Ice cream: a step-by-step recipe for your favorite treat. Ice cream, chocolate, banana and curd ice cream (step by step recipes)


How many different ice creams are in the store! Eyes run up from the assortment! But, unfortunately, the composition of the goodies is not happy and is not always clear. Sugar with eggs and milk remained in the distant childhood, they were replaced by strange letters and numbers.

What not add to modern desserts. It is much safer and more interesting to cook at home. Here are the simplest step by step recipes for delicious ice cream.

Ice cream - general principles of preparation

For homemade ice cream you will need cream or milk. Some recipes use both ingredients, for example. In a classic ice cream. Milk is usually made like a custard mass. Chocolate may be added. If cream is used, then they are whipped into a lush foam, which, after adding other ingredients, hardens and gives the delicacy splendor.

What else is added to ice cream:

• yolks;

• sugar;

• butter;

• cocoa, vanilla.

Below is a wonderful step-by-step recipe for banana ice cream, it turns out delicate and fragrant. There are also options for using other fruits. In any case, the treat will take time to harden. If it is immediately frozen, pieces of ice may appear. Therefore, as it hardens. Ice cream needs to be whipped periodically or just mix well several times.

For freezing, you can use special molds. Usually they are made of silicone and have popsicle sticks. Either put the mass in another dish at hand or freeze in the total mass, then collect the desired amount and form portions, supplement with berries and fruits.

The most creamy ice cream: a step by step recipe for a real ice cream

In a step-by-step ice cream recipe, cream 33% is indicated. If you take a less fatty product, then it will not be able to beat, the ice cream will turn out to be dense. You can use vegetable cream for whipping, with them ice cream is also obtained, but the taste is different.


• 100 ml of milk;

• 200 ml of cream with a fat content of 30% and above;

• two raw yolks;

• 60 grams of sugar;

• a small vanilla pod.


1. Take a pan in which the milk does not burn, pour it. Add prescription granulated sugar.

2. To prepare a real ice cream, it is better to use a vanilla pod. But, if it is not, then replace the vanilla sugar from the bag. Cut the pod, pour into milk.

3. Put the saucepan on the stove, heat the milk almost to a boil, remove the vanilla pods.

4. Beat the yolks with a whisk, introduce hot milk with a thin stream, stir very quickly. Yolks should not be cooked in lumps.

5. Pour it all back into the saucepan, put on the stove. Cook custard until slightly thickened. We do not allow to boil actively, as soon as the first bubbles appear, quickly remove from the heat. During cooking, stir the mass so that it does not burn.

6. The cream is cooled to room temperature. To make it all faster, you can put the saucepan in cold water.

7. Pour the cream in a clean bowl, whisk in a dense foam.

8. As soon as the cream becomes thick and lush, we introduce custard on a spoon. Now we do not do high speed, just gently mix with a mixer.

9. Put ice cream in the freezer for 30 minutes. Or just focus on the formation of a crust.

10. We get a treat starting to freeze, once again we interrupt with a mixer or just stir with a spoon, it is necessary to break the icy layers. Sent to the freezer for another 30-60 minutes.

11. Take out again, re-stir. This is necessary so that there are no ice crystals and frozen solid lumps in the mass.

12. Put the ice cream in cups or in special molds. But you can leave it in the container, then to collect balls with a special spoon. We clean again in the freezer. Now we stand 3-5 hours until completely solidified.

Egg-Free Chocolate Ice Cream: A Step-By-Step Recipe

A step by step recipe for chocolate flavored ice cream. Of course, you can use cocoa for it, but it will be completely different. We choose a good high-quality tile with a cocoa content of at least 70%. This treat is prepared without eggs.


• 100 g of dark chocolate;

• 300 ml cream 33%;

• 125 ml of whole milk 2-3.5%;

• 7 tbsp. l Sahara.


1. Pour sugar in a saucepan, add milk, put on a stove. Stirring to dissolve everything on a small fire, overheating is not necessary.

2. Open the chocolate bar, break the tiles into pieces or chop with a knife, add to milk. Continue heating until all the chocolate has completely dissolved. Do not do big fire, stir regularly.

3. Remove chocolate milk from the heat, cool to room temperature. But make sure that the mixture does not thicken.

4. Remove the cream from the refrigerator, measure the right amount, beat the steep foam with a mixer.

5. Add the chocolate mass with milk to the whipped cream in parts. Stir until smooth. If desired, we additionally throw a pinch of vanilla, stir.

