Pike dishes - the best recipes. How to cook pike properly and tasty.


Fish has been the basis of the Russian national table since the inception of Russia itself. The usefulness of the fish diet has been established since ancient times, and pike, as you know, is also a fish. Therefore, pike dishes are still popular among the Russian population.

Pike refers to low-fat varieties of fish, making it a healthy dietary product. In terms of quantity and quality of proteins, it is in no way inferior to other species of aquatic inhabitants. Especially delicious are dishes from pike caught in late autumn. It is during this period, in anticipation of winter, that the predator gains the maximum amount of fat.

Of considerable nutritional value is the pulp of fish, as well as caviar, milk and head. Caviar is used both as the main ingredient, and as an auxiliary for the preparation of various dishes. Milk has the ability to soften pike minced meat, and the head is used to make rich broth. The skin of the pike is dense and elastic, it is quite well removed entirely, which allows it to be used for stuffing. She plays the role of a "cover" for the main filling.

According to the chefs, fish weighing no more than 4 kg is of great value. The meat of the old pike, weighing more than 8 kg, acquires the characteristic smell of a swamp, is considered to be tough and inedible. Although there are always exceptions! After all, it all depends on the conditions and habitat of the pike.

It is recommended to use pike in sauce, chopped dishes, prepare meatballs from it, and also use it for frying, stuffing, cooking soups, broths, meatballs, it is smoked, salted and pickled. To eliminate the specific smell inherent in some specimens of large fish, it is advisable to withstand the pike in a spicy, salty or cucumber brine. Some gourmets add dry white wine to it. To soften small bones, before cutting the carcass, put lemon sliced ​​into slices inside the fish for 3-4 hours.

Recipe 1: Pike Cutlets

Pike cutlets are prepared according to a huge number of recipes. We will consider the option that will preserve the taste and aromatic qualities of pike in a dish. Before cooking, do not be lazy to spend a couple of minutes on skin removal. It is a completely unnecessary element for this dish. It should be removed and the ridge with large bones.

Ingredients: 1 kg chopped pike, 150 gr. loaf, 2 medium onion heads, 100 ml of milk, garlic 4 slices, 2 eggs, 2 tables. tablespoons of plums. oil, 3 tbsp. l grows up. oils, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, a bunch of greens.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking the minced meat: mince the pieces of fish through a meat grinder along with onions, herbs, loaves soaked in milk and garlic. In the resulting mass, break the eggs, pour the melted butter, add salt and pepper. Next, knead the minced meat.

2. Blind oval or round cutlets, not too thick, roll them in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.

Pike cutlets are very tender, juicy thanks to butter. You can serve them with any side dish, stewed vegetables and vegetable salads.

Recipe 2: Stuffed Pike

We remove the skin from whole fish, but very carefully so that it is not damaged. Mix the fillet with lard, vegetables and bread dipped in milk, make minced meat, which we begin our fish.

Ingredients: pike 1, 2 potatoes, onions 2 heads, carrots 1, lard 70 g., mushrooms 70-80 g., 200 gr. 9 white bread), half a lemon, half an orange, 1 egg, a glass of milk, walnut 30 gr., 100 g of sunflower oil, 30 gr. drain. oils, a bunch of parsley, garlic 3-4 cloves, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Gut the fish, remove the gills from it. Next, carefully remove the skin from the meat. In fact, it is very well separated from the fish, fins, head and tail are left. Peel the inner sides of the skins abundantly, sprinkle with lemon juice and fold in half so that it does not dry out.

2. Cooking the minced meat: chop the meat finely, place it in a bowl and add a little lemon juice and pepper to it. Soak the bread without crust in milk, cut the potatoes into cubes, add it to the pike.

3. Twist the salted pork lard with walnuts, spread in the minced meat. Finely chop a piece of butter, parsley and also sent to the minced meat.

4. Fry onions with mushrooms, chop the garlic. We spread the garlic, bread soaked in milk and chilled frying in minced meat. Break the egg, mix everything, sprinkle with lemon. The filling is ready!

Next, fill the skin and sew it from tail to head. Lubricate the pan and make the substrate at the bottom of the vegetables: onion sliced ​​in half rings and plastic - carrots. We put our fish on vegetables. We place the dish in the oven and bake for an hour at 200 degrees.

Recipe 3: Pike in the Oven with Potatoes

Pike baked in the oven retains all the juices and nutrients. It can be served with any side dish, especially vegetables. They are easily accessible and very useful.

Ingredients: 800 gr. fillet, 3 potatoes, 2 onion heads, 3 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar, as much sour cream, as much mayonnaise, half a lemon, spices for fish.

Cooking method:

Remove the ridge and large bones from the fish, cut into pieces. Grease with vinegar, leave for a few minutes. Then pepper and salt the fish. Cut the peeled potatoes into plastics, add with salt, pepper and mix. Onion cut into half rings. Grease a baking sheet, spread the potatoes and slices of pike evenly, onion on top, sprinkle the dish with spices, brush with sour cream mixed with mayonnaise, and cover with foil. Put in the oven and bake for an hour over medium heat. Serve the food to the table, after sprinkling it with lemon juice.

Recipe 4: Pike Ear

Pike ear is truly a Russian-national dish, which has no analogues in the world. Tasty, aromatic, healthy, fresh and such a simple ear, prepared according to this recipe, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ingredients: 500 gr. pike heads or small pike, 500 gr. pike fillet, 5 potatoes, 2 onions, rast. oil, 2 tables. spoons of breadcrumbs, a bunch of dill and green onions, lemon juice, nutmeg, ginger, lavrushka, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the gutted fish into pieces, it is advisable to remove the gills and eyes from the head. Fill the pike with 3.5 liters of water, add the peeled onion, ginger, bay leaf and half parsley. We put on the fire.

2. After boiling, cook for about ten minutes, then remove the fish, separate the meat from the bones. Heads and fins are again laid in a pan and simmered over low heat for another 40-50 minutes.

3. Cut the potatoes into slices and fry until ready together with the 2nd onion in a skillet. Filter the fish broth.

4. In the broth we throw fried potatoes with onions, breadcrumbs, salt and let it cook for a few minutes. Next, season with pepper, nutmeg and lemon juice. Give a little insist. The dish is ready! Chopped greens and sour cream should be served with the cooked ear.

So, we have listed the main dishes that can be prepared from fish called pike. Improvise, experiment, surprise and try! Enjoy your meal!


Watch the video: The Best Way to Cook Northern Pike (June 2024).