Eggplant Lasagna - oh mamma mia! Italian lasagna recipes with eggplant and minced meat, tomatoes, mushrooms, zucchini


Lasagna recipes are incredible.

Why not cook an Italian casserole, even with eggplant. Is it original? Amazingly delicious!

Eggplant Lasagna - General Cooking Principles

Lasagna sheets can be prepared on their own, but it’s easier to use purchased dough. Preliminary preparation is carried out according to the instructions on the package. Some sheets require soaking, others boil. The size of the test is also different. You can meet large layers of a whole shape or very small pieces. In any case, they need to be laid in one layer, alternating with the filling.

Eggplant is always fried before laying in the filling. If necessary, before this, the vegetables are soaked in saline, rinsed, dried.

What else is put in the filling:

• tomatoes, onions, garlic and other vegetables;

• chicken, meat;

• mushrooms;

• cheeses of different types.

Stuffing can be poured with sauces. In the classic version it is bechamel, but you can take any other sauces. The top is covered with hard cheese, which melts well and gives a beautiful crust.

Lasagna baking consists of two stages. First, the dish is prepared under a layer of foil, then baked in the open. This is necessary so that a beautiful crust appears on the surface.

Easy Eggplant Lasagna

For lasagna with eggplant according to this recipe, large sheets are used, only 4 pieces. But you can lay out layers of small pieces of dough.


• 4 sheets of lasagna;

• 2 eggplants;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 0.3 kg of parmesan;

• some oil.

For a simple bechamel sauce:

• 800 ml of milk;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 120 g of drain oil .;

• 2 tsp salts;

• a pinch of nutmeg.


1. The washed eggplant should be cut into pieces, greased with vegetable oil and baked in the oven.

2. For a bechamel sauce, you need a frying pan. Melt butter in it, add flour, stir, warm for a minute. Pour in the milk. Once the mass begins to thicken, add salt and nutmeg. Cool.

3. Lubricate the heat-resistant form with three tablespoons of sauce, put a sheet of dough. Slices of eggplant on it, pour sauce, sprinkle with a quarter of parmesan or other hard cheese.

4. Cover with a sheet of dough. The second layer is formed similarly to the first.

5. In the third layer, add the tomatoes, alternate them with pieces of eggplant. Pour over the sauce, add some cheese.

6. Cover the last leaf with lasagna, pour over the sauce and cover with cheese.

7. Cook the dish under the foil at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

8. Then add the temperature to 210, remove the foil from the dish, bake for another 10-12 minutes, after the appearance of a beautiful crust, the dish can be removed.

Vegetable Lasagna with Eggplant and Ricotta

A variant of a very juicy vegetable lasagna with eggplant. Ready-made dough is used, just one pack of medium size is enough. Tomatoes can be used fresh or canned in their juice.


• 2 glasses of grated squash;

• 1 bunch of greenery;

• 1 onion head;

• 2 eggplants;

• 1 pack of dough sheets;

• 400 g of ricotta cheese;

• 200 g of hard cheese;

• 700 g of tomatoes;

• 2 carrots;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• oil, spices.


1. Eggplant should be cut into circles, sprinkle with salt, leave for a while. Then they need to be washed, dried, fried in a pan.

2. YOU need another pan to cook minced meat. Pour in oil, fry onions and carrots in it, add chopped tomatoes, evaporate excess moisture, season the minced meat with salt,

3. Ricotta should be mixed with grated zucchini, garlic, chopped herbs. Hard cheese just grate, but do not add anywhere.

4. Put half the tomato mass in the molds, cover with a sheet of dough. Lay out the eggplant, make a layer of half the cheese mass with zucchini.

5. Again, cover with a sheet of lasagna, put the eggplant, cheese mass with zucchini, cover all this with tomato minced meat with carrots.

6. Now you need to fill the top of the dish with grated cheese.

7. Cover the mold with foil, bake for 30 minutes at 170 degrees.

8. Remove the foil, cook another 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Eggplant and mince lasagna

A meat version of lasagna, which is cooked without bechamel sauce. Instead of ricotta cheese, you can use ordinary cottage cheese, but preferably fatty. Ideally, rustic cottage cheese made from sour milk.


• 500 g of minced meat;

• 3 eggplants;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• onion head;

• 400 g of tomatoes in their own juice;

• ricotta (cottage cheese) 0.5 kg;

• 100 g parmesan;

• lasagna sheets.


1. Chop the onion, put in a pan with heated oil, you can use fat. Fry for a minute.

2. Cut eggplant into centimeter cubes, fry in a pan with onions.

3. Add minced meat. You don’t need to fry with it for a long time. As soon as the meat loses its pink color and turns gray, crushed tomatoes can be added along with the juice.

