Easy recipes for homemade meatball soups (step by step). Meat, Chicken, and Fish Soups


Soups with meatballs - a dish known to many housewives. It is prepared simply and quickly, with little effort it turns out delicious. The soup has a fairly attractive appearance, meat balls attract not only the baby.

There are perhaps countless options for meatball soups. They are cooked mainly with potatoes, and supplemented with vegetables, cereals, noodles. The selection contains several options for the most popular meatball soups. The step by step recipes describe in detail how to cook meat or fish meatballs, which stuffing is better to choose.

Potato, noodle, fish or tomato soup with meatballs - choose any step-by-step recipe and delight your loved ones with a delicious aromatic dinner.

General principles for cooking soups with meatballs according to step by step recipes

• Meatball soups belong to the category of light dishes. They do not need to cook the broth, the first dish is cooked in water. But if you have free time, based on detailed step-by-step recipes, for the soup with meatballs you can cook the corresponding broth.

• Meatballs - this is different, but usually small, size balls of minced meat, which can be meat, chicken, turkey and even fish. As with any minced meat dish, it is advisable to grind meat or fish yourself. If you use a purchased semi-finished product, purchase only high-quality. Minced meat for meatballs should not be liquid, it is desirable that the pieces of minced meat are clearly defined in it.

• To make meatballs juicy, add onions to them. It is finely cut, ground on a grater or twisted in a meat grinder along with meat. Season the minced meat with black pepper, and other spices suitable for a particular type of soup are acceptable. It is necessarily salted, but a little, it should be borne in mind that the soup itself must be salted. Additionally, eggs, breadcrumbs and even breadcrumbs can interfere with minced meat.

• With meatballs, most often cooked potato or noodle soup, there are options for the first with vegetables and cereals.

Potato Soup with Meatballs: A Step-by-Step Recipe

Light soup with hearty meatballs. Minced meat is desirable from two types of meat. Take lean pork and beef in equal parts or use quality minced meat. According to a step-by-step recipe for soup, meatballs are prepared from minced meat, in which breadcrumbs interfere. They can be replaced with semolina or crushed white bread soaked in water.


• a pound of meat, preferably mixed minced meat;

• three tablespoons of breadcrumbs;

• five large potatoes;

• medium-sized carrots;

• vegetable oil for frying vegetables;

• a small onion head;

• two dark leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method:

1. Put the prepared stuffing in a bowl. Add breadcrumbs, a little pepper and salt. Mixing thoroughly, stand for 15 minutes. It is advisable to take bread crumbs coarse grinding and always white. However, you can cook them yourself or even replace the crumb of white bread. Before mixing bread with minced meat, it must be soaked in water for 10 minutes, and then squeezed. We make round meatballs from the forcemeat about 3 cm in size, lay them on the table or cutting board.

2. Fill the pan with water. Having poured into a three-liter container no more than two and a half liters, or a little less, put on the stove to heat up. While the water is boiling, prepare the vegetables.

3. After peeling the carrots, onions and potatoes, wash. Rub carrots on medium or fine grater. Cut the potatoes into thin cubes or small cubes, and cut the onion into small slices.

4. Dip the potatoes in a pot of boiling water and wait for boiling again. At this time, foam will float to the surface of the water, it must be carefully collected. Reduce the fire, try to set the heat so that the contents of the pan only boil a little. Covering with a lid, leave, and ourselves at this time are engaged in frying.

5. Pouring in a warm pan about two tablespoons of oil, gently lower the onions and carrots, do not mix vegetables, turn on medium heat. The first 30 seconds do not touch, let the vegetables let the juice, then, stirring systematically, fry the carrots with onions until soft.

6. Check the potatoes, get the largest piece and try it. If the potatoes are already soft, put the meatballs in the pan. We add heat, wait for boiling. Rising to the surface of the soup, remove the varnish as carefully as the foam from the potatoes.

7. After waiting a quarter of an hour from laying the meatballs, put the vegetable frying in the broth, lower the lavrushka, add salt. Let the soup boil over low heat for about five minutes, and remove from the stove.

8. For a greater flavor, two minutes before being ready, you can add a little fresh or dried dill to the soup.

Light tomato soup with meatballs: a step-by-step recipe with vegetables and rice

A universal step-by-step recipe for soup, any meat is suitable for meatballs, depending on what taste you want to get. Vegetables and tomatoes go well not only with meat, poultry, but also with fish. For satiety, rice is added to the soup.


• one medium fruit of bell pepper;

• 350 gr. minced meat;

• two onions;

• three tablespoons of rice;

• one sweet, medium-sized carrot;

• three non-digestible potatoes of small size;

• 40 ml of lean, highly purified oil;

• bay leaf;

• fresh dill;

• a spoon of unsalted tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking meatballs. Finely chop one onion, put the minced meat in a bowl, add onion, salt a little and put a third of a spoon of ground pepper. We mix everything well with a spoon, then we take the meat mass in our hands and several times sharply hit it on the table. Having wetted our hands with water, we form balls of minced meat of a small size.

2. Pouring a little water into the stewpan, quickly heat. Immediately after boiling water, lower the meatballs and cook under the lid for five minutes.

3. Cooking the roast. We cut the remaining onion into small slices, carrots and bell peppers in small cubes or straws.

4. Pouring 2 tablespoons of oil into a clean frying pan, slowly warm, put onions and fry over medium heat. For uniform steaming, periodically mix. As soon as the onion slices get a rosy hue, add carrots and bell pepper. We cook all together for another three minutes and spread the tomato to the vegetables. After stirring well, heat the roast over low heat for about three minutes and turn it off.

