Avocado: beneficial properties, calorie content and composition. Where avocados are used, beneficial properties of the product for skin and human health


Avocado is a very healthy fruit.

Not everyone likes it, but it cannot be denied that the composition of the alligator pear contains a huge amount of substances useful to the body.

The product is used in cooking and in cosmetology (in the manufacture of shampoos, face masks and other products).

Moreover, the fruit is dietary, therefore its use is recommended for people suffering from overweight.

Calorie content and composition of an alligator pear

Per 100 grams of product, 208 kcal. The fruit is rather oily - 22%. However, you should not worry, it will not harm the figure, since a larger amount of these fats are unsaturated.

The composition includes the following useful substances:

• macrocells - potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;

• trace elements - selenium, iron, copper, manganese, fluorine;

• vitamins - A, E, C, B, folic acid, K.

Avocado: the beneficial properties of the fetus

The alligator pear not only fills the body with a nutrient deficiency, but also has healing properties.

Avocado: useful properties

1. It is recommended that the fetus be included in the diet for thin people and athletes. It has been proven that eating fruit contributes to more efficient muscle building.

2. The composition contains vitamin B6, useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis. This vitamin allows you to remove cholesterol from the body, so that extra deposits do not accumulate in the vessels.

3. Alligator pear has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the use of the fetus will normalize the acidity of the stomach.

4. If a woman has severe stomach pain during menstruation, it is recommended to start eating the fetus 2-3 days before the start of the cycle. Surprisingly, this helps to relieve the unpleasant sensations of bloating and pain.

5. The use of avocados, the beneficial properties of which are many, is recommended as the prevention of cancer. The composition contains the substance glutathione, which neutralizes carcinogens from the body.

6. The fruit prevents the formation of cataracts and has an overall beneficial effect on vision.

7. Masks based on avocados can be applied to damaged areas of the skin during diathesis and psoriasis for adults and children.

8. Avocados should be eaten after a course of medication. Surprisingly, the composition of the fetus contains substances that protect the human liver from the damaging effects of medications.

Avocado: useful properties for beauty, methods of application

The complex of vitamins A, C and E in combination with unsaturated fatty acids turn avocados into an ideal product for the care of the skin of the body and face, hair. It has been proven that fetal oil stimulates the formation of elastin and collagen. These substances effectively nourish the skin, filling the deficiency of nutrients.

It is also recommended to add a little avocado oil to the hair shampoo. The beneficial properties of the fruit and its rich composition strengthen the structure of curls, return them a healthy glow.

The use of an alligator pear for face and body care

1. Mask for dry skin. Mashed potatoes are made from the pulp of one avocado, a teaspoon of honey is added there. Everything mixes well, the resulting mass is applied in a thin layer on the face for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure recommended 2 times a week.

2. Mask for oily skin. As in the first case, you need to make mashed avocado, only now a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice is added there. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

3. Peeling of the face and body. The pulp of one fruit is mixed with lemon juice (1 spoon), oatmeal (2 tablespoons). Everything is mixed, egg white is poured into the same place. The resulting mass is applied to the face, décolleté and neck. After 20 minutes, the skin is massaged, then the mixture is washed off with warm water.

Avocado: useful properties for hair, methods of application

1. Nourishing mask. 30 minutes before bathing, the pulp of the fetus is rubbed into the scalp and distributed along the entire length of the hair, a shower cap is put on top.

2. Moisturizing mask. The pulp of avocado is mixed with natural yogurt, you can add a few drops of jojoba essential oil there. The mixture is distributed through the hair, rubbed into the scalp. After 40 minutes, you need to wash everything off with shampoo.

3. Firming mask. The pulp of one fruit is mixed with egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Everything is mixed until a uniform consistency is formed. The resulting mass is applied to the hair, preferably all night, the head is wrapped in a shower cap. In the morning, the hair is washed with shampoo.

Avocado: beneficial properties and medicinal use

Avocado is used to treat and prevent many ailments. It was also proven that eating the pulp of the fetus improves the digestive system, resulting in the disappearance of problems with bowel movements (constipation).

Wellness jam: a recipe "on a note"

The following ingredients will be needed:

• figs;

• dried apricots;

• prunes;

• honey;

• avocados.

All ingredients are prepared in the same proportion. The first time you can take 1 tablespoon and make jam for a sample.


1. Dried fruits 10-15 soaked in warm water, then chopped well with a blender.

2. The peel is removed from the avocado with a knife, the pulp is removed and softened with a spoon or fork.

3. The ingredients are mixed together to form a homogeneous mass and transferred to a convenient storage container.

Therapeutic jam is ready! This vitamin mixture is recommended to eat for both adults and children for the prevention of 1 tablespoon before bedtime. Jam perfectly strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to infections of various origins.

The main contraindications to use

Despite the fact that the avocado has a lot of useful properties, you need to remember about contraindications.

1. The only strict contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance to the product.

2. The fetal bone contains toxins, so it is allowed to use it in small quantities.

3. Avocado oil is not recommended for scratches and open wounds, in order to avoid irritation.

Avocado is a hypoallergenic fruit. It is allowed to be included in the diet of a nursing mother, since there is no harm to the child.

Useful Tips

1. When choosing a fetus, you need to carefully review the peel - there should be no extraneous spots on it.

2. To make sure the fruit is ripe, you need to lightly press on it with your finger. If the avocado is soft, then it is ripe.

3. If the fruit is green, it must be put in the refrigerator for 2-3, so that it ripens and is ready for use.

Avocado, the beneficial properties of which were listed above, is a fruit that must be included in the diet of adults and children. The rich vitamin composition makes up for the deficiency of nutrients. In addition, the alligator pear can be used to make homemade masks for hair and skin care. Such a fruit is useful in the kitchen of every housewife.


Watch the video: Honey: Bacteria's Worst Enemy (June 2024).