4. Salt the filling, evaporate the water and turn it off.

5. Mix ricotta or cottage cheese with salt, garlic, add half the parmesan.

6. Can be harvested with lasagna. Put some minced meat in a mold, cover with sheets. Spread a layer of forcemeat on the dough, grease with a cheese mass. Layers are repeated until the stuffing ends.

7. The top is covered with sheets of dough, smeared with cheese mass with garlic, filled with parmesan.

8. Bake lasagna at 200 degrees for a quarter of an hour under the foil, then another 20 minutes uncoated.

Lasagna with eggplant and mushrooms

Mushroom lasagna with eggplant. You can add minced meat to it, it will be even tastier. Recipe with bechamel sauce.


• 300 g of champignons;

• 3 onion heads;

• 3 eggplants;

• dough sheets;

• 2 tablespoons of pasta;

• oil, spices;

• 300 g of cheese.


• 500 ml of milk;

• 1.5 tablespoons of flour;

• 80 g of oil.


1. Peel the onion heads, chop finely, transfer to a skillet with oil and fry a little.

2. Add chopped mushrooms, cook together. Ten minutes is enough. Transfer to a bowl.

3. Add oil to the skillet, heat it, put the eggplant cut into cubes. Brown the pieces over high heat.

4. Add the pasta, spices, diluted in 100 ml of water to the eggplants, lay out the previously fried mushrooms, simmer together until the whole tomato has evaporated.

5. For the sauce you need to fry the flour in melted butter, season with milk. Warm constantly stirring. The thickened mass must be salt, pepper, remove from heat and cool.

6. Grate the cheese, divide in half. Put one part in the sauce, stir.

7. The bottom of the mold should be greased with sauce, lay out sheets of lasagna. They have mushroom stuffing with eggplant, then a cheese mixture with sauce.

8. Repeat the layers two more times.

9. Cover the top with sheets of dough, pour over the sauce and cover it well with cheese that was previously set aside.

10. A dish is prepared for half an hour under a foil at 180. At the very end, you need to set the temperature to 220, let the cheese fry beautifully.

Eggplant and Chicken Lasagna

A variant of a hearty dish, in which chicken fillet goes. If you want to simplify cooking, you can take smoked breast. It will turn out deliciously with her too.


• lasagna sheets;

• 3 eggplants;

• 500 g fillet;

• 250 g of cheese;

• 4 tomatoes;

• butter;

• 2 onion heads;

• seasonings, garlic.

Bechamel sauce recipe above in the same amount.


1. Dice the onions, fry for a minute.

2. Chicken, too, cut into small cubes, add to the onion. Lightly brown the pieces. You can use minced chicken, salt, season with any spices, cool.

3. Cut the eggplants into cubes, sauté separately, cool, mix with chicken.

4. Tomatoes need to be washed, cut into circles.

5. Add garlic, 150 g grated cheese to bechamel, set aside the rest for the top layer.

6. The dish is collected in the usual way. Smear the bottom of the sauce with sauce, lay out the sheets of lasagna, then the eggplant stuffing, a layer of sauce and tomato slices.

7. Make another 2-3 layers.

8. Top with sheets of dough, pour over the remaining sauce. The dish is filled with cheese, put in the oven.

9. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes under the foil, then the same amount in open form.

Eggplant lasagna without dough

A variation of lasagna that doesn’t even need sheets of dough. Which reduces not only financial costs, but also the calorie content of the dish.


• 2 large eggplants;

• 1 small zucchini;

• spices, olive oil;

• 1 pepper;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 250 g feta cheese;

• 50 g of hard cheese;

• soy sauce;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 0.5 bunch of parsley.


1. Zucchini and eggplant are cut along the plates from 0.5 to 1 centimeter, alternately fried in olive oil.

2. To remove grease, lay the pieces on paper towels.

3. Peppers need to be cut into strips, chop parsley, turn cheese and tomatoes into small cubes. Mix everything together, season with soy sauce and any spices to your taste.

4. Spread a layer of their eggplant, then the vegetable mass.

5. Now a layer of zucchini, filling again. Repeat one more time.

6. Lay out the top of the eggplant or zucchini, you can spread out all that remains.

7. Top smeared with sour cream, covered with grated hard cheese.

8. Bake such lasagna without foil. Temperature 200, time 20-30 minutes.

Eggplant Lasagna - Tips & Tricks

• To prevent the lasagna from falling apart, the dish kept its shape; do not cut it immediately. Let stand a little, get stronger.

• When boiling dough, use plenty of water. 100 g of dry product will require at least a liter.

• To make the dish stronger, you can lay the dough crosswise. First, let the sheets run along, then lay out the filling, lay the following strips across.

• The sauce turned out a little, nothing to water the dish? You can use regular sour cream with spices or mayonnaise. Cover the layer with sauce, cheese chips.

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