5. Peel the potatoes. Cut the tubers into plates, and then cut into cubes. We sort and thoroughly rinse rice with cool water.

6. Fill the pan with any prepared broth or water. The reduced quantity of products will require exactly 2.5 liters of liquid. Bringing to a boil, lower the potatoes and washed cereals into the pan, wait for the second boiling. During this time, you need to stir a couple of times so that the pictures do not stick to the bottom. After boiling, remove the heat to medium or slightly lower, and cook the cereal with potatoes for about seven minutes.

7. After that, put the boiled meatballs in the pan and pour the broth remaining in the stewpan into the saucepan. After five minutes, add the roast, bay leaf, add and bring to readiness. When the potato on the sample becomes soft, add finely chopped dill. Remove the meatball soup from the heat and insist on a quarter of an hour.

Meatball Vermicelli Soup: Step-by-Step Chicken Recipe

Light chicken soup with vermicelli. In a step-by-step recipe for soup, meatballs are prepared from breast fillets. For juiciness, the crumb of the loaf soaked in milk interferes with the minced meat. It is advisable to take vermicelli small, with large pasta, the first dish does not look so impressive.


• fresh, chilled, chicken breast (fillet only) - 400 gr.;

• one and a half liters of water or chicken stock;

• half a glass of shallow vermicelli;

• small zucchini;

• two small onions;

• three branches of dill;

• a bunch of onion feathers;

• sweet carrot;

• two slices of loaf;

• half a glass of medium-fat pasteurized milk;

• vegetable oil, high quality.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fillet, cut into large pieces and twist into minced meat. At the same time, it is advisable to install a net with the smallest holes, if there is none, twist the chicken twice. For grinding, you can use a blender.

2. Cut the crust from slices of the loaf, pour the crumb with milk, wait ten minutes, so that it swells well. Then hands squeeze out excess milk from the crumb and put it in a bowl, to the minced meat.

3. Cut a small onion into small cubes or grind with a coarse grater. We spread the onion to the minced meat, add a little pepper and slightly add. Thoroughly mixing the meat mass with your hands, cover the bowl with a lid and remove for half an hour in the refrigerator.

4. While the minced meat is cooling, prepare roasting. Finely chop the onion and fry it in vegetable oil to an amber hue. In this case, do not forget to periodically mix, so that it is steamed and fried evenly.

5. While the onions are stewed, prepare the vegetables. We peel the carrots, cut the peel from the zucchini, cut into cubes, finely, put in a pan with onions and simmer for very five minutes on a very moderate fire.

6. While preparing the roasting, put the boil water (broth), and from the chilled minced meat we form small balls.

7. Dip the fried vegetables into the boiling liquid, boil for 5 minutes, and dip the meatballs into the soup. Bring to a boil, then boil for seven minutes. Pour vermicelli into the soup and bring it to a boil again. We simmer soup for three minutes over low heat, then remove from the stove.

8. Cut the dill and onion feathers finely. Sprinkle the soup with herbs.

Meatball fish soup: step by step recipe with potatoes

Fans of fish dishes - a step-by-step recipe for soup with fish meatballs. For minced meat, it is advisable to use fillets of marine species, their meat contains fewer small bones. As in the case of minced meat, soaked bread or bread crumbs is added to it.


• thawed fillet of sea fish - 400 gr.;

• one egg;

• two liters of water;

• 2 small carrots;

• three potatoes;

• bitter onion - 2 heads;

• two tablespoons of frozen oil;

• a pair of bay leaves;

• set of spices "For fish dishes";

• any fresh greens and be sure to feather onions for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the fish fillet thawed at room temperature thoroughly. If the fish has skin, carefully remove it, but you can leave it. We chop the fish large and grind it twice with a meat grinder. During re-grinding, we pass one onion through a meat grinder. Slightly adding the minced fish, season it with freshly ground pepper, pour in the egg and stir well. Covering with a lid, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Peel the carrots, the remaining onion and potatoes. Cut carrots and potatoes into medium-sized, thin cubes, onion into small slices. Fry carrots with onions in vegetable oil until a pleasant golden hue.

3. Filling the pan with water, set to maximum heating. In the boiling water, dip the potatoes, after boiling a second time, lay out the vegetable fry. White foam will rise from the potato to the surface of the soup, it should be carefully removed, and this must be done before adding the roast. Cook the potatoes until soft.

4. We get minced fish from the refrigerator. After wetting the hands with water, we fashion balls, the size of an average plum. Put the meatballs in the soup when the potatoes are ready. Bringing the boil, boil the meatballs for a quarter of an hour.

5. Put the bay leaf, add some ready-made spices, add salt. Remove the soup from the stove and let stand for 20 minutes.

6. Having washed the greens, wipe dry with a linen towel or lay out on it. After drying, cut the feathers of the onion into thin rings, chop the dill finely. Sprinkle fish soup with fresh herbs when serving.

Tips for cooking soups with meatballs according to step-by-step recipes - recommendations and useful tips

• It is not necessary to insert an egg into the meatballs. It makes them tight and harsh. The pieces of ground meat will stick together well if the minced meat is beaten off well.

• Roasting, although it is cooked in vegetable oil, increases the calorie content of a dish. To prepare a diet soup with meatballs according to any step-by-step recipe, lay the vegetables raw. If you do not like boiled onions, exclude it or put the whole onion. Once ready, it must be removed.

• It is desirable to grind the fish fillet twice, this will get rid of the smallest bones. When assembling the meat grinder, install the grill with the smallest holes.
