Potato zrazy: step-by-step recipes for golden cutlets or pies? All the secrets, cooking and toppings for potato zrazy (step by step)


Potato zrazy is a kind of stuffed pies, which are not prepared from a simple dough. At the heart of mashed potatoes, cooked in a special way. Fillings can be used any to your taste. Here are collected step-by-step recipes for potato zrazy with the most delicious filling.

Potato zrazy - general principles of preparation

Young potatoes for zraz will not work. Vegetables need to be taken mature, can be stale. The tubers are boiled in a peel or peeled, but not finely chopped, then poured with water and boiled. With boiled potatoes, you need to drain all the water, the liquid should not remain. Then it is crushed to homogeneity. The mass will not quite look like mashed potatoes, it will be thick. Eggs are added to it, but not always. The consistency is straightened with flour. On a kilogram of potatoes puts 2-4 tablespoons.

What toppings can be used:

• mushroom, vegetable;

• from meat or poultry;

• from cheese, eggs;

• from fish;

• sauerkraut, pickles, olives;

• from sausages, sausages, smoked meats.

The filling is brought to full readiness. From potato dough, pies with forcemeat are made, in a classic shape or in the form of cutlets. Then the products are breaded in crackers or just in wheat flour.

Zrazy is often cooked in a pan, simply fried on both sides. But they can also be baked in the oven, there is such a recipe below. Serve the dish immediately while it is hot. Cold potato zrazy are not so tasty.

Potato zrazy: step by step recipe with mushrooms

A step-by-step recipe for potato zrazy with mushrooms. You can use honey mushrooms, champignons or any other species. It is better to cook potatoes in advance so that it dries a little.


• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 300 g of mushrooms;

• 70 g of onions;

• butter and spices;

• egg;

• flour.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut each tuber in half, put in a pan. Pour with water, add a few twigs of parsley or dill, throw a bay leaf, peppercorns, boil. But do not boil. Pieces should remain tight. At the very end you need to salt.

2. Pour water out of the pan immediately so that the vegetable is not saturated. We shift the potatoes into a large bowl, leave to cool for an hour, as much as possible. Let the vegetable dry on top.

3. We are engaged in the filling. We cut the mushrooms into pieces, you do not need to do large coarsely. Put in a pan with oil, lightly fry. If mushrooms are collected in the forest, then before that they must first be boiled in a pan with water, you can also add spices. Then drain the water, cut the mushrooms, send to fry.

4. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, add to the almost ready mushrooms and fry everything together for a couple of minutes.

5. Season the filling with spices to your taste. Usually it is salt and pepper. But greens are welcome, you can squeeze a clove of garlic or put a spoonful of tomato paste. Stir thoroughly, leave to cool.

6. Go back to the potatoes. It needs to be chopped. The harvester can not be used for this, only a crush or scroll the vegetable through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Grind in any convenient way until smooth, lumps should not remain.

7. Add the egg and two tablespoons of flour to the potato dough, knead thoroughly, you do not need to add spices to it, as they can burn during frying. Potato dough in itself will turn out fragrant, since when cooking, laurel and greens were added to the pan. You can try on salt, if necessary add.

8. Pour a little flour onto the board.

9. Nip off a slice of potato dough or scoop up with a spoon, flatten a neat cake on a flour sprinkled palm, put a little mushroom filling in the center.

10. Pinch the edges, mold the pie. Align palms form. Put on a flour sprinkled board.

11. Blind in this way the remaining zrazy with mushroom filling. Spread on the board.

12. Heat the vegetable oil in a wide pan.

13. Take one eye, flatten to a thickness of two centimeters, carefully lay out in warmed oil. Do the same with the rest of the formed products.

14. Fry the potato zrazy first on one side until rosy, then turn over and cook the second side.

15. Put the dish on a flat plate, serve with sour cream, garnish with herbs.

Potato zrazy: step by step recipe with cheese and egg in the oven

This dish is not very high-calorie, as it is baked. A step-by-step recipe for potato zrazy in the oven with a very tasty filling. But if you wish, you can also cook a dish with mushrooms, chicken or meat, vegetables. Everything will work out the same.


• kilogram of potatoes;

• 2-3 tablespoons of flour;

• 4 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of milk;

• 120g of cheese;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 5 branches of dill;

• spices, a little oil.


