An original souvenir with your own hands: how to make a dove out of paper. Making pigeons out of paper with our own hands in different techniques


Creating paper crafts, especially with children, is a great way to diversify any holiday. A child’s birthday, a lovers' day or a wedding - a light and elegant paper souvenir will give a sense of solemnity and joy everywhere.

How to make a pigeon out of paper - a simple description

In modern culture, the white dove symbolizes peace, love and purity. Thanks to the biblical myth of Noah, where a dove brought a twig signifying the end of the flood, the white dove is also considered a symbol of good news. A pair of newlyweds is also often depicted as a pair of white doves. In a word, this bird reminds about peace and quiet, so the dove-shaped craft will be a great decoration for any holiday. Let's look at a few simple options for making paper pigeons using available materials.

Volumetric pigeon from a cardboard template

1 - You need to print the finished template on cardboard (or just thick paper), and precisely cut out all the details on it: head, trunk, wings and tail.

2 - For dashed lines, additional incisions must be made that mimic the details of the wings and tail.

3 - The body of the bird, the main part of the template, should be collapsed along the central dotted line.

4 - Now you need to glue the existing parts, attach the wings and the crest, and then straighten the figure so that it looks more voluminous.

5 - If your dove is supposed to soar in the air, in the center of the body is to stretch a thin white thread, for which the bird will be suspended from the ceiling.

How to make a pigeon out of paper using ordinary napkins

A very simple craft, available in the manufacture of even a child. A pigeon figure is created on the background sheet of paper or cardboard, the illusion of the volume of which is given with the help of paper napkins.

1 - First, a background sheet of cardboard of a suitable color is selected on which the outline of the pigeon is drawn, as well as other images required by the author’s plan. You can use a white background, but then you have to colorize it.

2 - Prepare napkins that will create volume to the figure. To do this, cut a lot of small squares, about 1-2 centimeters in diameter, and roll them all into balls.

3 - When a sufficient number of balls is prepared, apply a layer of glue to the background cardboard, observing the area already marked by the shape of the pigeon.

4 - The dove contour greased with glue is immediately pasted over with balls of napkins, and, to enhance the effect of volume, the layer may be uneven.

Combined paper pigeons

Now let's see how to make pigeons out of paper, choosing a slightly more complex option, combining several different techniques, as well as using a variety of materials. We will make a dove, with the body of a fluffy pompom, the material of which will be woolen threads.

1 - First, according to the finished and printed template, cut out the contours of all the details of the bird, getting two main elements - a body with a tail and wings and a head.

2 - From a thick cardboard, make a blank for making a cotton pompom. The blank consists of two cardboard circles, with a diameter of about 10 centimeters, in which holes were made for winding the thread.

3 - Now prepare the fluffy pompom. Between two cardboard circles, a thread is inserted, which is wound until a pompon blank of the desired size is obtained. Then the thread is cut from the outer edge, and those ends that were from inside the circles should be tightly tied to prevent its "self-dissolution".

4 - Alternatively, the inner ends of the threads can not be cut, but tied together. In this case, with the help of large nodules, some kind of paws will be created.

5 - Model assembly: the previously cut head and body with tail and wings are glued to the resulting volume pompom.

How to make paper doves that look truly unforgettable

How to make a dove out of paper to really impress guests at home? There are even more complex techniques for this. Of course, such methods will require certain skills, as well as time to learn them. Consider, for example, volumetric application - quilling. You can learn this technique by looking at numerous master classes. The basis of quilling is the use of twisted paper blanks (or, as one of the options, napkins), which give the applications a bulk effect. Especially for this type of crafts, special corrugated paper is also available.

In the manufacture of crafts using the quilling technique, a cardboard blank is first used, on which silhouettes of pigeons are cut, cut along the finished contour. After that, additional details are created, such as feathers for wings and tail. It is these details that give quilling its impressive bulk.

Prepared bulk parts are mounted on a cardboard blank with glue or double-sided tape. The resulting application can be further decorated by painting the background, adding clouds, the sun or flowers.

Having shown a little imagination, you can come up with independent versions of the crafts listed here. For example, a combination of two pigeons made in any way is useful for decorating a wedding hall, or for decorating an original postcard for Valentine's Day. For such cases, red or pink colored paper can be used as the base.

To decorate large festive rooms, you can use an even larger number of paper pigeons connected in garlands of various lengths.

There is also a classic Japanese paper craft technique known to all origami. This technique originated more than 1000 years ago, and in our time has developed into a separate area of ​​art. You can familiarize yourself with origami by watching the numerous video tutorials that exist online. A feature of origami is the variety of existing crafts, including models that are available even to beginners.


Watch the video: Make a dove with paper plates (June 2024).