Is it possible to drink water before blood is tested? Recommendations of experts: whether to drink water before donating blood


Requirements for patients presented by medical workers in preparation for these studies also depend on one kind or another of laboratory examinations.

The main tests, most often prescribed by doctors, are blood and urine samples.

Owing to the knowledge of laboratory examinations obtained, a medical professional can correctly assess the patient’s condition, identify a certain disease in his early stages and conduct further medical treatment of the patient under control.

But, the likelihood of improper preparation for laboratory examinations can further distort the data obtained, on the basis of which, incorrect and erroneous diagnostics will naturally be compiled.

Recommendations from health professionals before taking a general blood test

The process of taking blood is quite simple and known to many. In laboratory analysis, medical workers, taking the patient’s biomaterial as a basis, can accurately specify information on the cellular composition of human blood, as well as determine the significance of indicators such as pigment and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

Often, a general analysis can show the beginning of the development of a blood disease or other ailments of the human body. Therefore, for making a more accurate and accurate diagnosis, before laboratory examinations, most patients ask the question - is it possible to drink water before donating blood, and also what to consume and eat before starting the procedure.

Important tips for healthcare providers to follow, especially before giving blood:

• The last food intake should occur 8-12 hours before the start of the blood test.

• One day before the laboratory examination, exclude the adoption of fried, sweet and spicy foods.

Before sampling the analysis, doctors do not recommend eating food in the morning, and answer the question whether it is possible to drink water before blood donation is approved. The only clarification in this matter is only information about the inadmissibility of using carbonated and sweet water. And, of course, on the eve of the analysis, doctors completely exclude alcohol and smoking.

Is it possible to drink water before donating blood for biochemical examination

Such an analysis is started if there is a fear of revealing diseases of the liver, kidneys, rheumatic course, changes in water-salt metabolism, lack of vitamins and minerals.

Before passing the analysis, it is necessary to more strictly observe the following rules:

• A few days before the test, it is recommended that you completely abandon the bath, visit the sauna, as well as any physical activity.

• 10-14 hours before blood sampling, exclude any food intake.

• It is necessary to stop taking alcohol, smoking and taking medicines, especially antibiotics.

• Exclude intake of any liquid.

Preparation for blood sampling is carried out depending on the type of laboratory examinations, for example, if you need to determine the degree of uric acid, then some time before the test, you must certainly go on a diet.

This diet should exclude the use of the following foods in the diet:

• Meat and fish.

• Drinks in the form of - coffee, black tea, sparkling water.

• Presence of viscera in food, in the form of kidneys and liver.

Based on the requirements of preparation for this analysis, medical workers, when asked whether it is possible to drink water before donating blood, say their categorical no!

Water intake and its effect on the reliability of laboratory tests

Experts agreed that juices, coffee and coffee drinks, especially with the addition of sugar, are complete foods. In this connection, it is categorically impossible to consume it 10-14 hours before the start of the analysis. Some experts are allowed to drink water, while others recommend giving up even fluid intake to obtain reliable tests.

For example, alcohol can:

• Increase lactate concentration.

• Concentration of uric acid.

• Increase the presence of triacylglycerols.

• Lower blood sugar.

Naturally, this will significantly affect the accuracy of the analysis.

To say exactly how water affects the content of the required amount of, say, white blood cells, not a single expert in this field can. So if there is any doubt about whether it is possible to drink water before donating blood from a vein, it is advisable to ask the doctor who will conduct the examination for advice on this matter.

The main thing is not to eat the last 12 hours before analysis and consume as little of any liquid as possible.

Important! The day before the analysis, refuse to consume such drinks as coffee, tea, wine, beer and other alcohol.

Laboratory test for blood and sugar: is it possible to drink water before donating blood

Before you take the sugar test, you must remove any alcoholic beverages from the diet 24 hours before the study. Before passing this analysis, experts do not prohibit fluid intake. On the day of the analysis, brushing and consumption of any chewing gum is not recommended, since the possible content of glucose in these components may affect the reliability of the tests and later on the diagnosis itself.

During the test for the determination of hormones, you can not forbid yourself to consume water, but you must exclude the consumption of fried and spicy foods, as well as the intake of drinks containing alcohol.

Why do many experts recommend refraining from consuming water and other fluids before laboratory tests? In principle, it does not directly affect the biochemical component of blood. But patients with hypertension are at risk of increasing their pressure by drinking a large amount of fluid on an empty stomach, thereby worsening their condition, which in the future can affect the correctness of the results of the tests.


Watch the video: Testing if Sharks Can Smell a Drop of Blood (June 2024).