Wonderful turmeric face mask: what is its use? The best recipes for their face masks of turmeric with honey, aloe cream


Oriental spice turmeric - a magical cosmetic product. Did not know? It's time to get to know this product closer and figure out why turmeric face masks are so good.

Turmeric benefits for skin

Turmeric contains many substances that are beneficial to the human body. It has ascorbic acid, the rarest vitamin K, a whole range of B vitamins, and even essential oils. Curcumin gives the wonderful orange color to this spice. This substance is unique: it stops inflammation and stops the development of cancerous tumors.

In folk medicine, turmeric is used to treat wounds, burns, cuts. Cosmetic oil, which has powerful antiseptic properties, is made from spices. It relieves inflammation, preventing the appearance of acne, and heals skin microtraumas.

In home cosmetology, spice is used for all skin types. It not only destroys pathogenic bacterial microflora, but also cleanses the pores, removes hyperpigmentation, smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stimulates cell renewal and rejuvenates the skin.

Cosmetic properties of turmeric face masks

Turmeric powder is an effective way to restore the health and youth of the skin. As part of homemade masks, spice works on any skin. Its effect is beneficial due to biologically active substances in the composition:

• relieves skin irritation, providing an antiseptic effect (essential oils, ascorbic acid);

• has anti-inflammatory effect (pyridoxine);

• reduces the negative reaction to external stimuli (folic acid);

• rejuvenates and stimulates regeneration (antioxidants, niacin, vitamin C);

• heals pores, removes greasy skin (choline).

Turmeric is the strongest spice in terms of its effect on the body. Therefore, you need to use it carefully, remembering that the best is the enemy of the good. It is impossible to apply face masks from turmeric for face every day in the hope of changing faster. Course course of the procedure - 10 times with a frequency of 3 days. To maintain the result, do masks 1 time in 7-10 days.

Recipes of the best turmeric masks

For turmeric face masks, use freshly ground spice or prepared essential oil. The approximate content of turmeric in a teaspoon is 4 g (a small slide) or 5 g (a spoon with a slide).

Nourishing Anti-Aging Mask

The composition is especially beneficial for aging, lost skin tone. But for young skin, a mask will be useful if you need to fill the dermis with vitamins, relieve dryness, fatigue.


• five drops of turmeric essential oil;

• three drops of black cumin oil;

• a teaspoon of juice or pharmacy extract of aloe;

• dessert spoon of fat sour cream.

Apply to cleansed skin. Very good if you can pre-steam it. So the nutrients penetrate deep into the dermis. Rinse with hibiscus broth or fresh green tea. Wipe your face with tonic, apply a light cream like skin.

Anti-inflammatory mask

To soothe inflamed skin, remove redness and irritation, dry pimples, use this mixture.


• two grams of turmeric;

• a tablespoon of thick natural yogurt;

• three teaspoons of brown or green lentils.

Grind dry lentils in a coffee grinder, mix the resulting flour with yogurt. Please note: sweet yogurt with additives is not suitable for masks. Add turmeric, apply on face. Wash off the turmeric face mask with plain water. Spot acne with acetylsalicylic acid, fresh grapefruit juice or calendula tincture.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The use of this mask will gradually smooth skin creases, return a pleasant pink color to the face. The composition accelerates blood circulation, cleanses well, soothes the skin, burned by solar ultraviolet. This turmeric face mask is very good in summer when the sun is active.


• three grams of turmeric;

• three tablespoons of fat cottage cheese;

• raw yolk;

• three tablespoons of cream.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Beat the yolk. Mix the ingredients on the skin. After rinsing with ordinary water, wash with a decoction of chamomile or dog rose.

Mask for dry skin

The composition nourishes the skin with nutrients, awakens the dermis, removes a grayish tint. Using this face turmeric mask regularly will prevent early wrinkles.


• two grams of turmeric;

• five drops of turmeric oil;

• two drops of sesame oil;

• the flesh of a small banana.

Mash the banana with a fork. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. Rinse off the mask, treat with a tonic for dry skin and apply a moisturizer.

Whitening cleansing mask for problem skin

The combination of components in this composition will make the skin soft, whiten and stop rashes.


• three grams of turmeric;

• three tablespoons of hercules;

• two tablespoons of rice flour;

• a solution of vitamin B 6 or B 12.

Grind rice and hercules (separately) in a coffee grinder to get cereal flour. Rice flour whitens perfectly, oatmeal cleanses and nourishes. Mix the components, gradually adding warm boiled water, bring the mass to a creamy state. Apply as a mask. Rinse with warm water.

Refreshing Nourishing Mask

Honey is a unique product with powerful cosmetic potential. To nourish the skin with useful substances, refresh color, tone, use this composition.


• three grams of turmeric;

• a teaspoon of honey;

• a tablespoon of tangerine or orange juice;

• a tablespoon of starch.

Heat honey to reduce its viscosity. Squeeze juice from citrus. Mix the components and apply on the face. wash with cooled green tea.

Cleansing Whitening for Normal to Oily Skin

This mask contains clay. In combination with turmeric, the composition will help get rid of hyperpigmentation, gradually smoothing acne spots.


• three grams of turmeric;

• ten grams of white clay;

• five grams of pink clay;

• two tablespoons of parsley or plantain;

• a teaspoon of tocopherol oil solution (vitamin E).

Brew plantain or parsley, cool. Combine the dry components of the mask. Dilute the composition with a decoction so that a pleasant creamy consistency is obtained. Apply to skin, lie down. Do not allow the clay to dry completely so as not to damage the skin: spray your face with water. Hold the mask for 20 minutes, rinse and apply a moisturizer.

Moisturizing Toning Mask

The combination of turmeric and milk has a beneficial effect on the skin with the first signs of wilting. After thirty years, be sure to include this recipe in regular facial treatments.


• four grams of turmeric;

• a teaspoon of olive oil;

• four tablespoons of warm milk;

• two tablespoons of cornmeal.

Preheat the milk. It is better to use a whole product of normal or high fat content. Mix milk with flour and butter so that there are no lumps. Add turmeric. If it turns out thickly, add some more milk. Apply on face. Rinse, tonic and moisturize your skin.

Nourishing mask for normal skin

This composition will saturate the skin with natural vitamins, oils, carotene. The mask will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin.


• two grams of turmeric;

• three tablespoons of mashed carrot;

• two tablespoons of sour cream.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater to make a smoothie. Mix with sour cream. Add turmeric. Apply the mask in a thick layer. After washing, wipe the skin with a tonic.

Lifting mask for mature skin

A tightening effect provides a combination of the components of this face turmeric mask. In winter, it protects from the cold, in summer it improves the skin's immunity. The composition returns the dermis elasticity, fills with life-giving force, relieves dryness.


• three grams of turmeric;

• half a teaspoon of hazelnut oil;

• a raw egg;

• a tablespoon of starch.

Beat the egg, mix with starch. Add all other ingredients. Apply to skin. Rinse with a decoction of pink petals. Apply anti-aging cream.

Contraindications to the use of masks of turmeric

No matter how wonderful the effects of turmeric, there are times when you can’t use a mask with this component. Do not apply the composition to the skin if there are microtraumas and severe peeling. For sensitive skin, a turmeric mask may appear too active and irritation will occur.

Using home cosmetics for the first time, be sure to conduct an allergy test. Apply a little mass to the inside of the wrist or elbow. If after 10-15 minutes the skin does not turn red, you can use the product.


Watch the video: Get Clear, Bright & Acne Free SkinDIY Face Mask (June 2024).