1. Boil potatoes in the usual way, but do not digest. Remove all water, cool and chop tubers. Let it cool down a bit.

2. Two hard boiled eggs on a plate, they are needed for the filling.

3. Break one raw egg, remove the yolk, it is needed to lubricate zraz.

4. Combine the separated protein with one whole egg, shake with a fork and transfer to chopped potatoes. Fill the dough with flour, stir.

5. Cut the boiled egg into cubes or rub into a bowl.

6. Cheese, too, grate, you can immediately grate and a clove of garlic. Add chopped dill, add salt and mix thoroughly the cooked filling. If the cheese is dry, then you can add a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise, it will turn out even tastier.

7. Separate 1.5 tablespoons of potato dough, mold a cake, put a little cheese and egg filling in the center, and mold a cake.

8. Flattening the zrazy to be baked in the oven is optional. You can leave them chubby, chubby. But immediately we attach a neat shape, shift to a greased baking sheet, place a seam from below.

9. Take the yolk. Which previously set, whisk it with two tablespoons of milk or cream, brush all the zrazy on a baking sheet with a brush. We are trying to work out all the side parts so that they also beautifully brown.

10. Since the filling and potato dough are almost ready, you just need to brown well in the oven. Therefore, we put the oven for 10-15 minutes in a preheated to 210-220 degrees.

Potato zrazy: step by step recipe with minced meat in a pan

One of the favorite fillings is meat! In a step-by-step recipe for potato zraz, minced meat is used, you can take any kind, a mixture of beef with pork, poultry, lamb. In general, we make the filling to your taste, taking into account personal preferences.


• 800 g of potatoes (peeled);

• 220 g minced meat;

• 5 tbsp. l breadcrumbs. crackers;

• onion head;

• 50 ml of oil;

• egg;

• 3-4 tablespoons of flour.


1. Cut the peeled potatoes into four parts, put in a pan, pour water, but a lot of liquid does not need to be added. Let it barely cover the vegetable to preserve starch as much as possible. Salt after boiling.

2. Put on the stove, cook until soft.

3. While the potatoes are being prepared, we make the filling. Cut the onion into cubes. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan and start frying the vegetable. If you put the stuffing first, then the onion will turn out like boiled. Better fry it a little.

4. After a couple of minutes, add minced meat to the pan, stir with onion and fry together. The filling should reach almost ready.

5. Add salt to the filling, pepper, if desired, throw a little garlic or a spoonful of tomato paste, with it the mince will turn out even tastier. Fry for a minute and turn it off.

6. Pour the broth from the cooked potatoes, you do not need to leave anything extra in the pan. Remove the lid and cool slightly.

7. Knead the potatoes with a special pusher.

8. Add one large egg to it or lay a couple of small ones, stir.

9. First add two tablespoons of flour, if necessary add a little more. It should be sticky dough.

10. Pour breadcrumbs into a clean and dry plate.

11. Nip off a piece of potato mass. Flatten in the palm of your hand to make a cake. We put a little stuffing from minced meat in the center.

12. Carefully collect the edges, form a pie. Optionally sharpen the edges.

13. Immediately shift to a plate with breadcrumbs, sprinkle on top, gently pick up and form immediately, pressing the crackers to the potato dough.

14. We form all the other zrazy, try to evenly distribute the minced meat. We spread it on the cutting board for now.

15. Pour oil into the pan. You do not need to add much, a thin layer is enough. We put on the stove, warm. If the oil is not sufficiently warmed, then the breadcrumbs will begin to absorb it.

16. Flatten the zrazy, put a few pieces on the pan. They should not touch.

17. Fry on one side until golden brown.

18. Then we turn over and brown the second side. It is not necessary to cover the pan.

19. We take out the rosy zrazy on a plate covered with napkins. Remove excess oil, serve.

Potato zrazy - useful tips and tricks

• Replace breadcrumbs with chopped salted crackers or ground oatmeal. You can roll zrazy in semolina, add sesame or nuts to the breading.

• If the potato dough does not want to keep in shape, crumbles, then you can add another egg or a little potato starch to it.

• Zrazy will be very beautiful and yellow if you add turmeric or a ready-made curry mixture to the dough from potatoes.

• If the potato is friable, then you need to boil the tubers only in their uniforms and do it in advance, you can stand for several hours in the refrigerator, then twist through a meat grinder.


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