending a tanning bed.

It is impossible to stop time, but it is possible to help your skin stay young and well-groomed as long as possible if you know how to do it correctly. The choice is yours.