6. Put chocolate ice cream in the refrigerator for an hour, cover the container.

7. Remove the hardening mass, mix thoroughly or beat with a mixer. We do everything quickly so that the ice cream does not heat up and does not melt.

8. Now you need to quickly decompose the chocolate mass into molds, put in the freezer for complete solidification.

9. Either close again, completely cool the container, as you like.

10. When serving, such ice cream can be additionally sprinkled with chocolate chips or poured with melted tiles, any glaze, sprinkled with nuts.

Banana ice cream: a step-by-step recipe for the easiest treat

A detailed homemade step by step recipe for banana ice cream with milk. This delicacy has a very pleasant aroma and delicate taste. Ice cream is light. Since it does not contain fat cream.


• four medium-sized bananas;

• 0.5 cups of granulated sugar;

• 0.5 cups of plain milk;

• half a lemon.


1. Choose ripe but not black bananas. It is advisable to smell them in the store. If the fruit smells even through the peel, then it will certainly be sweet and delicious. If no flavor comes out, then the banana is fodder. Peel the fruit, cut the bananas in small pieces.

2. We shift the main ingredient. Into a blender bowl or just in a bowl convenient for chopping.

3. Beat slices of banana for a minute until smooth.

4. Squeeze the juice from the lemon to the banana. This ingredient will not allow mashed potatoes to darken and lose a pleasant shade. If the citrus is large, then we take only a quarter, otherwise the ice cream will turn sour.

5. Beat for a few seconds with lemon juice.

6. Now add the granulated sugar. You can take brown sugar for ice cream, it will turn out even better. When using sweet bananas, you can reduce the amount of sugar.

7. And immediately add whole milk. You can take instead a cow cream of low fat content of 10-15%.

8. Now whisk it all for about three minutes, so that the mass is not only homogeneous, but also magnificent.

9. Put the banana cream in a bowl, send it to the freezer for an hour.

10. We get out, quickly stir. If necessary, lay out in portioned molds.

11. We clean in the freezer. Leave to solidify for 5 hours.

Curd ice cream: a step by step recipe

A step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese ice cream with cream brulee flavor. A very tasty and healthy treat for children and adults. To get a taste of creme brulee, use boiled condensed milk. Additionally, sugar is not needed.


• 250 g of cottage cheese;

• 60 ml of milk;

• 0.5 cans of thick boiled condensed milk.


1. Cottage cheese must be wiped through a sieve or killed with a blender, there should not be large pieces in the product. It is better to use a fatty product in excess of 9%, in this case the ice cream will be tender, uniform, there will be no lumps in it, the astringency inherent in the product will go away.

2. Put boiled condensed milk from a jar into a bowl, on average 150-200 grams are needed.

3. Add ordinary whole milk of any fat content to boiled condensed milk. Beat everything together or just rub well, the mass should resemble a cream of a semi-liquid consistency.

4. Now we combine the previously prepared cottage cheese and the mass of boiled condensed milk. Immerse the mixer and beat for several minutes to make the mixture a little fluffy.

5. If desired, add caramel or chopped chocolate to the curd mass, you can cut one half of the marshmallows or several pieces of marmalade. We fall asleep in curd ice cream. Stir thoroughly.

6. This ice cream can be immediately decomposed into portioned molds and put to cool in the freezer.

7. Or we leave it in a common container, put it like this. In this case, after an hour it will be possible to stir the freezing layer with a spoon.

Homemade Ice Cream - Tips & Tricks

• If there are no special molds for ice cream, then you can use small cups from cottage cheese and yogurt.

• The taste of any ice cream can be changed by adding chocolate chips, chopped and fried nuts, dried fruits, seeds. But put all this into the cooked mass until it hardens. When forming portioned goodies in molds, you can lay out ice cream and filling in layers.

• If you add a small spoonful of cognac to the ice cream, then the treat will have a slight nutty flavor.

• Part of the sugar in ice cream can be replaced with honey, this product gives a very pleasant aftertaste and a special aroma.

• Ice cream does not want to be removed from the mold? Dip it in hot water for a few seconds, and getting a treat is easy. Only you need to do this carefully so that hot water does not get on the ice cream itself.


Watch the video: Banana Ice Cream Without Machine - Homemade Ice Cream Recipe - Kitchen With Amna (June 2024).