Kuril tea - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Kuril tea - general description

Kuril tea (five-leafed or cinquefoil) - a perennial short shrub of the pink family. The cinquefoil rarely reaches a height of 1.5 meters. The leaves of the plant are pinnate, covered with a soft but thick pile. Young shoots that are not yet one year old have a silky appearance. From June to the end of September, Kuril tea blooms in single flowers, up to three centimeters in diameter, or inflorescences.

The petals of the flowers of wild-growing Kuril tea come in yellow or white. The core of the flower is very fluffy, thanks to the many stamens. Cultivated varieties have a richer palette, as there are pale pink and red-orange flowers. The plant blooms and bears fruit at the same time. The fruits of the shrub look like brown buttons covered with thin hairs.

Kuril tea is widely used for medicinal purposes. However, this is a wonderful ornamental plant. In landscape design, this shrub is a decoration of rock gardens and is used to create borders.

Kuril tea - types and places of growth

Despite its name, Kuril tea grows in the Far East, the Caucasus, the mountainous parts of Central Asia, China, Eastern Siberia, Japan and Mongolia. You can meet him in Europe, and even in North America. Typically, Kuril tea prefers mountainous terrain of medium moisture.

The plant is so resistant to cold that it can grow even in permafrost. Based on the wild Kuril tea, 130 cultivars have been created.

Kuril tea - medicinal properties

Kuril tea is used for many infectious diseases of the intestines and stomach, as it has unique antiviral and antibacterial properties. The plant has calming, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic, tonic and diuretic properties.

Kuril tea is used as an immunocorrective drug. It is used for diabetes, cystitis, pyelonephritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer, constipation. It helps to normalize metabolism, helps with nervous disorders, women's diseases, colds, wound healing and the cessation of inflammatory processes.

Kuril tea - dosage forms

The raw materials used are leaves, flowers and rhizomes of Kuril tea. The tops of the shoots along with the flowers are subject to harvesting. The raw materials are first dried in the sun, and later dried in ovens at 60-70 ° C. Decoctions, tinctures, extracts are prepared from raw materials. In Belarus, a therapeutic drink is made from Kuril tea. Usually the raw materials are simply brewed like tea, only the brewing process lasts longer.

Kuril tea - recipes

To relieve stress, 1 tablespoon of pre-ground roots is recommended to pour a glass of water, then boil for 10 minutes. Insist for two hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals for half an hour.

With dysbiosis and pulmonary tuberculosis, 2 tablespoons of shoots with flowers per ½ liter of water are required. Boil under the lid for 7-8 minutes. Two hours to insist. Strain. Drink half a glass before meals four times a day.

Douching is done in the same warm broth for a week or 10 days in the morning and evening.

Kuril tea will improve overall well-being if drunk instead of regular tea. Brew it in the amount of one pinch of leaves, shoots and flowers for 1 tbsp. boiling water. A day is allowed to drink up to three glasses of a healing drink. A stronger broth is obtained when brewing 2 tablespoons of dry collection in a half-liter thermos.

To wash the wounds and gargle, the dosage of dry tea is doubled.

Kuril tea - contraindications

Kuril tea should not be taken in patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. People with arthritis or kidney stones should know that for them, the heat treatment time of tea should be increased.

Like many other drugs, Kuril tea can cause individual intolerance.


And in my country house 2 bushes are blooming pink and yellow flowers

Marmalade 04/26/2016
I was initially confused by this name - Kuril tea, and only then I read that it was potentilla. It is now clear what this plant is. He really has a lot of different healing effects, practically, on all organs.

Vika 04/26/2016
I, like everyone else, wanted to try this Kuril tea. It is in the quality of tea, for the overall strengthening of the body. Moreover, spring is in the yard, and all this affects well-being. Such a malaise, apathy, can become more fun with this tea))

Zarina 04/26/2016
This plant was recommended to my brother as a cure for an intestinal disease. Of course, all this is very individual. My brother helped, and the rest need to consult a specialist. Although such a plant may not do much harm ...

Natasha 04/26/2016
Yes, I have seen this plant many times. It is planted especially for beauty. He has such a cheerful look)) The yellow color generally contributes to activity, joy. I have not tried tea from this flower, but if I do not forget, I will definitely buy it)))


Watch the video: APRV Workshop by Dr. Nader M. Habashi, MD, FACP, FCCP (July 2024).